Student Suspended for Recording Professors Rant About Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Thou shalt not inform the public as to the taxpayer funded brainwashing occurring.

The student who filmed his professor calling Donald Trump’s election “an act of terrorism” has received a one-semester suspension from Orange Coast College (OCC).

The previously anonymous student, Caleb O’Neil, has also received a number of other sanctions for recording his professor, Olga Pere Stable-Cox, including a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students before he is readmitted, as well as remaining on disciplinary probation for one semester upon return from suspension.

Additionally, O’Neil must write an apology letter to professor as well as a three-page, double spaced essay discussing why he videotaped the professor despite “knowing that it was a violation of the course syllabus;” his “thoughts and analysis” on why he shared the video with others; what he thought would happen to Stable-Cox; the video’s impact “and ensuing damage to Orange Coast College students, faculty, and staff;” “other choices [he] could have made to resolve the situation;” and “[how he] will prevent this from happening again in the future.”


The email, sent by Interim Dean of Students Victoria Lugo, charged O’Neil with violating Student Code of Conduct against tape recording and unauthorized use of electronic devices in the classroom.

“Unauthorized recording is a serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct,” Lugo wrote. “This is clearly stated in the instructor’s course syllabus in addition to the student code of conduct. When we spoke, you stated that you felt badly about the things that had happened to individuals as a result of this incident. It is my hope that this experience will lead you to truly think through your actions and the consequences of those actions when making decisions in the future. As we discussed, the conduct process is part of the overall college learning process and I do believe that valuable lessons have been gained from this experience.”

O’Neil has seven days from the reception of the letter, dated February 9, to appeal. If he chooses to do so, his sanctions will be “deferred until the outcome of [the] appeal is determined.” A hearing scheduled by the College Disciplinary Officer, or designee, will take place between 10 and 30 days later.

Student suspended for recording 'act of terrorism' prof
Since when have electronic devices not been allowed in a college classroom? For as long as I know, students would use them to go over their notes on the profs lectures. What a sad, sad, commentary this is.
Since when have electronic devices not been allowed in a college classroom? For as long as I know, students would use them to go over their notes on the profs lectures. What a sad, sad, commentary this is.

I used them all through school....and I suspect other students do at this school also but someone got busted and they are trying to cover it up.
Additionally, O’Neil must write an apology letter to professor as well as a three-page, double spaced essay discussing why he videotaped the professor despite “knowing that it was a violation of the course syllabus;” his “thoughts and analysis” on why he shared the video with others; what he thought would happen to Stable-Cox; the video’s impact “and ensuing damage to Orange Coast College students, faculty, and staff;” “other choices [he] could have made to resolve the situation;” and “[how he] will prevent this from happening again in the future.”
That's soviet style education [aka re-education]...this may sound bad now but these are the types of things that bring down tyrannical parties...don't expect any on the left to invoke the first amendment here on this students behalf
Since when have electronic devices not been allowed in a college classroom? For as long as I know, students would use them to go over their notes on the profs lectures. What a sad, sad, commentary this is.

You cannot record a professor's lecture without his permission. It is theft of intellectual property.
It used to not be a problem. Sad all the money going to a child's education to pay that profs salary yet the kids can't tape their lectures anymore to help them get better grades. Something is wrong with that picture. You could miss something while making notes.
Since when have electronic devices not been allowed in a college classroom? For as long as I know, students would use them to go over their notes on the profs lectures. What a sad, sad, commentary this is.

You cannot record a professor's lecture without his permission. It is theft of intellectual property.
It used to not be a problem. Sad all the money going to a child's education to pay that profs salary yet the kids can't tape their lectures anymore to help them get better grades. Something is wrong with that picture. You could miss something while making notes.
Since when have electronic devices not been allowed in a college classroom? For as long as I know, students would use them to go over their notes on the profs lectures. What a sad, sad, commentary this is.

You cannot record a professor's lecture without his permission. It is theft of intellectual property.

Oh well! It sucks to be them. I graduated with a Master's in 2003 and it was in effect then!

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