Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A

no one "fears" chick-fil-a. normal people choose not to fund bigots.
I got your "bigot" hanging bitch. He is free to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
You have to understand - fascists like jillian don't believe in your freedom to believe. You need to shit the hell down, shut the hell up, and let her tell you how shit is going to be.
Just because you choose to ingest those toxins don't blame responsible adults smart enough to avoid garbage food like that. Do you know how dumb you sound? I easily pay for my healthcare. In my mind there is no excuse for eating that crap. Grow up loser, buy healthy food, and cook it yourself.
In my mind there is no excuse for eating that crap.
Well sure...if I didn't hold a job, mooched off of society, and couldn't get a woman to build a family with me, I would probably think like you too. But for the rest of us who routinely put in 40 - 60 hour weeks, have children that we care about and help with their education, sports, etc. we don't have the luxury of having nothing better to do with our time than cooking meals in between sitting on the couch and going to the mailbox for our welfare checks.
Not at my expense. Its about individual responsibility. One can work mega hours and cook for their kids rather than feeding their kid chic puke slop. Feel free to feed your kids whatever you their detriment.
Fast food is a problem in america. It is not worthy of being labelled real food except by ignorant folk.
Because you know how scary a fast-food restaurant can be... :lmao:
"Student senators at Duquesne University are lobbying for the cancellation of plans to bring Chick-fil-A to campus in the fall, saying they 'fear' for the safety of their peers.
The left has become the most fragile of little snowflakes...

Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A will jeopardize 'safe place'

You poor conservative snowflakes sure do git yerselves all in a tizzy over the most insignificant little things don't you. Ahhh, go to your nearest Chic Fil and find the other of your kind and be in your safe space.
Almost as scary as their bland, tasteless fries, their nutrient-free buns, and mediocre chicken. Why they do so much business is a total mystery to me. It's like food for people who hate to taste their food.

Stick to your flavorless tofu and rice cakes and stfu.
Because you know how scary a fast-food restaurant can be... :lmao:
"Student senators at Duquesne University are lobbying for the cancellation of plans to bring Chick-fil-A to campus in the fall, saying they 'fear' for the safety of their peers.
The left has become the most fragile of little snowflakes...

Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A will jeopardize 'safe place'
Thats their prerogative, its all about free speech, honey child

They are more about shutting down free speech. They stop conservative speakers at every turn. They refuse to tolerant Chick-fil-A because they don't like a comment made by a CEO.

Safe spaces are nothing more than attempts to silence any dissenting opinions and they are getting away with that shit on college campuses.
Almost as scary as their bland, tasteless fries, their nutrient-free buns, and mediocre chicken. Why they do so much business is a total mystery to me. It's like food for people who hate to taste their food.

Stick to your flavorless tofu and rice cakes and stfu.

I don't eat "tofu" or "rice cakes." I eat real food, like steak, fish, chicken (that actually tastes good) and veggies.
Because you know how scary a fast-food restaurant can be... :lmao:
"Student senators at Duquesne University are lobbying for the cancellation of plans to bring Chick-fil-A to campus in the fall, saying they 'fear' for the safety of their peers.
The left has become the most fragile of little snowflakes...

Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A will jeopardize 'safe place'

Good for Chick-fil-A...there is no ad campaign with greater promotional value. Everybody knows...if Regressives are bad mouthing must be great...haha

Southern folk and IQ don't mesh.
Very true...those illegals your party loves to import and recruit are definitely iQ challenged...good call..haha
You poor conservative snowflakes sure do git yerselves all in a tizzy over the most insignificant little things don't you. Ahhh, go to your nearest Chic Fil and find the other of your kind and be in your safe space.
Uh-oh...looks like in typical snowflake fashion, IsaacNewton has been "triggered"!!!

Almost as scary as their bland, tasteless fries, their nutrient-free buns, and mediocre chicken. Why they do so much business is a total mystery to me. It's like food for people who hate to taste their food.
That applies to all FF places
Because you know how scary a fast-food restaurant can be... :lmao:
"Student senators at Duquesne University are lobbying for the cancellation of plans to bring Chick-fil-A to campus in the fall, saying they 'fear' for the safety of their peers.
The left has become the most fragile of little snowflakes...

Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A will jeopardize 'safe place'
Thats their prerogative, its all about free speech, honey child

They are more about shutting down free speech. They stop conservative speakers at every turn. They refuse to tolerant Chick-fil-A because they don't like a comment made by a CEO.

Safe spaces are nothing more than attempts to silence any dissenting opinions and they are getting away with that shit on college campuses.
tough luck- do something about it!
Because you know how scary a fast-food restaurant can be... :lmao:
"Student senators at Duquesne University are lobbying for the cancellation of plans to bring Chick-fil-A to campus in the fall, saying they 'fear' for the safety of their peers.
The left has become the most fragile of little snowflakes...

Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A will jeopardize 'safe place'
Why do you get so butthurt over people being butthurt?
Is that a "butt-hurt" emoji or a laughing emoji above?

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