Study: People worrying aobout climate change are k00ks


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Been saying it for the proof. These people in constant angst over climate change..........are fucking nutters. :2up::bye1::bye1:

As some may know, mental disorder is directly associated with depression. Evidently, there are folks who are displaying pronounced anxiety over the fate of the planet. Symptoms include sleepless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy..........and according to the lead author, "climate change is a global stressor".

STUDY: Concern over climate change linked to depression, anxiety – ‘Restless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy’

Well yeah..........if you are a mental case. What the author fails to acknowledge is, climate change doesn't cause depression. It may contribute to increasing anxiety, however the depressive disorder is already present.....its called genetic predisposition. I work with psychiatrists almost every day for the past 32 years.......anxiety falls under the umbrella of depression which is responsible for many mental disorders. Including OCD btw, which clearly we see happening here amongst the AGW climate crusaders.

Note I never refer to these people as idiots, retards, morons etc.........these are measures of intellect.......quite different than thought processing which a vast majority of the public doesn't understand. Indeed.......the fuck up for the climate crusaders in in the thought processing or "connecting the dots". It explains the tunnel vision on the "science" exceedingly well, clearly identified in the inability to integrate ANY alternative information. It is what psychiatrists refer to as "perseverative thinking"...or cyclical thinking as it is conveyed to lay people.

So the message to my skeptic pals.......rational responses are damn near impossible in here and it is because the thinking ability is compromised by a brain pathology: issues with serotonin uptake, but that is a topic for another day!!:2up:
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.
Of course it will be welcome news to those living near glaciers that it is only in their imaginations that the glaciers are retreating.
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Been saying it for the proof. These people in constant angst over climate change..........are fucking nutters.
Or they may be parents and grandparents concerned for the welfare of future generations.

Listen..........anybody worrying that much about climate change is depressed. They could start by finding some things to do in life.

Why do you think every poll of voter concerns conducted over the past 10 years shows climate change at the bottom of the list........duh......people in the real world are worried far more about real things.
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.
Climate chamge is no longer listed as a security threat by DOD.......winnning
Besides that, you are a liar.

Tag Archives: Department of Defense

Assistant Secretary of Defense Niemeyer: Climate Plays Pivotal Role in Military Mission
JULY 26, 2017 8:07 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

On July 18, 2017 the Senate Armed Services Committee held a confirmation hearing for Lucian L. Niemeyer, the next Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment (IE&E), who ultimately received unanimous support from the Committee. Mr. Niemeyer’s comments on climate change, both in written responses to advance policy questions, and during the hearing, supported the strong commitment Secretary of Defense James Mattis has made to addressing climate change-related risks to the U.S. military’s mission. Here is a link to the full hearing video (question and response on climate change begin at 1:04:00). Below is an excerpt from Mr. Niemeyer’s written answers to advance policy questions on climate change, and an excerpt from the hearing itself. (more…)

Department of Defense « The Center for Climate & Security
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

No one ever lost their homes to fire before climate change.
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Climate Instability and Political Instability
JULY 25, 2017 9:06 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on July 18, 2017, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Paul J. Selva, gave a detailed description of the impact he understands climate change has (and will have) on the global operating environment in which the armed services operate, and the need for the Department of Defense to be prepared for the threat. Of particular note, he stated: “It will also cause us to have to focus on places where climate instability might cause actual political instability in regions of the world we hadn’t previously had to pay attention to.” That inspires us to shamelessly plug our recent report, “Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene,” which explores a number of possible hot spots of the kind the General is referring to.
Department of Defense « The Center for Climate & Security
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.

What really happened...
There was a high pressure system that kept the rain along the coast for days.
The result? Multiple days of heavy rain.
Dont even try to tell me how the weather works in Houston.
I've watched the weather patterns in South Texas for four decades and this is nothing new.
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

No one ever lost their homes to fire before climate change.
Wildfires. silly ass. Wildfires that invade cities. Wildfires that burn rural towns to the ground. I fought wildfires over 40 years ago. I don't ever remember seeing reports on the fires where there were pictures of street signs covered in retardant. Today, all too much of the time, they cannot even fight the fire in the forest because of the speed of the fires and the fact they are busy saving towns and farms from the fires. And the fire season is so much extended today. Last year, 2017, in the first two weeks of December, we had a fire in the Custer State Park of South Dakota that burned over 83 square miles. All of it above 4500 ft.
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.

What really happened...
There was a high pressure system that kept the rain along the coast for days.
The result? Multiple days of heavy rain.
Dont even try to tell me how the weather works in Houston.
I've watched the weather patterns in South Texas for four decades and this is nothing new.
LOL I see. Nothing at all unusual about getting a hundred year rainfall in the area in 2015. A hundred year rainfall in 2016. And a 1000 year rainfall in 2017. LOL Next you are going to tell me all about your Masters Degree in statistics. LOL
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.

What really happened...
There was a high pressure system that kept the rain along the coast for days.
The result? Multiple days of heavy rain.
Dont even try to tell me how the weather works in Houston.
I've watched the weather patterns in South Texas for four decades and this is nothing new.
LOL I see. Nothing at all unusual about getting a hundred year rainfall in the area in 2015. A hundred year rainfall in 2016. And a 1000 year rainfall in 2017. LOL Next you are going to tell me all about your Masters Degree in statistics. LOL

A weather system kept the storm in place.
This is nothing new on the Gulf coast.

Read and learn retard.
40 inches of rain in Texas? It's happened before
Climate chamge is no longer listed as a security threat by DOD.......winnning
Besides that, you are a liar.

Tag Archives: Department of Defense

Assistant Secretary of Defense Niemeyer: Climate Plays Pivotal Role in Military Mission
JULY 26, 2017 8:07 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

On July 18, 2017 the Senate Armed Services Committee held a confirmation hearing for Lucian L. Niemeyer, the next Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment (IE&E), who ultimately received unanimous support from the Committee. Mr. Niemeyer’s comments on climate change, both in written responses to advance policy questions, and during the hearing, supported the strong commitment Secretary of Defense James Mattis has made to addressing climate change-related risks to the U.S. military’s mission. Here is a link to the full hearing video (question and response on climate change begin at 1:04:00). Below is an excerpt from Mr. Niemeyer’s written answers to advance policy questions on climate change, and an excerpt from the hearing itself. (more…)

Department of Defense « The Center for Climate & Security

Being concerned about CC and studying it is far different than forcing the military to be OBSESSED with it and consider it a PRIMARY THREAT.. With all the paperwork required to promote it as security risk.. Which is the message of this topic..

Concern -- is not a mental disorder.. OBSESSIONS -- generally are...

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