Stormy Daniels Is Another Mueller Folly

Can you believe the fake moral outrage over the Stormy Daniels "matter"?

Rudy made it perfectly clear. It was a private "matter". But, like all of Mueller's other escapades, it's just a way to trap Cohen and get Trump on a perjury charge.

Now, to all the fuming libtardos. Even if the FEC determined Trump's payment to Stormy to be a campaign contribution, Trump can contribute as much of his own money as he wants to his campaign. So that fake outrage is a big fat nothing burger. If the FEC determines it was a violation for not reporting the payment, it would just be a fine.

What, you say. That's a crime.

Well, I'm glad you brought that up.

Obama was fined $375,000 for not reporting campaign contributions. Didn't bother the libtardos then, so what seems to be the problem now?

Obama campaign to pay $375,000 fine for omitting some donor’s names in 2008
The trump porn payoffs aren't part of the Mueller investigation. That's a separate investigation of Cohen. It is hard to keep track of all the trump administration crimes.
There was not just stormy daniels, there was also Karen McDougal...and another porn star offered $10 grand for a lay...or something like that.... and these are just the ones that have come forward....
On the one hand.............Mueller turns over the Stormy case to the 10th because it's out of his scope of investigation.

On the other hand.......Sends questions to Trump that ask questions about Stormy............

You understand that the Stormy Daniels case is in state court, and Mueller has nothing to do with it, don't you?
You understand that the questions leaked asked Stormy questions to Trump don't you.....................

I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........
On the one hand.............Mueller turns over the Stormy case to the 10th because it's out of his scope of investigation.

On the other hand.......Sends questions to Trump that ask questions about Stormy............

You understand that the Stormy Daniels case is in state court, and Mueller has nothing to do with it, don't you?
You understand that the questions leaked asked Stormy questions to Trump don't you.....................

I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........

Not sure stolen milk money would have anything to do with Russia interfering with our elections, or anyone who might have been involved with that, but if there is a link, I guess it would be fair game.
Sorry bout that,

1. So this fishing expedition is looking into something that may or may not have taken place 12 years ago?
2. Why didn't anyone bother to look at Obama 12 years before he took office, I'm sure there was plenty of dirt to dig up!

Nope. This is an investigation of Michael Cohen. There is a separate investigation headed by Mueller. Here is a primer on that investigation for you:
All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far
Now, to all the fuming libtardos. Even if the FEC determined Trump's payment to Stormy to be a campaign contribution, Trump can contribute as much of his own money as he wants to his campaign. So that fake outrage is a big fat nothing burger. If the FEC determines it was a violation for not reporting the payment, it would just be a fine.

What, you say. That's a crime.

Well, I'm glad you brought that up.

Obama was fined $375,000 for not reporting campaign contributions. Didn't bother the libtardos then, so what seems to be the problem now?

Not really the same thing. this was an expense that wasn't reported, not a donation.

You mean like that $850,000 "expense" Bill Clintoon paid Paula Jones?
You really are a complete asshole. In other words, the classic trump voter.
On the one hand.............Mueller turns over the Stormy case to the 10th because it's out of his scope of investigation.

On the other hand.......Sends questions to Trump that ask questions about Stormy............

You understand that the Stormy Daniels case is in state court, and Mueller has nothing to do with it, don't you?
You understand that the questions leaked asked Stormy questions to Trump don't you.....................

I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........

Not sure stolen milk money would have anything to do with Russia interfering with our elections, or anyone who might have been involved with that, but if there is a link, I guess it would be fair game.
Would you say the same with Tax Evasion............LOL

Or a one night stand with a whore.........LOL
There was not just stormy daniels, there was also Karen McDougal...and another porn star offered $10 grand for a lay...or something like that.... and these are just the ones that have come forward....
Where they Russian hookers ................LOL

Russia collusion main thrust is Hookers..........

Now, to all the fuming libtardos. Even if the FEC determined Trump's payment to Stormy to be a campaign contribution, Trump can contribute as much of his own money as he wants to his campaign. So that fake outrage is a big fat nothing burger. If the FEC determines it was a violation for not reporting the payment, it would just be a fine.

What, you say. That's a crime.

Well, I'm glad you brought that up.

Obama was fined $375,000 for not reporting campaign contributions. Didn't bother the libtardos then, so what seems to be the problem now?

Not really the same thing. this was an expense that wasn't reported, not a donation.

You mean like that $850,000 "expense" Bill Clintoon paid Paula Jones?

Why are you bringing up Clinton, when we are talking about Trump and his affair with a porn person shortly after his wife gave birth.
Now, to all the fuming libtardos. Even if the FEC determined Trump's payment to Stormy to be a campaign contribution, Trump can contribute as much of his own money as he wants to his campaign. So that fake outrage is a big fat nothing burger. If the FEC determines it was a violation for not reporting the payment, it would just be a fine.

What, you say. That's a crime.

Well, I'm glad you brought that up.

Obama was fined $375,000 for not reporting campaign contributions. Didn't bother the libtardos then, so what seems to be the problem now?

Not really the same thing. this was an expense that wasn't reported, not a donation.

You mean like that $850,000 "expense" Bill Clintoon paid Paula Jones?

Why are you bringing up Clinton, when we are talking about Trump and his affair with a porn person shortly after his wife gave birth.
Why because we are looking at Russian Collusion................Real Russian Collusion.....

Who paid Fusion GPS.....btw..................Sucks to be you guys.............
You understand that the Stormy Daniels case is in state court, and Mueller has nothing to do with it, don't you?
You understand that the questions leaked asked Stormy questions to Trump don't you.....................

I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........

Not sure stolen milk money would have anything to do with Russia interfering with our elections, or anyone who might have been involved with that, but if there is a link, I guess it would be fair game.
Would you say the same with Tax Evasion............LOL

Or a one night stand with a whore.........LOL

I suppose so. If it can be shown to have a bearing on his investigation, anything is fair game. I see what you are trying to get at. His romp with a porn star is not part of his investigation. That's why it is in a state court, and Mueller isn't involved it that.
Now, to all the fuming libtardos. Even if the FEC determined Trump's payment to Stormy to be a campaign contribution, Trump can contribute as much of his own money as he wants to his campaign. So that fake outrage is a big fat nothing burger. If the FEC determines it was a violation for not reporting the payment, it would just be a fine.

What, you say. That's a crime.

Well, I'm glad you brought that up.

Obama was fined $375,000 for not reporting campaign contributions. Didn't bother the libtardos then, so what seems to be the problem now?

Not really the same thing. this was an expense that wasn't reported, not a donation.

You mean like that $850,000 "expense" Bill Clintoon paid Paula Jones?

In retrospect lets bring it up:


By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 14, 1998; Page A1

President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones yesterday, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that led to the worst political crisis of his career and only the third presidential impeachment inquiry in American history.

After more than 4 1/2 years of scorched-earth legal warfare, Clinton and Jones brought a sudden end to the case with a four-page deal in which he acknowledged no wrongdoing and offered no apology. The agreement, which will be filed with a federal appeals court considering whether the lawsuit should go forward, requires the president to pay within 60 days.

Robert S. Bennett, Clinton's chief attorney in the case, said the president still insists Jones's allegations of a crude proposition in a Little Rock hotel suite seven years ago "are baseless" but agreed to make the payment in the interest of finally putting the matter behind him.

"The president has decided he is not prepared to spend one more hour on this matter," Bennett said. "It is clear that the American

people want their president and Congress to focus on the problems that they were elected to solve. This is a step in that direction."

The settlement foreclosed the possibility that Clinton's personal life would be reopened for public inspection at a sensational trial had the lawsuit dismissed in April been reinstated, as many lawyers involved believed it would be. It also may help the president's allies defend him against independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's allegations that he lied and obstructed justice during the case, while providing a new opportunity for the White House to cut a separate deal with Congress to drop impeachment proceedings. Jones v. Clinton Special Report

Very different and we are just getting started. Then they went up to impeach him for a lying about a blowjob.
You understand that the questions leaked asked Stormy questions to Trump don't you.....................

I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........

Not sure stolen milk money would have anything to do with Russia interfering with our elections, or anyone who might have been involved with that, but if there is a link, I guess it would be fair game.
Would you say the same with Tax Evasion............LOL

Or a one night stand with a whore.........LOL

I suppose so. If it can be shown to have a bearing on his investigation, anything is fair game. I see what you are trying to get at. His romp with a porn star is not part of his investigation. That's why it is in a state court, and Mueller isn't involved it that.

Who referred it to the 10th...............LOL

He's digging his ass off ........out of the bleachers..........on the roof................I hear he has scuba divers looking in the Hudson River also
There was not just stormy daniels, there was also Karen McDougal...and another porn star offered $10 grand for a lay...or something like that.... and these are just the ones that have come forward....
Where they Russian hookers ................LOL

Russia collusion main thrust is Hookers..........

This Isn't part of the Russia investigation. Trump's porn star payoffs are part of the Cohen investigation.
There was not just stormy daniels, there was also Karen McDougal...and another porn star offered $10 grand for a lay...or something like that.... and these are just the ones that have come forward....
Where they Russian hookers ................LOL

Russia collusion main thrust is Hookers..........

This Isn't part of the Russia investigation. Trump's porn star payoffs are part of the Cohen investigation. why the hell was Mueller looking there..................

Year and a half and he's got 10 year old tax evasion charges and a porn star doing Trump on a Golf Course...........

The question that needs to be asked ...........WHO gave him the authority to dig there in the first place.
There was not just stormy daniels, there was also Karen McDougal...and another porn star offered $10 grand for a lay...or something like that.... and these are just the ones that have come forward....
Where they Russian hookers ................LOL

Russia collusion main thrust is Hookers..........

This Isn't part of the Russia investigation. Trump's porn star payoffs are part of the Cohen investigation. why the hell was Mueller looking there..................

Year and a half and he's got 10 year old tax evasion charges and a porn star doing Trump on a Golf Course...........

The question that needs to be asked ...........WHO gave him the authority to dig there in the first place.
Mueller isn't part of that investigation at all, it's a whole separate one he has nothing to do with.
I didn't read the questions, but you understand those questions were written by Seculow to help Trump prepare for what they might ask him, don't you? Those were never questions proposed by Mueller.
Whatever.............out of his scope or not............Judge says he's out of bounds on Manafort already.......Moved the issue to the 10th...............

Mueller has permission to go to Trumps Kindygarden and see if he stole milk money.........

Not sure stolen milk money would have anything to do with Russia interfering with our elections, or anyone who might have been involved with that, but if there is a link, I guess it would be fair game.
Would you say the same with Tax Evasion............LOL

Or a one night stand with a whore.........LOL

I suppose so. If it can be shown to have a bearing on his investigation, anything is fair game. I see what you are trying to get at. His romp with a porn star is not part of his investigation. That's why it is in a state court, and Mueller isn't involved it that.

Who referred it to the 10th...............LOL

He's digging his ass off ........out of the bleachers..........on the roof................I hear he has scuba divers looking in the Hudson River also

If it was that cut and dried, why did he decide to wait until the 10th of the month to make a ruling?

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