Stormy Daniels Has A Monica Lewinsky type dress’ to test for Trump’s DNA, report says

Thanks for admitting Trump blew to smithereens your false narrative that you’re the party of family values
Trump ran as a republican but don't confuse him with a GOP swamper...
Trump ran as a racist, sex offender, misogynist corrupt businessman but he figured it wouldn’t matter if he appealed to the basest instincts of a certain segment of our population.
He knew idiots like u would fall for his con.

A sex offender?
You’re still denying Trump’s a serial sex offender?
19 women have credable stories of how he assaulted them.
Oh right.
You think they all lied.
You probably also think all 60 of Cosby accusers lied too, right?

Any convictions or civil lawsuits?

And this is exactly why I never got in politics ..way to many bones in my closet from my cocaine days and one night stands.
Thanks for admitting Trump blew to smithereens your false narrative that you’re the party of family values
Trump ran as a republican but don't confuse him with a GOP swamper...
Trump ran as a racist, sex offender, misogynist corrupt businessman but he figured it wouldn’t matter if he appealed to the basest instincts of a certain segment of our population.
He knew idiots like u would fall for his con.

A sex offender?
You’re still denying Trump’s a serial sex offender?
19 women have credable stories of how he assaulted them.
Oh right.
You think they all lied.
You probably also think all 60 of Cosby accusers lied too, right?

Any convictions or civil lawsuits?

And this is exactly why I never got in politics ..way to many bones in my closet from my cocaine days and one night stands.

that and no one would vote for you.

good call
If the DNA comes back positive for Trump, does anyone think Melania will divorce the lying scumbag?

I personally feel Trump made her sign an affidavit that she’s obligated to stay married while president no matter what he does or is discovered.
Thanks for admitting Trump blew to smithereens your false narrative that you’re the party of family values
Trump ran as a republican but don't confuse him with a GOP swamper...
Trump ran as a racist, sex offender, misogynist corrupt businessman but he figured it wouldn’t matter if he appealed to the basest instincts of a certain segment of our population.
He knew idiots like u would fall for his con.

A sex offender?
You’re still denying Trump’s a serial sex offender?
19 women have credable stories of how he assaulted them.
Oh right.
You think they all lied.
You probably also think all 60 of Cosby accusers lied too, right?

Publil skewl ded yew no favers!! You spelt that all rong!
What r u babbling about now, Trump whore?
Trump ran as a republican but don't confuse him with a GOP swamper...
Trump ran as a racist, sex offender, misogynist corrupt businessman but he figured it wouldn’t matter if he appealed to the basest instincts of a certain segment of our population.
He knew idiots like u would fall for his con.

A sex offender?
You’re still denying Trump’s a serial sex offender?
19 women have credable stories of how he assaulted them.
Oh right.
You think they all lied.
You probably also think all 60 of Cosby accusers lied too, right?

Any convictions or civil lawsuits?

And this is exactly why I never got in politics ..way to many bones in my closet from my cocaine days and one night stands.

that and no one would vote for you.

good call

That's what they said about Trump..

If the DNA comes back positive for Trump, does anyone think Melania will divorce the lying scumbag?

I personally feel Trump made her sign an affidavit that she’s obligated to stay married while president no matter what he does or is discovered.

I agree. Poor Melania is looking like a vacant Stepford Wife these days. She has that 1000-yard stare.
If the DNA comes back positive for Trump, does anyone think Melania will divorce the lying scumbag?

I personally feel Trump made her sign an affidavit that she’s obligated to stay married while president no matter what he does or is discovered.

Did Hillary divorce Bill?
All of Trump’s lies are catching up with him.

As Stormy Daniels gets ready to “tell her story” about a night in July 2006 when she allegedly had sex with Donald Trump, she may have a way to back it up, The Blast reported.

The porn star has a “Monica Lewinsky dress,” the site said, citing sources close to Daniels. Daniels’ dress is a gold mini dress she wore during the alleged tryst in a Lake Tahoe hotel with the man who would become president.

She’s kept the dress “in pristine condition” and plans to have it forensically tested for samples of hair, skin or “anything else” that would contain DNA, reported The Blast, which also shared a photo of the dress in its report.

Stormy Daniels has a 'Monica Lewinsky dress,' report says

As if Melania didn’t hate her dirtbag husband enough. Wait until she hears this!

I think everyone knows my views on Trump, they are not very high, but this is a waste of energy. Nobody cares if Trump was fucking around on his wives, because everyone that knew anything about Trump knew it was the case. This sort of thing is not going to cost Trump a single vote.
Girl Power! :D

Stormy is helping Melania set up a good settlement, when the divorce is said and done!
Who cares?
Nothing but a TMZ type thread...
No substance here, but never is with the OP.
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If the DNA comes back positive for Trump, does anyone think Melania will divorce the lying scumbag?

I personally feel Trump made her sign an affidavit that she’s obligated to stay married while president no matter what he does or is discovered.

I agree. Poor Melania is looking like a vacant Stepford Wife these days. She has that 1000-yard stare.

Say what?


She is reminding me so much about Jackie when her husband cheated on her

"The Blast?" :p

What does "The Load" have to say about this controversy?

Folks, trolls are continually taking libs for a ride. :abgg2q.jpg:
The trump administration is pushing for “ abstinence only” programs
Hey Trumptards.... don’t you find that at least a little hypocritical with this man as president?
If the DNA comes back positive for Trump, does anyone think Melania will divorce the lying scumbag?

I personally feel Trump made her sign an affidavit that she’s obligated to stay married while president no matter what he does or is discovered.

I agree. Poor Melania is looking like a vacant Stepford Wife these days. She has that 1000-yard stare.

Say what?

View attachment 177273

She is reminding me so much about Jackie when her husband cheated on her

View attachment 177281
Melania has been the worst First Lady in history.
What does she do except shop and avoid her husband?
What happened to her cyber bullying program?
Did it finally occur to her the man she married is the biggest cyber bully in the country?

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