Student Accepted To All 8 Ivy League Schools

I have known two black immigrants, one a lawyer who was born and raised in Bermuda, and one a very educated man from Cameroon.

Immigrant blacks do not have problems climbing the ladder of success in this country, because 1) they are smart, 2) no one ever told them they couldn't succeed, and 3) they don't wallow in self pity because they are black.

Our home-grown blacks are taught from an early age that whites are the enemy, and that a black kid has no chance to succeed, and that school is a waste of time.

And the people to blame, mostly, are the public education teachers, but also the parents. But we can't change the parents, so we must get through to the public school teachers that they need to stop whatever they are doing to destroy the confidence of their black students.

Awesome. You are awesome.

He pretty much nailed it. Democrats have fostered the idea that blacks cant make it without the help of government for the last fifty years.
It's no wonder they're so fucked up.

So no black had success without the govt? You are a special retard

Now where did I say that?
As a matter of fact if you'd read the thread you would have known that I gave the girl credit for her achievement.
And to deny the fact that dems have held back the african American community through handouts makes you a complete moron.

They only hold back retarded blacks who are uneducated
I have known two black immigrants, one a lawyer who was born and raised in Bermuda, and one a very educated man from Cameroon.

Immigrant blacks do not have problems climbing the ladder of success in this country, because 1) they are smart, 2) no one ever told them they couldn't succeed, and 3) they don't wallow in self pity because they are black.

Our home-grown blacks are taught from an early age that whites are the enemy, and that a black kid has no chance to succeed, and that school is a waste of time.

And the people to blame, mostly, are the public education teachers, but also the parents. But we can't change the parents, so we must get through to the public school teachers that they need to stop whatever they are doing to destroy the confidence of their black students.

Awesome. You are awesome.

He pretty much nailed it. Democrats have fostered the idea that blacks cant make it without the help of government for the last fifty years.
It's no wonder they're so fucked up.

So no black had success without the govt? You are a special retard

Now where did I say that?
As a matter of fact if you'd read the thread you would have known that I gave the girl credit for her achievement.
And to deny the fact that dems have held back the african American community through handouts makes you a complete moron.

They only hold back retarded blacks who are uneducated

You mean the ones in ghettos all over the US.....
Giving them money for nothing has done more harm to the black community then racism ever did or ever will.
Before they started doing that shit the black community was far better off.
The problem we have is that Democrats are very evil, and so there is no way to get them to cooperate in solving the problems they cause. They WANT to keep blacks poor, and unemployed, and on drugs, and without hope. Every black man who ends up in prison is a victory for the Democrats, because then you have a black woman who has no husband to help her raise her babies. So she HAS to go the government to be her substitute husband and substitute father for her children.
Because, if Democrats weren't evil, American history would be very different. The five "civilized" tribes would still live in the American South, not forced on a genocidal march to Oklahoma. Blacks would never have been brought here against their will. We would not have had the Civil War that killed 700,000 Americans. We would not have the KKK. We would not have the Dred Scott or Plessy v. Ferguson decisions. We would not have had legal segregation. We would not have 3000 unborn babies aborted every day. We would not have millions of Americans poor, hopeless of ever getting employment, and dependent on government.
The problem we have is that Democrats are very evil, and so there is no way to get them to cooperate in solving the problems they cause. They WANT to keep blacks poor, and unemployed, and on drugs, and without hope. Every black man who ends up in prison is a victory for the Democrats, because then you have a black woman who has no husband to help her raise her babies. So she HAS to go the government to be her substitute husband and substitute father for her children.

How many people have told you that you are insane?
The problem we have is that Democrats are very evil, and so there is no way to get them to cooperate in solving the problems they cause. They WANT to keep blacks poor, and unemployed, and on drugs, and without hope. Every black man who ends up in prison is a victory for the Democrats, because then you have a black woman who has no husband to help her raise her babies. So she HAS to go the government to be her substitute husband and substitute father for her children.

How many people have told you that you are insane?
In big cities, most district attorneys are liberal Democrats. They put lots of black men in prison. I've seen how they hit a black man with assault on an elderly person because he brushed by and barely touched an elderly security guard. They told me the stores hire elderly security guards so they can enhance the punishment, and the DA goes along with it.

The original crime was shoplifting. The black man picked up two armfuls of hair conditioner and runs out of the store with them -- a very stupid crime. He brushes past an elderly security guard so they charge him with assault, and then they enhance it because the "victim" is elderly.

The public defenders watched it all go down and didn't do a thing about it.
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Just how do you figure that teachers are to blame?

they are controlled by a libertard union. maybe you did not know that???

Like this....

Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
A third-grade teacher at a public school in New Jersey is under fire after she encouraged her students to write letters to notorious convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, who recently fell ill in prison.

Marylin Zuniga teaches language arts and social studies at Forest Street School in Orange, N.J.

Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

So you blame the other 7 million plus teachers equally because one has a major brain malfunction?

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