Strelkov for Russian President! Send traitor Putin back to Tel - Aviv!

The biggest enemy of the Russian World is traitor Putin ( his mom was Jewish )

One thing, among others, that Russians and Nazis have in common. They both believe that calling someone Jewish is an insult.
Putin's mom was Christian. It is one of Putin's often told stories how his mother was a Christian worshipping in secret. Putin claims that his Christian mother had him secretly baptized.

Eisenhower called Russia the Godless Empire and changed our pledge of allegiance to reinforce our belief. Now we are the Godless empire and Russia is led by a Christian.

Putin's mom was Jewish.


And Putin himself is a Christian in name only.
He imprisons any Christian who follows Jesus Christ and not his KGB 'Church' only.

Or Father Sergy Romanow, who open criticized Putin and his gang

Russians will only ever accept brutal autocrats to lead them.

Nope, you're wrong!
That's a lie

Russian Nationalists want Russian Democracy and Freedom
If Russia ever somehow came to be lead by someone who actually wanted democracy and freedom they would kill him dead and your Russian nationalists would cheer. Russia has had every chance to have a normal Western Democracy but have instead clearly indicated they would rather have a Czar and kleptocracy.

Russians tried to be friends with the West, but it was rejected because Clinton, Bush, Merkel & Co need Russia as enemy, not as friend.
In 2014 the red line has been crossed, after Odessa and Donbas any friendship with the West is impossible at least for 3 - 4 generations.
The biggest enemy of the Russian World is traitor Putin ( his mom was Jewish )

One thing, among others, that Russians and Nazis have in common. They both believe that calling someone Jewish is an insult.
Putin's mom was Christian. It is one of Putin's often told stories how his mother was a Christian worshipping in secret. Putin claims that his Christian mother had him secretly baptized.

Eisenhower called Russia the Godless Empire and changed our pledge of allegiance to reinforce our belief. Now we are the Godless empire and Russia is led by a Christian.

Putin's mom was Jewish.


And Putin himself is a Christian in name only.
He imprisons any Christian who follows Jesus Christ and not his KGB 'Church' only.

Or Father Sergy Romanow, who open criticized Putin and his gang

much like yours ...
Russians will only ever accept brutal autocrats to lead them.

Nope, you're wrong!
That's a lie

Russian Nationalists want Russian Democracy and Freedom
Russian Democracy? What the heck does it mean?

1. Russia has more as 100 different nations and any shall be represented in the parliament
2. All important decisions shall be made by referendum
3. No carrier politicians, two legislature periods shall be enough for any politician
4. Only those who have strong families, believe in God, are non-criminal, earn their money honest shall be allowed to run for office.
5. All parties shall be abolished
6. No 'human rights' and another scam. How they all practically work we can see through the Covi-1984 scamdemic
7. No secret societies shall be allowed
8 Christianity as the State Religion, The Holy Bible as Constitution
9. Free possession of guns
10. Free Speech
11. The function of state shall be defense and representation only, the amount of bureaucracy shall go down by 90%
12. Any mass media shall have not more as one different owner, the editor shall be elected for maximal two times.
13. One quote in Parliament shall belong to representatives of religion organizations, another one to military, the third one to elected MPs and the fourth to the best Russian brains.
14. Prohibition of drugs, strong alkohol, prostitution and open sexual deviations
15, Majority has priority, not minorities
16. Abolishment of political correctness
17 Resurrection of Monarchy
18 Abolishment of the state capitalism, free economy for everyone, simple tax system ( not higher as 10% )
Cool. You made up these points by yourself or someone told you about them? I wont even mention that some of them are self-contradictory, but say that realizing them is less probable than seeing a unicorn, especially in Russian reality.

There are many another points, the problem is Putin and his regime quickly eliminate any sane opposition and replace is by KGB paid clowns and morons. If you check programs of Russian Patriots who are in Putin prisons you can find many interesting things you'd never heard about
No, thanks. I think they aren't worth the paper they are written on.

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