Study: Nearly THREE THOUSAND unnecessary deaths in Puerto Rico


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Speechless - Guess these US citizens were of the wrong color. :confused-84:

An estimated 2,975 people died in the six months after Hurricane Maria as a result of the storm, with the elderly and impoverished most affected, according to a long-awaited independent study ordered by the U.S. territory's government that was released Tuesday.

The findings contrast sharply with the official death toll of 64, and are about double the government's previous interim estimate of 1,400 deaths.​

This is YOUR Katrina you fucking Orange JACKASS. Heckuva job Trumpy - Flip 'em a paper towel and tell 'em to "Have a good time".

Nearly 3,000 deaths in Puerto Rico linked to Hurricane Maria

Local government blows ass. Nothing to do with Trump.

This is a modern day "can lead a horse to water, but can't force them to drink" thing - except its, "Can deliver water, but can't force them to distribute it correctly nor in a timely manner"

It's the same kind of thing that happens with aid to like the Middle East, we send it for the victims, but the leaders steal it. Suppose the same is true of Africa and would be true of say N. Korea. Not much you can do about corruption when you're not in physical control of the country. Probably say the same about California hahaha
Local government blows ass. Nothing to do with Trump.

This is a modern day "can lead a horse to water, but can't force them to drink" thing - except its, "Can deliver water, but can't force them to distribute it correctly nor in a timely manner"

It's the same kind of thing that happens with aid to like the Middle East, we send it for the victims, but the leaders steal it. Suppose the same is true of Africa and would be true of say N. Korea. Not much you can do about corruption when you're not in physical control of the country. Probably say the same about California hahaha

Dude - This one is ALL on Trump. The response was WEAK compared to his response in Texas and elsewhere.
All about the horrible brown people - you know, the rapists and murderers :rolleyes:
What a fucking MORON you are !!

Democrats and DEMOCRAT POLICIES are the blame.

TRUMP went above and beyond to help DEMOCRAT ruined and corrupt PR then YOUR fools STOLE most of the Federal aid.

So do the world a favor and shut the hell up you half cocked jackass.

IDIOTIC response ^ Stand back Inuman Trumptard
Newsflash! There are no brown people in Texas! :)

Not the point - Hispanic population in Texas is 38% and in Puerto Rico it is 98%.
A SWIIIIIING and a miss
Do better your next at bat - thanks
You filthy lying, lying, lying sack of crap; Trump sent big packages of aid and supplies to PR but San Juan's TDS mayor BLOCKED it to make Trump look bad. You liberal evil swine are so murderously OBSESSED with destroying Trump, you'll make thousands of innocent people suffer just to smear his name. You party of amoral, diseased, sadistic, LYING, backstabbing, violent, perpetually rioting, murderously American-hating sewer rats. I wish the English language had a profanity FOUL enough to describe the pure human evil of you liberals, I really do.

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