Study: Mixed Marriages Tax the Brain

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Contact: Sue Knapp
[email protected]
Dartmouth College

HANOVER, N.H. - A new Dartmouth study reveals that interracial contact has
a profound impact on a person's attention and performance. The researchers
found new evidence using brain imaging that white individuals attempt to
control racial bias when exposed to black individuals, and that this act
of suppressing bias exhausts mental resources.

Published in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience on Nov. 16, the
study combines the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
which measures brain activity, with other behavioral tests common to
research in social and cognitive psychology to determine how white
individuals respond to black individuals.

"We were surprised to find that brain activity in response to faces of
black individuals predicted how research participants performed on
cognitive tasks after actual interracial interactions," says Jennifer
Richeson, Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the
lead author on the paper. "To my knowledge, this is the first study to use
brain imaging data in tandem with more standard behavioral data to test a
social psychological theory."

Their findings suggest that harboring racial bias, however unintentional,
makes negotiating interracial interactions more cognitively demanding.
Similar to the depletion of a muscle after intensive exercise, the data
suggest that the demands of the interracial interaction result in reduced
capacity to engage in subsequent cognitive tasks, say the researchers.

For the study, thirty white individuals were measured for racial bias,
which involved a computer test to record the ease with which individuals
associate white American and black American racial groups with positive
and negative concepts. Racial bias is measured by a pattern in which
individuals take longer to associate the white Americans with negative
concepts and black Americans with positive concepts. The study
participants then interacted with either a black or a white individual,
and afterward they were asked to complete an unrelated cognitive task in
which they had to inhibit instinctual responses. In a separate fMRI
session, these individuals were presented with photographs of unfamiliar
black male and white male faces, and the activity of brain regions thought
to be critical to cognitive control was assessed.

"We found that white people with higher scores on the racial bias measure
experienced greater neural activity in response to the photographs of
black males," says Richeson. "This heightened activity was in the right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area in the front of the brain that has
been linked to the control of thoughts and behaviors. Plus, these same
individuals performed worse on the cognitive test after an actual
interaction with a black male, suggesting that they may have been depleted
of the necessary resources to complete the task."

According to Richeson, most people find it unacceptable to behave in
prejudiced ways during interracial interactions and make an effort to
avoid doing so, regardless of their level of racial bias. A different
research project by Richeson and her colleagues suggested that these
efforts could leave individuals temporarily depleted of the resources
needed to perform optimally on certain cognitive tasks. This new study by
Richeson provides striking evidence that supports the idea that
interracial contact temporarily impairs cognitive task performance.

These results suggest, according to the researchers, that harboring racial
bias in an increasingly diverse society may be bad for one's cognitive

Other authors on the paper include Abigail A. Baird, Assistant Professor
of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Heather Gordon, Ph.D. student in
Psychological and Brain Sciences; Todd F. Heatherton, the Champion
International Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Director
of the Center for Social Brain Sciences at Dartmouth; Carrie Wyland, Ph.D.
student in Psychological and Brain Sciences; Sophie Trawalter, Ph.D.
student in Psychological and Brain Sciences; and J. Nicole Shelton,
Assistant Professor of Psychology at Princeton University.

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the
Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College.
According to Richeson, most people find it unacceptable to behave in
prejudiced ways during interracial interactions and make an effort to
avoid doing so, regardless of their level of racial bias. A different
research project by Richeson and her colleagues suggested that these
efforts could leave individuals temporarily depleted of the resources
needed to perform optimally on certain cognitive tasks. This new study by
Richeson provides striking evidence that supports the idea that
interracial contact temporarily impairs cognitive task performance.

In other words, diversity makes whites dumb.

Now that's news you can use.
According to Richeson, most people find it unacceptable to behave in
prejudiced ways during interracial interactions and make an effort to
avoid doing so, regardless of their level of racial bias. A different
research project by Richeson and her colleagues suggested that these
efforts could leave individuals temporarily depleted of the resources
needed to perform optimally on certain cognitive tasks. This new study by
Richeson provides striking evidence that supports the idea that
interracial contact temporarily impairs cognitive task performance.

In other words, diversity makes whites dumb.

Now that's news you can use.
So the mere existence of black people makes white people stupid? I guess that means blacks are the master race.:eusa_whistle:
Their findings suggest that harboring racial bias, however unintentional,
makes negotiating interracial interactions more cognitively demanding.

In other words being RACIST makes PEOPLE DUMBER.

I think most of us already knew that.

Or maybe we just assumed that racists were dumber than most people to begin with.

Sounds like a grand reason to stop thinking like a racist to me.
In other words being RACIST makes PEOPLE DUMBER.
come to think of it, i have noticed a tendency towards general idiocy among racist people that i've met. they often display stupidity on a number of issues unrelated to racism.

i once was sitting with some people at a restaurant and horrifically discovered that one of them was racist. there was a black family sitting a few tables down, and the racist who was sitting with us went into an emotional tirade and couldn't finish his meal properly. his whole meal went to waste.
This may be the first time white supremists have stated they are inferior to blacks. Hmm any other ground breaking news from the village idiots?
"There is no victory at bargain basement prices."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Another dumb quote, Dwight D. Eisenhower was responsible for General George S Patton not attacking Russia when we had the military hardware already in the region during WWII. And from what i understand as a result, several years pryor to General Pattons retirement Soviet Russian spies stoled classified copies of the Manhatten Project, now every other nation in the world has nukes or will very soon aquire them...We got one hell've basement bargin out of that deal woo hoo!! Actually this happened a few years after Pattons mysterious death in Frankfurt Germany, he never got a chance to retire my bad.....Interesting story on Pattons death alone read on
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"There is no victory at bargain basement prices."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Another dumb quote, Dwight D. Eisenhower was responsible for General George S Patton not attacking Russia when we had the military hardware already in the region during WWII. And from what i understand as a result, a several years pryor to General Pattons retirement Soviet Russian spies stoled classified copies of the Manhatten Project, now every other nation in the world has nukes or will very soon aquire them...We got one hell've basement bargin out of that deal woo hoo!!

And what exactly would you have suggested we did
Contact: Sue Knapp
[email protected]
Dartmouth College

HANOVER, N.H. - A new Dartmouth study reveals that interracial contact has
a profound impact on a person's attention and performance. The researchers
found new evidence using brain imaging that white individuals attempt to
control racial bias when exposed to black individuals, and that this act
of suppressing bias exhausts mental resources.

Published in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience on Nov. 16, the
study combines the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
which measures brain activity, with other behavioral tests common to
research in social and cognitive psychology to determine how white
individuals respond to black individuals.

"We were surprised to find that brain activity in response to faces of
black individuals predicted how research participants performed on
cognitive tasks after actual interracial interactions," says Jennifer
Richeson, Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the
lead author on the paper. "To my knowledge, this is the first study to use
brain imaging data in tandem with more standard behavioral data to test a
social psychological theory."

Their findings suggest that harboring racial bias, however unintentional,
makes negotiating interracial interactions more cognitively demanding.
Similar to the depletion of a muscle after intensive exercise, the data
suggest that the demands of the interracial interaction result in reduced
capacity to engage in subsequent cognitive tasks, say the researchers.

For the study, thirty white individuals were measured for racial bias,
which involved a computer test to record the ease with which individuals
associate white American and black American racial groups with positive
and negative concepts. Racial bias is measured by a pattern in which
individuals take longer to associate the white Americans with negative
concepts and black Americans with positive concepts. The study
participants then interacted with either a black or a white individual,
and afterward they were asked to complete an unrelated cognitive task in
which they had to inhibit instinctual responses. In a separate fMRI
session, these individuals were presented with photographs of unfamiliar
black male and white male faces, and the activity of brain regions thought
to be critical to cognitive control was assessed.

"We found that white people with higher scores on the racial bias measure
experienced greater neural activity in response to the photographs of
black males," says Richeson. "This heightened activity was in the right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area in the front of the brain that has
been linked to the control of thoughts and behaviors. Plus, these same
individuals performed worse on the cognitive test after an actual
interaction with a black male, suggesting that they may have been depleted
of the necessary resources to complete the task."

According to Richeson, most people find it unacceptable to behave in
prejudiced ways during interracial interactions and make an effort to
avoid doing so, regardless of their level of racial bias. A different
research project by Richeson and her colleagues suggested that these
efforts could leave individuals temporarily depleted of the resources
needed to perform optimally on certain cognitive tasks. This new study by
Richeson provides striking evidence that supports the idea that
interracial contact temporarily impairs cognitive task performance.

These results suggest, according to the researchers, that harboring racial
bias in an increasingly diverse society may be bad for one's cognitive

Other authors on the paper include Abigail A. Baird, Assistant Professor
of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Heather Gordon, Ph.D. student in
Psychological and Brain Sciences; Todd F. Heatherton, the Champion
International Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Director
of the Center for Social Brain Sciences at Dartmouth; Carrie Wyland, Ph.D.
student in Psychological and Brain Sciences; Sophie Trawalter, Ph.D.
student in Psychological and Brain Sciences; and J. Nicole Shelton,
Assistant Professor of Psychology at Princeton University.

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the
Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College.

Ok, so what if a few whites are sick in the head with their racial bias, it only proves they have the problem, not blacks.
Your belating the issue Bass, you sound like a reversed racist and thereby taking it out of context at best. Wonder what would be the results, had the shoe been on the other foot
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And what exactly would you have suggested we did
Mr. President i wouldve supported General Pattons notion hands down to invade Russia at that time, it wouldve possibly saved us a lotta grief through the years and still yet the future.....Current day just about every countries uncle and brother either possesses nukes or will soon aquire them(a Russian Supported IRAN gone nuclear)

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