Stormy Daniels Says She’ll Always Be Known As the Girl Who F***** Trump: "They asked me if i'm scared, i saw Trump naked, nothing scares me!"

sorry about the law and law enforcement and reality, Super Duper. You may enjoy a scumbag con man pervert trying to overturn the law based on pure lies, But you won't get anywhere in the real world or in a courtroom with your garbage,,,,

You have supported proven Constitution and Rule of Law criminals, traitors, and compromised politicians who have been on a FAILED 6 1/2 year Trump-obsessed, TDS-suffering, 'Don Quixote Windmill charging' 'We have him this time' crusade that has ended in nothing but liberal tears and sccraming at the sky...

You are screaming about tryi to overturn the law after Democrats committed sedition, espionage, violations of the Patriot Act, Conspiracy, Perjury, and manufactured false evidrnce IOT overthrow the US govt in by illegally trying to remove a US president from office...

In tour TDS mental illness you ate rooting for an America-hating George Soros-funded LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance violation, which he has NO AUTHORITY to prosecute...

...a case the FEDERAL GOVT / DOJ already investigated and refused to persue this case, citing 'THERE IS NOTHING TO PROSECUTE'.

You are citing 'law enforcement' despite

- The punishment for a campaign finance violation (the Clintons, Squad members, etc...) has always been a monetary fine

- DA Bragg's 'star witness' has been proven to be a repeat perjury offender, a convicted perjury felon, and proven to have a personal vendetta against Trump

- A highly respected prominent lawyer, Cohen's own legal advisor, just testified against Cohen DESTROYING his credibility and Bragg's case,testifyibg Cohen told him he had / has NO EVIDENCE of Trump crimes

- It has been officially reported / rrceordedthat COHEN - not Trump - paid Stormy Daniels and that COHEN - not Trump - listed tbe payment as a 'campaign expense', that it Trump reimbursed Cohen for the money. So there is more evidence showing COHEN committed a campaign finance violation than therecis Trump did so in one aspect.

- There is a question regarding the statute of limitations in this case. Bragg will argue NY law says it isn't, but, like with his main case, its very weak.

- Its being reported now there is dissention within Bragg's own Grand Jury because some are reportedly disagreeing that there was even a crime committed...

I hate to rain on your mental illness parade, but everyone in the world knows this is BULLSHIT.

You have world leaders publicly declaring tbe US is a corrupt 3rd world banana republic because in large part to the Democrats very public criminal, treasonous crusade for more than the last half decade through this UnConstitutional, illegal 2-tiered (In)Justice system trying to take Trump down!

Everything the Democrats have done the last decade has only supported the scientific conclussions of studies in one of my other threads - how liberalism is linked to mental illess!
After all US Presidents have gotten away with, if they arrest Trump for this Stormy Daniels nonsense, there can be no more doubt that the United States is truly a joke of a country.
Bush killed a million people and ran a torture program, and they are going after Trump because he paid off a porn star.
China, Russia and the growing BRICS deserve to take the lead in the world.
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You have supported proven Constitution and Rule of Law criminals, traitors, and compromised politicians who have been on a FAILED 6 1/2 year Trump-obsessed, TDS-suffering, 'Don Quixote Windmill charging' 'We have him this time' crusade that has ended in nothing but liberal tears and sccraming at the sky...

You are screaming about tryi to overturn the law after Democrats committed sedition, espionage, violations of the Patriot Act, Conspiracy, Perjury, and manufactured false evidrnce IOT overthrow the US govt in by illegally trying to remove a US president from office...

In tour TDS mental illness you ate rooting for an America-hating George Soros-funded LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance violation, which he has NO AUTHORITY to prosecute...

...a case the FEDERAL GOVT / DOJ already investigated and refused to persue this case, citing 'THERE IS NOTHING TO PROSECUTE'.

You are citing 'law enforcement' despite

- The punishment for a campaign finance violation (the Clintons, Squad members, etc...) has always been a monetary fine

- DA Bragg's 'star witness' has been proven to be a repeat perjury offender, a convicted perjury felon, and proven to have a personal vendetta against Trump

- A highly respected prominent lawyer, Cohen's own legal advisor, just testified against Cohen DESTROYING his credibility and Bragg's case,testifyibg Cohen told him he had / has NO EVIDENCE of Trump crimes

- It has been officially reported / rrceordedthat COHEN - not Trump - paid Stormy Daniels and that COHEN - not Trump - listed tbe payment as a 'campaign expense', that it Trump reimbursed Cohen for the money. So there is more evidence showing COHEN committed a campaign finance violation than therecis Trump did so in one aspect.

- There is a question regarding the statute of limitations in this case. Bragg will argue NY law says it isn't, but, like with his main case, its very weak.

- Its being reported now there is dissention within Bragg's own Grand Jury because some are reportedly disagreeing that there was even a crime committed...

I hate to rain on your mental illness parade, but everyone in the world knows this is BULLSHIT.

You have world leaders publicly declaring tbe US is a corrupt 3rd world banana republic because in large part to the Democrats very public criminal, treasonous crusade for more than the last half decade through this UnConstitutional, illegal 2-tiered (In)Justice system trying to take Trump down!

Everything the Democrats have done the last decade has only supported the scientific conclussions of studies in one of my other threads - how liberalism is linked to mental illess!
on the other hand, Trump is actually guilty LOL. They thought he was going to be indicted for more serious crimes... They don't really want to arrest him or put him in prison, they just want him to go away and not run for election anymore. But he has the brainwashed idiotic GOP base behind him no matter what.... It's a difficult problem...
After all US Presidents have gotten away with, if they arrest Trump for this Stormy Daniels nonsense, there can be no more doubt that the United States is truly a joke of a country.
Bush killed a million people and ran a torture program, and they are going after Trump because he paid off a porn star.
China, Russia and the growing BRICS deserve to take the lead in the world.
my advice is to go to Russia and take your orange clown oligarch with you. democracy. man you are out of your mind. Do you know what a fascist is? that would be you, based on pure lies.... no other president has tried to overthrow an election Or get other countries to find dirt on opponents.... yes GOP politicians are totally incompetent, get us into the stupidest longest wars ever and cause corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts and and recessions and depressions every damn time. you vote for them Super Duper

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