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Law abiding gun owners own close to 400 million firearms.

If we were the problem, you'd know it...

Actually, half the guns in this country are owned by 3% of the population, and frankly, you people are scary because most of you are nuts.


The idiots misinterpreting the second amendment are you anti American fools on the left.

The only ones misrepresenting the militia amendment are the NRA and the gun industry...

But it's hard to get a person to understand a problem if their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
Law abiding gun owners own close to 400 million firearms.

If we were the problem, you'd know it...

Actually, half the guns in this country are owned by 3% of the population, and frankly, you people are scary because most of you are nuts.

View attachment 487106

The idiots misinterpreting the second amendment are you anti American fools on the left.

The only ones misrepresenting the militia amendment are the NRA and the gun industry...

But it's hard to get a person to understand a problem if their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
I presume you mean legal gun ownership as opposed to Gang "Owned" guns.
Law abiding gun owners own close to 400 million firearms.

If we were the problem, you'd know it...

Actually, half the guns in this country are owned by 3% of the population, and frankly, you people are scary because most of you are nuts.

View attachment 487106

The idiots misinterpreting the second amendment are you anti American fools on the left.

The only ones misrepresenting the militia amendment are the NRA and the gun industry...

But it's hard to get a person to understand a problem if their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
Says a looney libtard. You're so stupid.
Law abiding gun owners own close to 400 million firearms.

If we were the problem, you'd know it...

Actually, half the guns in this country are owned by 3% of the population, and frankly, you people are scary because most of you are nuts.

View attachment 487106

The idiots misinterpreting the second amendment are you anti American fools on the left.

The only ones misrepresenting the militia amendment are the NRA and the gun industry...

But it's hard to get a person to understand a problem if their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
Libs have no clue what the constitution says. The second says I can own any gun and any amount of guns I want, no matter what idiots like you think.
Law abiding gun owners own close to 400 million firearms.

If we were the problem, you'd know it...

Actually, half the guns in this country are owned by 3% of the population, and frankly, you people are scary because most of you are nuts.

I like knowing that we scare you. I like knowing that you're afraid of us and too big a chickenshit to do anything about it. I envision you curled up in the fetal position in your bathtub, thinking the gun nuts are coming for you.

As far as idiots like you are concerned, a "gun nut" is anyone who won't capitulate to every single last demand made by the anti-gun lobby. Fact is, I've only drawn my sidearm twice, and fired it once. My actions were deemed appropriate and lawful in both instances. I'm a responsible gun owner.

So fuck off, pussy, guns ain't for you...
I like knowing that we scare you. I like knowing that you're afraid of us and too big a chickenshit to do anything about it. I envision you curled up in the fetal position in your bathtub, thinking the gun nuts are coming for you.

Yes, you spend a lot of time envisioning me in your head, that's the scary part.

But 39,000 gun deaths a year, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, 270 BILLION in economic losses related to guns... that's what I worry about.

As far as idiots like you are concerned, a "gun nut" is anyone who won't capitulate to every single last demand made by the anti-gun lobby. Fact is, I've only drawn my sidearm twice, and fired it once. My actions were deemed appropriate and lawful in both instances. I'm a responsible gun owner.

Wow. Seriously. I mean most of you guys just wank off at the thought of shooting people, but you've actually done it?
Libs have no clue what the constitution says. The second says I can own any gun and any amount of guns I want, no matter what idiots like you think.

Nope, it says "Well Regulated Militias". I'm fine with well-regulated militias.. I was a member of one for years. Tomorrow is the 40th Anniversary of my first enlistment.

I'm more worried about nuts with guns... the best argument for gun control is a discussion with a gun nut.
I like knowing that we scare you. I like knowing that you're afraid of us and too big a chickenshit to do anything about it. I envision you curled up in the fetal position in your bathtub, thinking the gun nuts are coming for you.

Yes, you spend a lot of time envisioning me in your head, that's the scary part.

But 39,000 gun deaths a year, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, 270 BILLION in economic losses related to guns... that's what I worry about.

How many of those gun crimes are committed by law abiding guns owners?

How many are committed by negro thugs?
As far as idiots like you are concerned, a "gun nut" is anyone who won't capitulate to every single last demand made by the anti-gun lobby. Fact is, I've only drawn my sidearm twice, and fired it once. My actions were deemed appropriate and lawful in both instances. I'm a responsible gun owner.

Wow. Seriously. I mean most of you guys just wank off at the thought of shooting people, but you've actually done it?
Again, anyone who doesn't piss themselves at the very thought of a gun is, to you, a gun nut.

Yes, I've drawn my firearm twice.

The first time was in 2006 while living in California (yes, I legally carried). Thankfully I didn't have to fire the weapon, but I was certainly prepared to.

The second time was in 2015 while living in Florida. Unfortunately, in that instance, I did have to shoot. It was a question of him or me, and it wasn't going to be me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about that incident, but I will never, ever, apologize for it...
How many of those gun crimes are committed by law abiding guns owners?

How many are committed by negro thugs?

Most gun murders are domestic murders... not random street crime.

In fact, only 5% are killed by strangers, the other 83% are killed by friends and family.


The first time was in 2006 while living in California (yes, I legally carried). Thankfully I didn't have to fire the weapon, but I was certainly prepared to.

The second time was in 2015 while living in Florida. Unfortunately, in that instance, I did have to shoot. It was a question of him or me, and it wasn't going to be me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about that incident, but I will never, ever, apologize for it...

Yup, more of your dubious stories....
How many of those gun crimes are committed by law abiding guns owners?

How many are committed by negro thugs?

Most gun murders are domestic murders... not random street crime.

In fact, only 5% are killed by strangers, the other 83% are killed by friends and family.

View attachment 487125

The first time was in 2006 while living in California (yes, I legally carried). Thankfully I didn't have to fire the weapon, but I was certainly prepared to.

The second time was in 2015 while living in Florida. Unfortunately, in that instance, I did have to shoot. It was a question of him or me, and it wasn't going to be me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about that incident, but I will never, ever, apologize for it...

Yup, more of your dubious stories....
Yeah, those gang members never shoot each other at parties or bars.
Yeah, those gang members never shoot each other at parties or bars.

Not sure what your point is here.. The fact that guns are so readily available is WHY we have so many shootings.

Now, here's the thing. We could have gun laws like Germany has. Responsible citizens can own guns, but it's not considered a right and you have to show a good reason why you need one. German citizens have about 20 million guns for 80 million people, but they have very little gun crime.

We let the Gun industry flood our streets with guns so people like the guy I have on ignore get all scared and they want them some guns, too.
How many of those gun crimes are committed by law abiding guns owners?

How many are committed by negro thugs?

Most gun murders are domestic murders... not random street crime.

In fact, only 5% are killed by strangers, the other 83% are killed by friends and family.

View attachment 487125

The first time was in 2006 while living in California (yes, I legally carried). Thankfully I didn't have to fire the weapon, but I was certainly prepared to.

The second time was in 2015 while living in Florida. Unfortunately, in that instance, I did have to shoot. It was a question of him or me, and it wasn't going to be me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about that incident, but I will never, ever, apologize for it...

Yup, more of your dubious stories....

Again, Josephine, I couldn't give a fuck if you believe me or not. If you need to believe that I'm some off-the-rails whacko with a gun, well knock yourself out. The reality is that I've been a gun owner for over 35 years and have pulled the trigger of my sidearm only twice (one incident).

I don't care how you wish to characterize that, because you're nothing to me...
Yeah, those gang members never shoot each other at parties or bars.

The fact that guns are so readily available is WHY we have so many shootings.
No shit? Then why are there never shootings at NRA meetings, police stations, or the White House (which is filled with fully automatic firearms)? :laugh:

Hey, hey, HEY!!

Don't you be shotgunning questions at Joey like that. Don't you know that he needs some time to formulate his ridiculous answers.

Please be mindful of that. Once he starts crying it can take days to bring him back around...
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Yeah, those gang members never shoot each other at parties or bars.

Not sure what your point is here.. The fact that guns are so readily available is WHY we have so many shootings.

Now, here's the thing. We could have gun laws like Germany has. Responsible citizens can own guns, but it's not considered a right and you have to show a good reason why you need one. German citizens have about 20 million guns for 80 million people, but they have very little gun crime.

We let the Gun industry flood our streets with guns so people like the guy I have on ignore get all scared and they want them some guns, too.
You are never going to stop people from getting their hands on guns.
Your problem is that you will never admit that Black hoodlums don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and so you direct your disappointment in society towards Whites.
If White hoodlums want to get their hands on guns, they will and they will use them on who they wish to use them.
Yeah, those gang members never shoot each other at parties or bars.

The fact that guns are so readily available is WHY we have so many shootings.
No shit? Then why are there never shootings at NRA meetings, police stations, or the White House (which is filled with fully automatic firearms)? :laugh:

Hey, hey, HEY!!

Don't you be shotgunning questions at Joey like that. Don't you know that he needs some time to formulate his ridiculous answers.

Please be mindful of that. Once he stars crying it can take days to bring him back around...
I almost pulled a stomach muscle on that one!
No shit? Then why are there never shootings at NRA meetings, police stations, or the White House (which is filled with fully automatic firearms)?

Uh, we've had four presidents assassinated in our history.... I don't know of any other job where you have a 8% chance of being murdered.
You are never going to stop people from getting their hands on guns.

Except European countries and Japan have largely done EXACTLY that.

Your problem is that you will never admit that Black hoodlums don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and so you direct your disappointment in society towards Whites.

Again, your racism is kind of sad and all, but the problem is we have too many guns, period.

If White hoodlums want to get their hands on guns, they will and they will use them on who they wish to use them.

Except, again, the white hoodlums in Europe by and large- don't. They have very little gun crime.

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