Strong Laws Needed to Protect Kids against Sexual Predators

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Alternatives to Reality
By Thomas Sowell
March 21, 2006

Horrifying stories about the rapes and murders of children, and about judges who go easy on sex offenders who prey on the young, have prompted some state legislatures to tighten up the laws and restrict the sentencing discretion of judges.

Few in the media or among the intelligentsia have been as outraged about these sadistic crimes against children as they have been about whether terrorists' phone calls have been intercepted.

for full article:

The Most Dangerous States for American Kids
by Bill O'Reilly, Human Events
March 18, 2006

While some states have passed Jessica's Law, which harshly punishes child molesters, other states simply will not do anything. The following are the most dangerous to a child's welfare:

For full article:
Paedophiles can't be treated. They can't be rehabilitated - yet. They'll admit that if you ask them. So they need to be locked up for life so they can't do it again. I mean life, as in dying in prison.

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