Strength of British military falls for ninth year

European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

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Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny - damn: not "funny", but "strange" - when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

You are attacking me constantly like a clown. You´re a clown.

Whatever, whoever I am is unimportant for you. You are dangerous for yourselve - and for everyone else.

Buffoonery. You are the dangerous guy - in support of the import of rapists and murderers. We don´t see women and children in your little boats. Finally shut up with your accusations.

You underestimate that every propagandist of a Nazi-ideology - like you - has first to shoot me down, before I let shoot them down refugees, politicians, firemen, doctors, nurses, policemen and so on. You are for me the same godless terrorist as every godless Islamists, who blasphemes to have a god-given right to be a murderer. No one ever got such a right nor will anyone ever get such a right from god. You left every argumentative level, propagator of mass- murder. You are the criminal subject on your own, which you try to see in other people.

I thought you are going to hide behind children like the filthy cockroaches/suckers that surround me but that´s ok for me.

European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

Oh, yes, that Maas grimace, crawling before Trump and co. Disgusting.
I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

Oh, yes, that Maas grimace, crawling before Trump and co. Disgusting.

Heiko Maas is an excellent foreign minister. When the Iran - or others - mean they have the right ot attack this clear diplomat and his clear message and my nation, Anti-German, then this is not a problem of Germany.

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... I thought ...

You have not only a little idea what means to think and to feel, garrulous windbag, hateful one.
Shitbag sits in his Bavaria while our cities drown in shit.

"Im März wurde eine 18-Jährige auf Usedom bestialisch ermordet. Auf Facebook zeigen sich der Täter als „Gutmenschen“, Antifas und AfD-Hasser.
Fassungslos steht der Gerichtssaal vor dem Motiv: Die jungen Männer wollten einen Menschen sterben sehen."
Usedom: Mörder von schwangerer Maria sind Antifa-Anhänger
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

Oh, yes, that Maas grimace, crawling before Trump and co. Disgusting.

Heiko Maas is an excellent foreign minister. When the Iran - or others - mean they have the right ot attack this clear diplomat and his clear message and my nation, Anti-German, then this is not a problem of Germany.

I am sure you love this guy, who helps fascists to take over a democratic and free country for Trump.

"Offensichtlich ist auch die deutsche Diplomatie bzw. der derzeitige Außenminister Maas, bereit und Willens mit der extremen Rechten in Südamerika und mit Trump zusammenzuarbeiten, um einen Regime Change in Venezuela zu unterstützen.
Das Motiv der Anti-Maduro-Koalition liegt auf der Hand: es geht darum, die von Hugo Chàvez, Maduros Amtsvorgänger, eingeleiteten Sozialreformen ( soziale Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie (!) für Millionen, so z.B. auch für die Ureinwohner, Mestizen und Afro-Venezulaner) wieder zurückzunehmen und sich die Ölvorkommen Venezuelas einzuverleiben! Denn Venezuela besitzt die größten Erdölreserven weltweit."
Blog: Anti-Maduro-Koalition ǀ Maas und Venezuela — der Freitag
... I thought ...

You have not only a little idea what means to think and to feel, garrulous windbag, hateful one.
Shitbag sits in his Bavaria while our cities drown in shit.

"Im März wurde eine 18-Jährige auf Usedom bestialisch ermordet. Auf Facebook zeigen sich der Täter als „Gutmenschen“, Antifas und AfD-Hasser.
Fassungslos steht der Gerichtssaal vor dem Motiv: Die jungen Männer wollten einen Menschen sterben sehen."
Usedom: Mörder von schwangerer Maria sind Antifa-Anhänger

You are an extremist. This show your lines here. You try to make out of this most bestialic form of murder a justification for your own pervert ideas. The two psychopathic adolescents had destroyed their brains with drugs. One of them has an irreversible brain damage - the other one is totally irreal too. Your Trump-propaganda strategy is in its irreal concept not far from this two beasts.

The real shocking fact behind this murder is it, that the first time in the history of Germany someone is accused who had the motivation "desire to kill". This is by the way a reason, why I would punish you as drastically as possible for your break of the German laws by your instigation of violence. Perhaps you have destroyed your brain with alcohol and drugs too. Stop immediatelly to use alcohol or drugs - that's what you are able to learn out of this murder. Only 18 - 20 years ago this two murderers were nice babies - like all others. Now they murdered a pregnant 18 years old mother on no other reason than it was easy to murder her. And that you damned asshole try to misuse this deed of such an unbelievable titanic evilness for your own pseudo-political nonsense, shows only that you have lost every scale and balance.

Vade retro satana.
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Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

Oh, yes, that Maas grimace, crawling before Trump and co. Disgusting.

Heiko Maas is an excellent foreign minister. When the Iran - or others - mean they have the right ot attack this clear diplomat and his clear message and my nation, Anti-German, then this is not a problem of Germany.

I am sure you love this guy, who helps fascists to take over a democratic and free country for Trump.

"Offensichtlich ist auch die deutsche Diplomatie bzw. der derzeitige Außenminister Maas, bereit und Willens mit der extremen Rechten in Südamerika und mit Trump zusammenzuarbeiten, um einen Regime Change in Venezuela zu unterstützen.
Das Motiv der Anti-Maduro-Koalition liegt auf der Hand: es geht darum, die von Hugo Chàvez, Maduros Amtsvorgänger, eingeleiteten Sozialreformen ( soziale Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie (!) für Millionen, so z.B. auch für die Ureinwohner, Mestizen und Afro-Venezulaner) wieder zurückzunehmen und sich die Ölvorkommen Venezuelas einzuverleiben! Denn Venezuela besitzt die größten Erdölreserven weltweit."
Blog: Anti-Maduro-Koalition ǀ Maas und Venezuela — der Freitag

Maduro is an asshole. Trump is an asshole. Maduro is the bigger asshole. And you use here Commie propaganda, Nazi.

And a little lesson in geography, "German". The idyllic Island Usedom, where this most bestialic murder had happened, is 350 miles far from the Bavarian border. My thoughts are with the family of Mary and everyone who knew her. Everyone in Usedom - or somewhere else in the world - could had been murdered instead of her too. The murderers just simple liked to see someone die in their horrifying drug dreams. And they did it. They saw her die.
So ask yourselve how to fight against your own drug dreams. Or whatelse is the motivation for your violent fantasies? Where from do you get such mad ideas? You are not a German and you never will be a German - completely independent how many people you like to murder. Your whole ideas about Germans are more than only strange. We are friendly and humorful people - that's all. But we made our experiences in history. So you have only one real chance: Leave your wrong way! Stop it to be an entry point for the evil powers into our world.

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They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Our German foreign minister is since March 2018 Heiko Maas. Sigmar Gabriel was foreign minister from January 2017- March 2018. Gunther Gabriel is an important politician of the Social Democrats of Germany. The Social Democrats of Germany were the only political party of Germany, which did not vote once for Hitlers "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (=enabling act). So Gunther Gabriel is far - very far - from your Nazism.

Oh, yes, that Maas grimace, crawling before Trump and co. Disgusting.

Heiko Maas is an excellent foreign minister. When the Iran - or others - mean they have the right ot attack this clear diplomat and his clear message and my nation, Anti-German, then this is not a problem of Germany.

I am sure you love this guy, who helps fascists to take over a democratic and free country for Trump.

"Offensichtlich ist auch die deutsche Diplomatie bzw. der derzeitige Außenminister Maas, bereit und Willens mit der extremen Rechten in Südamerika und mit Trump zusammenzuarbeiten, um einen Regime Change in Venezuela zu unterstützen.
Das Motiv der Anti-Maduro-Koalition liegt auf der Hand: es geht darum, die von Hugo Chàvez, Maduros Amtsvorgänger, eingeleiteten Sozialreformen ( soziale Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie (!) für Millionen, so z.B. auch für die Ureinwohner, Mestizen und Afro-Venezulaner) wieder zurückzunehmen und sich die Ölvorkommen Venezuelas einzuverleiben! Denn Venezuela besitzt die größten Erdölreserven weltweit."
Blog: Anti-Maduro-Koalition ǀ Maas und Venezuela — der Freitag

Maduro is an asshole. Trump is an asshole. Maduro is the bigger asshole. And you use here Commie propaganda, Nazi.

In fact, Maduro represents all the ideas that your murderous do-gooders claim to defend when they kill a young pregnant women. They even have an "equal opportunities for women ministry" and promote tolerance for gays like you. Only difference: They don´t allow irresponsible women to murder their unborn.
So, you are in line with Trump propaganda. I see now, how dangerous you really are as you are an uncritical government lapdog, who stands by as Maas helps Trump to starve 23 million Venezuelans.

And a little lesson in geography, "German". The idyllic Island Usedom, where this most bestialic murder had happened, is 350 miles far from the Bavarian border. My thoughts are with the family of Mary and everyone who knew her. Everyone in Usedom - or somewhere else in the world - could had been murdered instead of her too. The murderers just simple liked to see someone die in their horrifying drug dreams. And they did it. They saw her die.
So ask yourselve how to fight against your own drug dreams. Or whatelse is the motivation for your violent fantasies? Where from do you get such mad ideas? You are not a German and you never will be a German - completely independent how many people you like to murder. Your whole ideas about Germans are more than only strange. We are friendly and humorful people - that's all. But we made our experiences in history. So you have only one real chance: Leave your wrong way! Stop it to be an entry point for the evil powers into our world.

You remember people jumping off the "Open Arms" into the water in desperation? See how the criminal human smugglers of the "Open Arms" had their boat already deployed and staged the whole event:


Law breaker - you are the criminal. You have to live with all evil consequences of your own deeds - perhaps forever. So use the chance god gave you and change your self. Start now. You don't know, whether you have more than another 5 minutes to live. Don't waste this 5 minutes again.


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Law breaker - you are the criminal. You have to live with all evil consequences of your own deeds - perhaps forever. So use the chance god gave you and change your self. Start now. You don't know, whether you have more than another 5 minutes to live. Don't waste this 5 minutes again.


So now God speaks through you? That´s really amazing.


Law breaker - you are the criminal. You have to live with all evil consequences of your own deeds - perhaps forever. So use the chance god gave you and change your self. Start now. You don't know, whether you have more than another 5 minutes to live. Don't waste this 5 minutes again.


So now God speaks through you? That´s really amazing.

Much more amazing would it be, when you would hear on your own, what god says to you. That's what you need to learn. Listen to god - and do not forget to speak with trustworthy persons about what you understood and/or misunderstood from his message. But never - completely independent what anyone says on this planet - fight against the life of anyone or anything - always fight for all and every life. God is life. If you don't believe in any form of transcendent spirituality and you are nevertheless able to hold your eyes open, then you know deep in your heart, that life is the most worthful form of matter in the whole cosmos. Who destroys a life, destroys a universe.


Law breaker - you are the criminal. You have to live with all evil consequences of your own deeds - perhaps forever. So use the chance god gave you and change your self. Start now. You don't know, whether you have more than another 5 minutes to live. Don't waste this 5 minutes again.


So now God speaks through you? That´s really amazing.

Much more amazing would it be, when you would hear on your own, what god says to you. That's what you need to learn. Listen to god - and do not forget to speak with trustworthy persons about what you understood and/or misunderstood from his message. But never - completely independent what anyone says on this planet - fight against the life of anyone or anything - always fight for all and every life. God is life. If you don't believe in any form of transcendent spirituality and you are nevertheless able to hold your eyes open, then you know deep in your heart, that life is the most worthful form of matter in the whole cosmos. Who destroys a life, destroys a universe.

As far as I know, boy fucking child traffickers are the good while I face eternal doom in hell.

See, since your accusations are nonsense and willful, you will be among those who will have to explain themselves.

Law breaker - you are the criminal. You have to live with all evil consequences of your own deeds - perhaps forever. So use the chance god gave you and change your self. Start now. You don't know, whether you have more than another 5 minutes to live. Don't waste this 5 minutes again.


So now God speaks through you? That´s really amazing.

Much more amazing would it be, when you would hear on your own, what god says to you. That's what you need to learn. Listen to god - and do not forget to speak with trustworthy persons about what you understood and/or misunderstood from his message. But never - completely independent what anyone says on this planet - fight against the life of anyone or anything - always fight for all and every life. God is life. If you don't believe in any form of transcendent spirituality and you are nevertheless able to hold your eyes open, then you know deep in your heart, that life is the most worthful form of matter in the whole cosmos. Who destroys a life, destroys a universe.

As far as I know, boy fucking child traffickers are the good while I face eternal doom in hell.

As well the man., who came 13 years ago from Syria to Switzerland and had murdered a boy in Germany - and also not the murder of an 18 years old pregnant mother by the two 18 and 20 year old German drug addicts, have something to do with your totally strange political ideas about Germany and your rotten moral, liar. You made a clear call for mass-murder as an solution for your not existing problems. That's criminal.
See, since your accusations are nonsense and willful, you will be among those who will have to explain themselves.
Let me say it this way: Someone told me a short time ago he is the expert in drugs, because he is using drugs since he is 12 years old. You remember me to him. But that's for me not a reason to use drugs nor to become a child trafficker, asshole, quadratic one.

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As well the man., who came 13 years ago from Syria to Switzerland and had murdered a boy - and also not the murder of an 18 years old pregnant mother by the two 18 and 20 year old German drug addcits, have somehting to do with your totally strange political ideas about Germany and your rotten moral, liar. You made a clear call for mass-murder as an solution for your not existing problems. That's criminal.
I don´t think you have a clue about "my ideas about Germany". Those a great ideas, for example everyone would have the right to not to be harassed by do-gooders, who keep shoveling people in while we have millions of unemployed and housing space becomes rare.
Flüchtlinge: Bund kalkuliert bis 2020 mit rund 94 Milliarden Euro Kosten - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik
Angespannter Wohnungsmarkt: Stadt Köln sucht Wohnungen für Tausende Flüchtlinge

"Bekämpfung der Fluchtursachen"
What have they done to fight the causes? Nothing.

Let me say it this way. Someone told me a short time ago he is the expert in drugs, because he uses drugs since he is 12 years. You remember me to him. But that's for me not a reason to use drugs nor to become a child trafficker, asshole, quadratic one.
He is certainly now an expert. A zombie but an expert. A pro-zomb, if you want. The same applies for those child traffickers. They are now child advertising experts.
As well the man., who came 13 years ago from Syria to Switzerland and had murdered a boy - and also not the murder of an 18 years old pregnant mother by the two 18 and 20 year old German drug addcits, have somehting to do with your totally strange political ideas about Germany and your rotten moral, liar. You made a clear call for mass-murder as an solution for your not existing problems. That's criminal.
I don´t think you have a clue about "my ideas about Germany". Those a great ideas, for example everyone would have the right to not to be harassed by do-gooders, who keep shoveling people in while we have millions of unemployed and housing space becomes rare.
Flüchtlinge: Bund kalkuliert bis 2020 mit rund 94 Milliarden Euro Kosten - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik
Angespannter Wohnungsmarkt: Stadt Köln sucht Wohnungen für Tausende Flüchtlinge

"Bekämpfung der Fluchtursachen"
What have they done to fight the causes? Nothing.

A lot. But what do you do? You attack Germany with totally stupid nonsense.

Let me say it this way. Someone told me a short time ago he is the expert in drugs, because he uses drugs since he is 12 years. You remember me to him. But that's for me not a reason to use drugs nor to become a child trafficker, asshole, quadratic one.
He is certainly now an expert. A zombie but an expert. A pro-zomb, if you want.

No - not really. He is a man, who has to stop very urgent his misuse of drugs. When he will continue this wrong way then he will cause a lot of suffer for lots of people, specially for the people of his own family. Better he fights against his real enemy - his drugs and his wrong ideas - instead to see everywhere not existing enemies.

The same applies for those child traffickers. They are now child advertising experts.

What a nonsense. You speak bullshit on reason to speak bullshit, preacher of hate.

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