Students Expulsion 4 Using Gun 4 Protection

guns were against the rules, the guy broke the rules so he will be disciplined. It happened to me in college also. I didn't cry about it, I just pitched a tent under a bridge and finished the semester.
^^^ If that gun had not been used, there wouldn't be anyone for the school to discipline. Yeah guns do kill lives no question about it, but they also save lives too and to me, if a life can be saved it should be saved and if the school authorities don't think that the lives of them students were worth saving, well then maybe a gun should be pointed at them then! Them kids had every right to do what it is that they did and if the school authorities do not like it, well that is just too freaking bad isn't it! :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them students always!!!

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From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.

a person is never wrong to defend themselves. That is the heart of the 2nd Amendment. And looking at Washington's laws, there is little doubt these students were well within their rights.

Does Washington state have a castle law


Neither the Second Amendment nor castle doctrine apply to private entities.
liberal laws always favor the criminal

That's remarkably ignorant, even for you.

when someone is denied the right to defend themselves by a law, there is no ignorance in the comment

This wasn't about law but school policy. Where was a law broken?

For those who are complaining about the students being punished for defending themselves, that is untrue. The punishment is for breaking the school policy about guns.

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to the no-gun policy, but the school certainly has a right to enforce it on their property.
The students had a duty to die for the satisfaction of a career criminal. They are rich since they are in possession of personal property the criminal wanted. They were under an affirmative obligation to give it to the poor needy criminal.

Saving your own life is no excuse.
That's remarkably ignorant, even for you.

when someone is denied the right to defend themselves by a law, there is no ignorance in the comment

This wasn't about law but school policy. Where was a law broken?

For those who are complaining about the students being punished for defending themselves, that is untrue. The punishment is for breaking the school policy about guns.

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to the no-gun policy, but the school certainly has a right to enforce it on their property.

if that is the case then shouldn't a school be permitted to allow open prayer or prayer in class?
From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.

Gotta bookmark this -- a leftwinger saying "the ends never justify the means".

Don't want to sidetrack this thread, but I'm delighted to see this admission. :thup: Thanks.

When asked by the station how students are expected to defend themselves in the face of such a restriction, the school claimed campus security ‘is all over campus.’

#1) according to the article the apartment was OFF campus.

#2) according to the article the apartment was OFF campus.

I realize I just repeated myself, but I think it was pretty important.

This has been really confusing. They keep saying it was off campus housing, but then I've read other reports that said the apartment building was owned by the university
From the linked article in the OP:

‘The university’s weapons policy forbids the possession of weapons… in both on-campus and off-campus housing,’ a spokesperson told the station.

Consequently there’s likely little recourse for the students save that of an intra-mural appeal.

The students were wrong to violate that policy, whether they knew the policy or not, regardless the situation or its outcome, as the ends never justify the means – and the college is at liberty to expel the students accordingly.

a person is never wrong to defend themselves. That is the heart of the 2nd Amendment. And looking at Washington's laws, there is little doubt these students were well within their rights.

Does Washington state have a castle law

But Gonzaga is a private university and as such they have a right to have a no gun policy if they desire. That's the problem these guys are facing.
Well, since there were two students and one intruder, perhaps baseball bats would have been more appropriate. The idea of a bunch of students, 18 through 24, all with handguns, would be a nightmare both for the college and the police. A bunch of big time stress built up trying to do well in school, plus a number of students away from mommy and daddy for the first time and eager to try new things out like booze is not a good mix when you add guns.

And you base this on what exactly? Utah has allowed students to carry guns on campuses for years and they've never had a single incident.

They were living in university owned off campus housing therefore the university had every right to cite them for a policy violation.

then doesn't the university have the expectation to provide security?

Doesn't matter.

If the school has a no guns on school property policy and the students violated that policy then the school is within its rights.

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