Student loses credit for using " Mankind" in English paper


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Student Loses Credit for Using 'Mankind' in English Paper


Another case of trendy uninformed douchebags screwing themselves over it's all coming right back at them. Oh the irony screwing yourself.
If the diction requirements were part of the syllabus or other published qualifications, tough to be the student.
I hated this way back in the 70s.

Long past time to include women.


Deal with it.
Another case of trendy uninformed douchebags screwing themselves over it's all coming right back at them. Oh the irony screwing yourself.
Because one prof in Flagstaff, Az doesn't comprehend that "mankind" refers to the gender neutral collective of the human race is no reason to paint with such a W I D E brush. Your conclusion is insufferably STUPID and illogical!
Some of this is just ingrained in our society and it's only offensive to people with too much time on their hands, First Wold problems as it were.

Ever refer to your car as a she? "Here are my keys to my car, but take good care of her" It is used as a term of endearment and special respect.

Can you imagine someone messing with your wife and feeling you shouldn't stand up for her because it would "belittle her" or make her feel inferior? Of course not.

Some of these people mean well, but I will end it with that...they mean well...
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So you're saying the professor objects to mankind but not humanity?

LOL Yep funny " man" is in HU MAN ahahah that's how pathetic these fake liberals fks are who brainwash these kids today.
Some of this is just ingrained in our society and it's only offensive to people with too much time on their hands, First Wold problems as it were.

Ever refer to your car as a she? "Here are my keys to my car, but take good care of her" It is used as a term of endearment and special respect.

Can you imagine someone messing with your wife and feeling you shouldn't stand up for her because it would "belittle her" or make her feel inferior? Of course not.

Some of these people mean well, but I will end it with that...they mean well...

Well the more morons like this get offended over everything and anything their a little to demented to realize soon we will have no freedom, just like t hose wonderful communist countries. They are a bit to retarded to realize that though.
Another case of trendy uninformed douchebags screwing themselves over it's all coming right back at them. Oh the irony screwing yourself.
Because one prof in Flagstaff, Az doesn't comprehend that "mankind" refers to the gender neutral collective of the human race is no reason to paint with such a W I D E brush. Your conclusion is insufferably STUPID and illogical!

Obama's cult following were brainwashed right into :

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the purported founders of communism, established in the 19th century a government paradigm that transformed Europe and other regions in the eastern hemisphere, adding to an already expansive repertoire of political ideologies. And the seemingly farfetched assertion that communism could someday take control of America seems, quite simply, unfathomable. But is it really that improbable, or furthermore, has it already ensnared certain sectors of society?
In this group of synonyms by the Oxford Dictionaries, I don't see a single gender queer synonym for HUMANITY. Must be a frigging misprint.

  • man·kind1

    1. human beings considered collectively; the human race:
      synonyms: the human race, man, humanity, human beings, humans, Homo sapiens,humankind, people, men and women
    2. men, as distinct from women.
Powered by OxfordDictionaries · © Oxford University Press
In this group of synonyms by the Oxford Dictionaries, I don't see a single gender queer synonym for HUMANITY. Must be a frigging misprint.

  • man·kind1

    1. human beings considered collectively; the human race:
      synonyms: the human race, man, humanity, human beings, humans, Homo sapiens,humankind, people, men and women
    2. men, as distinct from women.
Powered by OxfordDictionaries · © Oxford University Press

It's not PC I suppose so that makes it just plain wrong in that jerks eyes. lol.
If the student was given an F because of their use of that word, I would demand that the teacher be suspended if not fired. If they want to take off a point for the use of that word, that is one thing, but to go any farther in my opinion is just a teacher abusing their authority.

God bless you and the student always!!!


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