Stress Ed?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
An overwhelming majority of students at local high schools say school-related pressures cause them the most stress and that school officials don't do enough to help them cope, according to a survey prepared by a youth advisory committee to Rep. Mike Honda.

The survey findings are "scary," said KC Ham, an 18-year-old senior from Presentation High School in San Jose who is a member of Honda's committee, established to provide a youth perspective on national issues.

"A lot said they didn't have contact with or very little interest from counselors — and if they had it, it wasn't helping," Ham said. "That it wasn't working was sad and troubling."

Without proper help or understanding from adults, she said, teens "turn to a lot of different things to cope, and they're not usually the right things."

Drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, sleep problems, conflicts with parents and friends and, in extreme cases, suicide can all be linked to some kind of stress, Ham said.

The survey of 180 students found 75 percent attribute the stress they face from school-related activities and more than 60 percent said school officials don't take effective measures to deal with student stress. The survey also found that 68 percent claimed to know someone who has suffered serious consequences as a result of stress

While I do believe that kids today are under a great deal of stress, I challenge the results of this survey. The "stress" may or may not be school-related.

What should schools do? Group therapy sessions? Individual counseling? Additional curriculum mandates? "Authentic Caring" :lol:?
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I never understood how people get stressed over school. Of course in college I was always of the mindset that Id rather have a 3.2, stay social, and hang out with my fraternity brothers Friday through Sunday than have a 4.0, stay in my room every night, and do homework on the weekends. I can tell you what is stressful right now. Being a recent college graduate and trying to find gainful employment.

Group therapy and counseling could help some but a guarantee that some of these kids are so fucked up they get stressed about being stressed.
those times in my life were the most stress free time ever. I guess school came easy for me and I didn't have to study that long nor take a long time to do my work, so that made it easy. I guess I also wasn't bullied also. But shit, go to school, and play sports all day once I got home. No job until 16. Summer's was sports all day. But I had good, middle class parents that treated me right, so another reason my life wasn't that stressful.
While I do believe that kids today are under a great deal of stress, I challenge the results of this survey. The "stress" may or may not be school-related.

What should schools do? Group therapy sessions? Individual counseling? Additional curriculum mandates? "Authentic Caring" :lol:?

Heh......Pick the most stressful activity:

A. 8 hours of sleep/day

B. 8 hours of texting, watching TV, or playing video games/day

C. 8 hours of school


Your answer is "C?":confused:


I'll tell ya what these kids need to do: have a job chopping wood that pays about $2/hr for 8 hours a day.

Make 8 hours of school much less stressful.
I would first ask the question what stress they are having.

social pressure - Are they stressing because they cant keep up with their friends? Too many people don't like them. To many people like them. Wrong clothes? Right parties?

or curriculum pressure- Are they to smart or dumb.
I would first ask the question what stress they are having.

social pressure - Are they stressing because they cant keep up with their friends? Too many people don't like them. To many people like them. Wrong clothes? Right parties?

or curriculum pressure- Are they to smart or dumb.

I'll take a wild guess that few high school students, CERTAINLY LESS THAN 75% are pressured by their curriculum. Based on what I've seen, I'd guess this number is 5% (max).

The other 70% are "pressured" by how many friends they have on facebook, how many nekkid pics of themselves they've posted, whose pot party they can go to during the weekend, whether or not they can display the Mexican Flag, and bring their Lesbian girlfriend to the prom.
i would let the kids know that now that they are getting older, shit in their life is going to get more and more stressful. i'd let them know that they are going to have to grow accustomed to the pressures of what they want requiring more and more of what they don't want to obtain it, and that being a pussy is not the remedy to the problem, rather, its the cause.
I would first ask the question what stress they are having.

social pressure - Are they stressing because they cant keep up with their friends? Too many people don't like them. To many people like them. Wrong clothes? Right parties?

or curriculum pressure- Are they to smart or dumb.

I'll take a wild guess that few high school students, CERTAINLY LESS THAN 75% are pressured by their curriculum. Based on what I've seen, I'd guess this number is 5% (max).

The other 70% are "pressured" by how many friends they have on facebook, how many nekkid pics of themselves they've posted, whose pot party they can go to during the weekend, whether or not they can display the Mexican Flag, and bring their Lesbian girlfriend to the prom.

My point exactly.
I never understood how people get stressed over school. Of course in college I was always of the mindset that Id rather have a 3.2, stay social, and hang out with my fraternity brothers Friday through Sunday than have a 4.0, stay in my room every night, and do homework on the weekends. I can tell you what is stressful right now. Being a recent college graduate and trying to find gainful employment.

Group therapy and counseling could help some but a guarantee that some of these kids are so fucked up they get stressed about being stressed.

I know its been a while, but in this economy... If you are still looking for work I found a site that suggests the highest paying entry level jobs. might be useful, or more useful for people who haven't graduated yet and should change their majors!
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Must have hit a raw nerve with a lot of people.
hehe those kids don't know whats waiting for them on the other side when school is out.
Pansy assed jackwagon kids.

Learing to fit in to the world is part of their education same as book learnin.
Stress managment skills are essential for coping with 21st century life. If we teach them to kids I think we will see a lot less fucked up adults in the future not to mention less fucked up teenagers.

It should be part of the heath curriculum.

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