Stuck: Most still say Biden ‘cheating’ beat Trump

It appears that the propaganda on the election from the Democrat Reich isn't working:

The latest evidence from Rasmussen Reports:
By a margin of 51%-44%, voters said it is “likely” that cheating affected the outcome. That included 74% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats. Some 47% said it is likely Democrats stole or destroyed ballots for former President Donald Trump. That included 75% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats. An even 50% said that it is unlikely ballots were destroyed. It is the latest survey to show that much of the nation is stuck in neutral when it comes to moving past the 2020 election, especially Republicans.
Trump has done little to help them move forward, as recently as last weekend claiming anew that Democrats and President Joe Biden robbed his reelection.
That issue has been fed by continued controversies over balloting and election reform and the partisan fight over the impact of the Georgia voting changes. Liberals, most recently actor Will Smith, have fallen in line to decry the changes.
However, a nonpartisan state-by-state review of election laws reported on by Secrets yesterday said that Georgia is in the group of states with the easiest election rules. Delaware, home to Biden, was not.
The survey also looked at election laws and found that voters want cheating eliminated from the system far more than making it easier to vote. And they demand voter identification.
Rasmussen said: “Asked which is more important, making it easier for everybody to vote, or making sure there is no cheating in elections, 60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating, while 37% said it’s more important to make it easier to vote.
“Only 22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, while 34% said it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.”

It's Rasmussen which means it's both biased and worthless.

60% of the voter believe the election was fair and honest, and that includes 40% of Republicans,

Republicans have their own version of reality,” John Geer, a public opinion expert at Vanderbilt University, told Reuters. “It is a huge problem. Democracy requires accountability and accountability requires evidence.”

The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
President Biden.

The relief continues to wash over me.
That is China Joe pissing on you.
Have you washed off that Russian piss from the former president?
Another lie, another perpetuation of that lie.
Who took the meeting from Russian operatives in the former president NY tower so they could dig dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Who says they were "operatives?" What the hell is an operative? The upshot of the meeting was zip, nada, nothing.

Someone who is a registered agent of the Russian government, which would be Ms. Velnetskaya.
about the same amount that believes in invisible deities.
I see your bias against religion, other than that, Congress knew that and did nothing to investigate. The DOJ and the FBI did nothing. There is no excuse for either.
The states have investigated and have found nothing so far. Where is your evidence?
No Evidence For Voter Fraud: A Guide To Statistical Claims About The 2020 Election
Simply bullshit. There was a massive conspiracy to get Trump out office that ended in obvious fraud.
There is always a massive conspiracy to remove people from power by the opposing party.
It was more than the Democratic party. In fact they probably did the least out of Big Tech and the media and the corrupt Deep State or uniparty. Not to mention foreign interference.

What else you got?

Don't forget Independents. We hate your guts too.
You're about as "independent" as Pol Pot.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like you insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to even try to prove election integrity.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
Only on breitbart.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."

Not according to the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, Roberty Mueller or the US Senate, or the judges in all of the trials and court cases, that resulted.

Only Donald Trump and his cult says otherwise, and they have zero credibility.
about the same amount that believes in invisible deities.
I see your bias against religion, other than that, Congress knew that and did nothing to investigate. The DOJ and the FBI did nothing. There is no excuse for either.
The states have investigated and have found nothing so far. Where is your evidence?
No Evidence For Voter Fraud: A Guide To Statistical Claims About The 2020 Election
Simply bullshit. There was a massive conspiracy to get Trump out office that ended in obvious fraud.
There is always a massive conspiracy to remove people from power by the opposing party.
It was more than the Democratic party. In fact they probably did the least out of Big Tech and the media and the corrupt Deep State or uniparty. Not to mention foreign interference.

What else you got?

Don't forget Independents. We hate your guts too.
You're about as "independent" as Pol Pot.

How would you know?
It appears that the propaganda on the election from the Democrat Reich isn't working:

The latest evidence from Rasmussen Reports:
By a margin of 51%-44%, voters said it is “likely” that cheating affected the outcome. That included 74% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats. Some 47% said it is likely Democrats stole or destroyed ballots for former President Donald Trump. That included 75% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats. An even 50% said that it is unlikely ballots were destroyed. It is the latest survey to show that much of the nation is stuck in neutral when it comes to moving past the 2020 election, especially Republicans.
Trump has done little to help them move forward, as recently as last weekend claiming anew that Democrats and President Joe Biden robbed his reelection.
That issue has been fed by continued controversies over balloting and election reform and the partisan fight over the impact of the Georgia voting changes. Liberals, most recently actor Will Smith, have fallen in line to decry the changes.
However, a nonpartisan state-by-state review of election laws reported on by Secrets yesterday said that Georgia is in the group of states with the easiest election rules. Delaware, home to Biden, was not.
The survey also looked at election laws and found that voters want cheating eliminated from the system far more than making it easier to vote. And they demand voter identification.
Rasmussen said: “Asked which is more important, making it easier for everybody to vote, or making sure there is no cheating in elections, 60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating, while 37% said it’s more important to make it easier to vote.
“Only 22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, while 34% said it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.”
No...not most....just the small amount of orange cultists.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
Only on breitbart.
Everywhere there are people who comprehend logic and facts.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to prove election integrity.

No fraud was proven. The cases weren't heard because there was no evidence to prove the claims. FaceBook posts, and videos with conspiracy theory voice overs do no constitute "evidence" in a court of law.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to prove election integrity.
No proof was offered, because the proof only exists in the minds of intellectually compromised people.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like you insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to even try to prove election integrity. All they say is it did not happen.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."

Not according to the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, Roberty Mueller or the US Senate, or the judges in all of the trials and court cases, that resulted.

Only Donald Trump and his cult says otherwise, and they have zero credibility.
And they are a small group........................small in so many ways.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
Only on breitbart.
Everywhere there are people who comprehend logic and facts.

Yes there are all and all of those people say the election was fair and honest. Only the Trump cult says otherwise.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to prove election integrity.

No fraud was proven. The cases weren't heard because there was no evidence to prove the claims. FaceBook posts, and videos with conspiracy theory voice overs do no constitute "evidence" in a court of law.
If no evidence was heard how would you know that? You lose.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
Only on breitbart.
Everywhere there are people who comprehend logic and facts.

Yet very few here.
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
The "big lie" was that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the 2020 election was "free and fair."
Only on breitbart.
Everywhere there are people who comprehend logic and facts.

Yet very few here.
Do you think you are helping that stat?
The anti-American Rubepublicans who hate the sovereign will of the people continue to believe The Big Lie because they’re emotional snowflakes who can’t process that their Orange God lost.

Oh we can process it. You idiots look like MF fools out there. The world is laughing at that Vegetable and the dumb shit stains like yourself here

The world is laughing at Qult45. You dumb mouth breathers are comedy.
That does not change the fact there was massive fraud. Even it if were true.
Massive fraud is the retelling of the Big Lie.
No. It is the truth against the real big lie. Absolutely everything points to fraud. The withholding of ballots and machines. The censorship so fraud was not discussed and people like insisting there was not. If there was no fraud this would be over because cases with evidence would have been heard and machines would audited.

Then no fraud would be proven. That Democrats did nothing but yell traitor is obvious guilt. No scrutiny has been allowed, let alone transparency. They did nothing to prove election integrity.

No fraud was proven. The cases weren't heard because there was no evidence to prove the claims. FaceBook posts, and videos with conspiracy theory voice overs do no constitute "evidence" in a court of law.
If no evidence was heard how would you know that? You lose.

Because the Qult45 'evidence' is hearsay and butthurt? Yeah, that's definitely the case.

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