Students Expulsion 4 Using Gun 4 Protection

wow, the idiocy just goes further and further. They lived OFF campus, and not on the University property, the University has no business mandating what they can do in their own home.

IT hey should sue the university if expelled.
I understand that it is a private, catholic university. But to expel these students for having a gun and defending themselves is simply a travesty!
wow, the idiocy just goes further and further. They lived OFF campus, and not on the University property, the University has no business mandating what they can do in their own home.

IT hey should sue the university if expelled.

I don't know if they can sue or not. They agreed to abide by the rules, ridiculous or not, when they signed up as students of a private college.
The students are now placed on probation and plan to appeal. The incident occurred on school owned off campus housing.

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It may not be as cut and dried as the linked article claims.

According to the Washington Times:
"Two students at Gonzaga University in Washington state are facing possible expulsion after they pulled a handgun to ward off a six-time felon from breaking into their college-owned apartment.

A university discipline board decided on Friday to move forward with sanctions, including possible expulsion, against Erik Fagan and Dan McIntosh for possessing a handgun on campus-owned property, My Fox Spokane reported."

from: Gonzaga University students face possible expulsion for using gun to ward off intruder - Washington Times

It doesn't make the rule less stupid, but it does make the remark about campus security seem less ignorant.
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You would think this story might change the university's policy and start allowing students to have guns
wow, the idiocy just goes further and further. They lived OFF campus, and not on the University property, the University has no business mandating what they can do in their own home.

IT hey should sue the university if expelled.

I don't know if they can sue or not. They agreed to abide by the rules, ridiculous or not, when they signed up as students of a private college.

Yep, I would have to agree with you on that, as unfortunate as it is.

I wonder if it's possible to pursue a suit against the university, however, for failing to provide adequate campus security, particularly after their ignorant response about security negating their need for a firearm for protection.
You would think this story might change the university's policy and start allowing students to have guns

:lol: Yeah right. Most college administrators are bed wetting candy asses who are afraid of their own shadows.
wow, the idiocy just goes further and further. They lived OFF campus, and not on the University property, the University has no business mandating what they can do in their own home.

IT hey should sue the university if expelled.

I don't know if they can sue or not. They agreed to abide by the rules, ridiculous or not, when they signed up as students of a private college.

Yep, I would have to agree with you on that, as unfortunate as it is.

I wonder if it's possible to pursue a suit against the university, however, for failing to provide adequate campus security, particularly after their ignorant response about security negating their need for a firearm for protection.

Especially if they are asked to explain why this 6 time felon was allowed to roam freely around the apartment complex.
From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.
From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.

I suppose you'd feel better if the guy succeeded in breaking into their apartment and killing them?
From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.

a person is never wrong to defend themselves. That is the heart of the 2nd Amendment. And looking at Washington's laws, there is little doubt these students were well within their rights.

Does Washington state have a castle law
Well, since there were two students and one intruder, perhaps baseball bats would have been more appropriate. The idea of a bunch of students, 18 through 24, all with handguns, would be a nightmare both for the college and the police. A bunch of big time stress built up trying to do well in school, plus a number of students away from mommy and daddy for the first time and eager to try new things out like booze is not a good mix when you add guns.
You would think this story might change the university's policy and start allowing students to have guns

The university's liability increases greatly.

I think most universities got a lot more nervous about students with guns after Cho killed a bunch of his classmates at VA Tech.

It is simple risk management IMO. They let guns and premiums go up dramatically,then there are the regulatory considerations which must be taken into account, where the guns are stored etc etc

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