Storm Surge Of Bias

Did Trump stop hurricane?

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I have family in North Carolina...they have been evacuated...they have all said they have never seen a staging of first responder's like this in any storm...Every street has national guard troops in place.....I have the feeling Trump is not going to give the libtard media any ammo at all....
I'm going to guess the governors and mayors are white and acting appropriately & professionally.
Editorial: Storm surge of bias

Editorial: Storm surge of bias | Boston Herald
As if the media hadn’t already covered itself in shame this week by using 9/11 to malign President Trump, it is now using Hurricane Florence as a cudgel with which to beat him. Yesterday, The Washington Post’s editorial board ran a piece titled, “Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.” Complicit! You read that right. But they weren’t through. “When it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit,” it read. “He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks. It is hard to attribute any single weather event to climate change. But there is no reasonable doubt that humans are priming the Earth’s systems to produce disasters.”... Comedians, talk show hosts, journalists and now editorial boards have tossed aside all pretext and morphed into hysterical activists, lecturing, hectoring and panicking at every turn.Tantrums are easy. Conversations are harder but the exchange of ideas benefits a society. Those who look to stifle debate or inspire fear among the masses are complicit in creating the unfortunate fallout.

These Progressive Leftists, Fifth Columnist propaganda spewing ideologs are literally blaming Trump for hurricanes, meanwhile the deep state wants to simultaneously shut down any alternative news channels and the internet that would differ in their attacks. This is just further proof that the Left wing Fifth Column media has become a really bad joke, is no more believable than Pravda or the Völkischer Beobachter, and that Trump was right, they truly are the enemy of the people
No doubt the Leftist media is now in full 'hair on fire mode' that is what hate has done to them. It eats their souls and they have become unable to think logically. As a 'collective' anything goes to feed the hate machine and it certainly appears they've reached and gone beyond that point.
The "Resistance", has jumped the shark. They are no longer rational and don't care if they get called out on it.
We are heading for either very dark times, or a revolution.
Helsinki, tvaritch...
Lefties must be so mad the Hurricane is now a Cat 2, and dropping in speed.

It will be very wet, but the lefties are praying for large loss of life so they can blame Trump.
How is anything they said wrong?
Pretty much all of it is wrong.
Point out one sentence.
Saying Trump causes Hurricanes.

You folks are like little kids, thinking you can blame the weather on Trump.

It takes a very disturbed person to actually dream that shit up, much less believe it.
But that isn't what they said.
Well then you can't read.
How is anything they said wrong?
Pretty much all of it is wrong.
Point out one sentence.
Saying Trump causes Hurricanes.

You folks are like little kids, thinking you can blame the weather on Trump.

It takes a very disturbed person to actually dream that shit up, much less believe it.
But that isn't what they said.
Well then you can't read.
Please quote where the linked text says "tRump causes hurricanes" or this hurricane or any hurricane for that matter.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It appears the hurricane is fizzling out, so I ask you, did the President stand on the beach in North Carolina and threaten the hurricane to back the hell off ???!!!
  2. There is no reason why this hurricane called Florence would peter out before it makes land fall.
  3. This thing was a fire breathing hurricane a few days ago, and now it seems some one has clipped its wings.
  4. I say Trump did it!
  5. What say you?
  6. The media will blame Trump and cast it in a bad light why it petered out, global warming or some bs.
  7. Okay go!
  8. Keep it real!!!
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Pretty much all of it is wrong.
Point out one sentence.
Saying Trump causes Hurricanes.

You folks are like little kids, thinking you can blame the weather on Trump.

It takes a very disturbed person to actually dream that shit up, much less believe it.
But that isn't what they said.
Well then you can't read.
Please quote where the linked text says "tRump causes hurricanes" or this hurricane or any hurricane for that matter.
Are you this dumb?

Or are you just trying to act dumb?

The whole basis of the story is to convey that Trump is responsible for hurricanes.

I bet you'd believe a story that blames Trump for just about anything bad that happens in the world.
They found a way to blame him for Parkland H.S. shootings and Charlottesville violence, I'm sure they can find a way to make you suckers believe Trump causes hurricanes.
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The day we elected President Trump, the earth began to heal and the oceans receded...


The last guy who did this was Jewish.
If Trump caused the Hurricane, I can only assume he can stop it.

Good for Trump....he controls the weather.
Condolences to Dems who wanted a Cat 5 Hurricane.

It made landfall as a Cat 1.

Global warming? What happened?

Maybe we can blame 3000deaths on this storm over the next 5 years.
Dimms, maybe the flooding will kill some people, you can always hold out hope that some people will die and you can blame Trump.
Pretty much all of it is wrong.
Point out one sentence.
Saying Trump causes Hurricanes.

You folks are like little kids, thinking you can blame the weather on Trump.

It takes a very disturbed person to actually dream that shit up, much less believe it.
But that isn't what they said.
Well then you can't read.
Please quote where the linked text says "tRump causes hurricanes" or this hurricane or any hurricane for that matter.

Good lord.

You are so disingenuous.

Opinion | Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.
No reports of flying sharks as the fake media predicted yesterday. :p

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