Strength of British military falls for ninth year

See more Weltburgers coming:
Italien: 27 „Minderjährige“ verlassen die Open Arms – 8 davon an Land spontan volljährig › Jouwatch

See the NGOs´ motivation:
Italienische Fernsehjournalisten: Schlepper und NGO stehen in Kontakt miteinander

And don´t blame me for both sources being right-wing. The others simply don´t report but fap on each criminal arriving. I don´t want to know what this shits have done to their countrymen to get their fifthly fingers on the cash for the smugglers, it takes a German at least a year of hard labor, rather way more. Once in our country, they push women and children under trains, rape and pillage. They need to be shot on sight, together with their corrupt politicians and criminal NGOs.

Okay. First of all you broke her now a strict German law. But you are (1) not a German and (2) you don't live in Germany, because you wrote this lines here in the daylight of the USA and not in the middle of the night in Germany. Otherwise I would go now to the police and inform them about you. The crime you made is to say "Wenn sie erst mal im Land sind werfen sie Frauen und Kinder unter Züge, vergewaltigen und plündern. Sie müssen auf der Stelle erschossen werden, zusammen mit ihren korrupten Politikern und kriminellen Helfern (NGO's)". I translated it for our secret services, so they are able to find the German key words easily, when they take an automatized look. This is an "Aufruf zur Gewalt" an "instigation of violence". In English words: You are a terrorist, perhaps a member of a terrorist organisation. There's nothing to tolerate from me any longer what you say. You are definitily a criminal.

We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.
Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie, you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead. I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."

See more Weltburgers coming:
Italien: 27 „Minderjährige“ verlassen die Open Arms – 8 davon an Land spontan volljährig › Jouwatch

See the NGOs´ motivation:
Italienische Fernsehjournalisten: Schlepper und NGO stehen in Kontakt miteinander

And don´t blame me for both sources being right-wing. The others simply don´t report but fap on each criminal arriving. I don´t want to know what this shits have done to their countrymen to get their fifthly fingers on the cash for the smugglers, it takes a German at least a year of hard labor, rather way more. Once in our country, they push women and children under trains, rape and pillage. They need to be shot on sight, together with their corrupt politicians and criminal NGOs.

Okay. First of all you broke her now a strict German law. But you are (1) not a German and (2) you don't live in Germany, because you wrote this lines here in the daylight of the USA and not in the middle of the night in Germany. Otherwise I would go now to the police and inform them about you. The crime you made is to say "Wenn sie erst mal im Land sind werfen sie Frauen und Kinder unter Züge, vergewaltigen und plündern. Sie müssen auf der Stelle erschossen werden, zusammen mit ihren korrupten Politikern und kriminellen Helfern (NGO's)". I translated it for our secret services, so they are able to find the German key words easily, when they take an automatized look. This is an "Aufruf zur Gewalt" an "instigation of violence". In English words: You are a terrorist, perhaps a member of a terrorist organisation. There's nothing to tolerate from me any longer what you say. You are definitily a criminal.

We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.

Do you know wagt A bavara8s cares about scuih Prussian rules? Nothgin at all, idiot from the USA.

Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie,

You made a very clear "Aufruf zur Gewalt". Nothing to doubt about. You are a criminal.

you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead.

I call a criminla criminal. Just a few minutes ago I heard Germany will hire additionally 400 policemen who will take care about this delict.

I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."

The let me tell you: You are a criminal, who hurts German laws. That's without effect, because you are not a German and you don't live on the territory of the federal republic of Germany. This unimportance changes totally, when someone says he killed someone because you wrote to kill someone. Then I'm very sure also the US-American police or FBI or whatever other organisation of the USA likes to find out more about you and the possible terror organisaion in your back.

Then you are not familiar with US free speech. Anyway: There is no call for anything.

You are a criminal - that's very clear.

How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade
Okay. First of all you broke her now a strict German law. But you are (1) not a German and (2) you don't live in Germany, because you wrote this lines here in the daylight of the USA and not in the middle of the night in Germany. Otherwise I would go now to the police and inform them about you. The crime you made is to say "Wenn sie erst mal im Land sind werfen sie Frauen und Kinder unter Züge, vergewaltigen und plündern. Sie müssen auf der Stelle erschossen werden, zusammen mit ihren korrupten Politikern und kriminellen Helfern (NGO's)". I translated it for our secret services, so they are able to find the German key words easily, when they take an automatized look. This is an "Aufruf zur Gewalt" an "instigation of violence". In English words: You are a terrorist, perhaps a member of a terrorist organisation. There's nothing to tolerate from me any longer what you say. You are definitily a criminal.

We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.
Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie, you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead. I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."

Okay. First of all you broke her now a strict German law. But you are (1) not a German and (2) you don't live in Germany, because you wrote this lines here in the daylight of the USA and not in the middle of the night in Germany. Otherwise I would go now to the police and inform them about you. The crime you made is to say "Wenn sie erst mal im Land sind werfen sie Frauen und Kinder unter Züge, vergewaltigen und plündern. Sie müssen auf der Stelle erschossen werden, zusammen mit ihren korrupten Politikern und kriminellen Helfern (NGO's)". I translated it for our secret services, so they are able to find the German key words easily, when they take an automatized look. This is an "Aufruf zur Gewalt" an "instigation of violence". In English words: You are a terrorist, perhaps a member of a terrorist organisation. There's nothing to tolerate from me any longer what you say. You are definitily a criminal.

We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.

Do you know wagt A bavara8s cares about scuih Prussian rules? Nothgin at all, idiot from the USA.

Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie,

You made a very clear "Aufruf zur Gewalt". Nothing to doubt about. You are a criminal.

you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead.

I call a criminla criminal. Just a few minutes ago I heard Germany will hire additionally 400 policemen who will take care about this delict.

I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."

The let me tell you: You are a criminal, who hurts German laws. That's without effect, because you are not a German and you don't live on the territory of the federal republic of Germany. This unimportance changes totally, when someone says he killed someone because you wrote to kill someone. Then I'm very sure also the US-American police or FBI or whatever other organisation of the USA likes to find out more about you and the possible terror organisaion in your back.

Then you are not familiar with US free speech. Anyway: There is no call for anything.

You are a criminal - that's very clear.

How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
Last edited:
We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.
Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie, you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead. I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."
We Germans don´t use apostrophes in plurals. The plural of NGO is NGOs.

Do you know wagt A bavara8s cares about scuih Prussian rules? Nothgin at all, idiot from the USA.

Your "Aufruf zur Gewalt" is a lie,

You made a very clear "Aufruf zur Gewalt". Nothing to doubt about. You are a criminal.

you are restricting my freedom with your criminals and pc, instead.

I call a criminla criminal. Just a few minutes ago I heard Germany will hire additionally 400 policemen who will take care about this delict.

I am just invoking Article 20 of the German constitution:
"(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order, if no other remedy is available."

The let me tell you: You are a criminal, who hurts German laws. That's without effect, because you are not a German and you don't live on the territory of the federal republic of Germany. This unimportance changes totally, when someone says he killed someone because you wrote to kill someone. Then I'm very sure also the US-American police or FBI or whatever other organisation of the USA likes to find out more about you and the possible terror organisaion in your back.
Then you are not familiar with US free speech. Anyway: There is no call for anything.

You are a criminal - that's very clear.
How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.
Do you know wagt A bavara8s cares about scuih Prussian rules? Nothgin at all, idiot from the USA.

You made a very clear "Aufruf zur Gewalt". Nothing to doubt about. You are a criminal.

I call a criminla criminal. Just a few minutes ago I heard Germany will hire additionally 400 policemen who will take care about this delict.

The let me tell you: You are a criminal, who hurts German laws. That's without effect, because you are not a German and you don't live on the territory of the federal republic of Germany. This unimportance changes totally, when someone says he killed someone because you wrote to kill someone. Then I'm very sure also the US-American police or FBI or whatever other organisation of the USA likes to find out more about you and the possible terror organisaion in your back.
Then you are not familiar with US free speech. Anyway: There is no call for anything.

You are a criminal - that's very clear.
How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

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Then you are not familiar with US free speech. Anyway: There is no call for anything.

You are a criminal - that's very clear.
How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.
You are a criminal - that's very clear.
How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

How does it come then that it is not me who is in prison but Rackete?

Rescue ship captain arrested for breaking Italian blockade

Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.
Captain Carola Rackete made good job and she was anyway only a very short time in custody.

Tell me another thing. The stones in the size of a fist - did you throw this stones against children and women of refugees? If so what did you do - or what did your criminal organization do - to make this women and children so fearful, that they did not like to tell this the judge, who had to set you free because of a lack on evidence?
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

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European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
No, I was set free because if was throwing such a stone at a car with a kid in it, there would have serious damage done to the car and not a mysterious bill of 160 €.

You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins
European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.
You failed and the car had only a scratch. And now you like to murder every stranger, every politician and everyone who helps other people. Who survives in your sick logic?

It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

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It´s just your sick logic. Funny, the bill was also imaginary. That´s Schweinevolk evidence.

Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny - damn: not "funny", but "strange" - when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

You are attacking me constantly like a clown. You´re a clown.
Okay. You are a lost soul. You made yourselve to an entrance point of the hell into our world. I have to accept this. My prayer is for everyone who has the duty to stop you, when you will attack others. You took the sword - you will fall by the sword.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny - damn: not "funny", but "strange" - when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

You are attacking me constantly like a clown. You´re a clown.

Whatever, whoever I am is unimportant for you. You are dangerous for yourselve - and for everyone else.

You are an idiot and that is the whole story. I am robbing you and use the money to flee your shithole.

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny - damn: not "funny", but "strange" - when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

You are attacking me constantly like a clown. You´re a clown.

Whatever, whoever I am is unimportant for you. You are dangerous for yourselve - and for everyone else.

Buffoonery. You are the dangerous guy - in support of the import of rapists and murderers. We don´t see women and children in your little boats. Finally shut up with your accusations.
European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year

I don't feel sorry for them..

They should stop with their Globalism, New World Order scheme ....One World Government crap

They are going to lose.They are losing..... Idiots.

Oh well.....never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself .
Yes, they are losing idiots. That doesn´t make them your enemy.

Don't be so rhetorical , lol......I was only using a known phrase to explain how I feel about them. :wink_2:
They are losing constantly, giving up on the political weight the EU could have in the world. That makes them sheep among wolfs.

Our foreign minister hits the nail on the head, but such statements die away:

Your real problem is you are not able to flee your self. Your own character is punishing you.

Nope, your problem is being a Besserbürger. Besserbürger feel superior until their daughter is found in a hole, raped and slaughtered halal. They then feel bad and think they were not nice enough to migrants and that´s all their fault. It is, indeed.

14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins

No one in Germany, who I know, is using words like "Besserbürger" (coming from "Besserwessi", I guess) or words like "Schweinevolk" - coming from antisemitism, I guess. Your own avatar "Bleipriester" is totally obscure; not a German word but "tin-priest" could be a somehow a translation.I guess this is an empty phrase in the English language too.

And you are a sick criminal. It's funny - damn: not "funny", but "strange" - when a criminal thinks crimes of others make him to a holy man.

You are attacking me constantly like a clown. You´re a clown.

Whatever, whoever I am is unimportant for you. You are dangerous for yourselve - and for everyone else.

Buffoonery. You are the dangerous guy - in support of the import of rapists and murderers. We don´t see women and children in your little boats. Finally shut up with your accusations.

You underestimate that every propagandist of a Nazi-ideology - like you - has first to shoot me down, before I let shoot them down refugees, politicians, firemen, doctors, nurses, policemen and so on. You are for me the same godless terrorist as every godless Islamists, who blasphemes to have a god-given right to be a murderer. No one ever got such a right nor will anyone ever get such a right from god. You left every argumentative level, propagator of mass- murder. You are the criminal subject on your own, which you try to see in other people.

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I hope you know what you agree with. A German proverb says "mitgegangen, (mitgefangen,) mitgehangen" - verbally "gone with, (caught with,) hanged with".

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