Study: People worrying aobout climate change are k00ks

Again........some people fail to recognize that there is a monumental difference between intellect and thought processing......easily identified by people who so loosely ascribe the words "idiot", retard", "moron" and "imbecile" to people making posts. A fascinating level of naïve for people who are educated.

Psychologists refer to people with depression ( direct association with mental disorders ) as having "pessimistic thinking".

Depression Doing the Thinking

If you monitor the climate crusaders in this forum, invariably, they are highly pessimistic. In discussions on the climate, they are ALWAYS glass half empty guys!! They see every weather event as at or near catastrophic.........every notice that?

And heres the kicker............dollar to 5,000 stale donuts that all of these people have a genetic link to other words, somebody in their family within a generation or two displayed a depressive disorder which can present in numerous ways: bipolar, anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, psychotic depression etc.........

Specific thought disorders include derailment, poverty of speech, tangentiality, illogicality, perseveration, and thought blocking.[1] >>>>

Basically folks...........what we have here are people with fucked up thinking processes. Interestingly, many can be remedied by pharmacological aids. Sadly, most never recognize the depression/thought processing link.......hence the reason why you see a relentless inability to process any new information in here.

Class dismissed...............
Been saying it for the proof. These people in constant angst over climate change..........are fucking nutters. :2up::bye1::bye1:

As some may know, mental disorder is directly associated with depression. Evidently, there are folks who are displaying pronounced anxiety over the fate of the planet. Symptoms include sleepless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy..........and according to the lead author, "climate change is a global stressor".

STUDY: Concern over climate change linked to depression, anxiety – ‘Restless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy’

Well yeah..........if you are a mental case. What the author fails to acknowledge is, climate change doesn't cause depression. It may contribute to increasing anxiety, however the depressive disorder is already present.....its called genetic predisposition. I work with psychiatrists almost every day for the past 32 years.......anxiety falls under the umbrella of depression which is responsible for many mental disorders. Including OCD btw, which clearly we see happening here amongst the AGW climate crusaders.

Note I never refer to these people as idiots, retards, morons etc.........these are measures of intellect.......quite different than thought processing which a vast majority of the public doesn't understand. Indeed.......the fuck up for the climate crusaders in in the thought processing or "connecting the dots". It explains the tunnel vision on the "science" exceedingly well, clearly identified in the inability to integrate ANY alternative information. It is what psychiatrists refer to as "perseverative thinking"...or cyclical thinking as it is conveyed to lay people.

So the message to my skeptic pals.......rational responses are damn near impossible in here and it is because the thinking ability is compromised by a brain pathology: issues with serotonin uptake, but that is a topic for another day!!:2up:

I can smell the horseshit from here .......

Marc Morano - RationalWiki
ony Soprano Marc Morano (born 1968) is a wingnut propagandist and global warming denier (his fans call him a "climate realist"). He kicked off his career by learning the tricks of the trade as a producer on Rush Limbaugh's show in the early '90s. He then went on to work for L. Brent Bozell's Media Research Center.

In 2004, he was one of the first "reporters" to hype the John Kerry swiftboating "story." In 2006, preeminent denier and wingnut Jim Inhofe hired Morano to be his "Director of Communications." Morano's position got him into a number of climate conferences and policy hearings. He also put out a bogus report about 700+ number of scientists who "disagreed" with the consensus (a la Oregon Petition). Some scientists called for his resignation due to the number of distortions and lies about their work he promulgated. In 2009, Morano left Inhofe and became the proprietor of the website "Climate Depot." Climate Depot is sponsored by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, an Exxon funded think tank.[1] Supposedly, he exposes the "lies" of the "warmists" and "scientific McCarthy-ites" (oh the irony!) who do research in that inconvenient thing called science. The site is really more of a denialist-style Drudge Report that links to whatever nonsense it can find.

In 2010, Morano was given the "Petr Beckmann award" by Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. Apparently, he thinks this is something to be proud of.[2]

Climate Depot: Everything You Need To Know About ‘ClimateGate’
A group of hackers recently broke into the email system at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), one of the leading climate research centers in the world.

The emails have been leaked to the public, and are being touted by global warming deniers, including the website Climate Depot, as evidence of an alarmist global warming conspiracy.

Climate Depot is an anti-global-warming website, which promotes skepticism and disbelief about the realities of climate change. The website is similar in format to The Drudge Report, and has a particular focus on criticizing former Vice President Al Gore.

One reputable group of scientists, Real Climate, has posted a response on its blog to the allegations about what information is actually contained in the hacked emails: Climate Depot: Everything You Need To Know About 'ClimateGate' | HuffPost
Tell the people in Houston that extreme weather related to climate change is nothing to worry about. Or the tens of thousands of people in the West that lost their homes to fires.

So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.

What really happened...
There was a high pressure system that kept the rain along the coast for days.
The result? Multiple days of heavy rain.
Dont even try to tell me how the weather works in Houston.
I've watched the weather patterns in South Texas for four decades and this is nothing new.
LOL I see. Nothing at all unusual about getting a hundred year rainfall in the area in 2015. A hundred year rainfall in 2016. And a 1000 year rainfall in 2017. LOL Next you are going to tell me all about your Masters Degree in statistics. LOL

A weather system kept the storm in place.
This is nothing new on the Gulf coast.

Read and learn retard.
40 inches of rain in Texas? It's happened before
Yes, a stalled weather system, the kind that we are seeing more and more of as the Arctic Ice disappears. Of course, you are going to say that you know so much more than the scientists studying this, and that can't have an effect on weather in the lower 48. No, 56" of rain in six days had not happened before in Texas. And the cost of that storm, when finally tallied, will be disastrous.

Hurricane Harvey wreaks historic devastation: By the numbers

185,149: Homes estimated to be damaged or destroyed by Harvey, according to Friday’s data from the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

364,000: People who have registered for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as of Friday, according to FEMA.
So in your estimation how did global warming create the storm that hit Houston?
I mean I know why it happened but I want to hear your theory.
Very easy. Hurricanes are heat engines. A warmer atmosphere and a warmer ocean provide more fuel for the hurricanes. A warmer ocean and warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere, water vapor that rains out within ten days or less. A warmer arctic means a slower jet stream, with deeper loops north and south. These tend to trap weather that would in the past move through more quickly. So you have Hurricane Harvey sitting over the Houston area for six days and raining as much as 56" in that area.

What really happened...
There was a high pressure system that kept the rain along the coast for days.
The result? Multiple days of heavy rain.
Dont even try to tell me how the weather works in Houston.
I've watched the weather patterns in South Texas for four decades and this is nothing new.
LOL I see. Nothing at all unusual about getting a hundred year rainfall in the area in 2015. A hundred year rainfall in 2016. And a 1000 year rainfall in 2017. LOL Next you are going to tell me all about your Masters Degree in statistics. LOL

A weather system kept the storm in place.
This is nothing new on the Gulf coast.

Read and learn retard.
40 inches of rain in Texas? It's happened before
Yes, a stalled weather system, the kind that we are seeing more and more of as the Arctic Ice disappears. Of course, you are going to say that you know so much more than the scientists studying this, and that can't have an effect on weather in the lower 48. No, 56" of rain in six days had not happened before in Texas. And the cost of that storm, when finally tallied, will be disastrous.

Hurricane Harvey wreaks historic devastation: By the numbers

185,149: Homes estimated to be damaged or destroyed by Harvey, according to Friday’s data from the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

364,000: People who have registered for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as of Friday, according to FEMA.

I live in Houston dumbass so I dont need your stats.
And yes we've had this much rain in the past on the coast,in fact we've had more rain.
Alvin Texas got 42 inches in 24 hours and still holds the record for the most rainfall in a 24 hour period and that was in 78.
Alvin, south of Houston, still holds U.S. record for most rain in one day

And it was a pressure system that held harvey in place which of course has absolutely nothing to do with glowbull warming.
Been saying it for the proof. These people in constant angst over climate change..........are fucking nutters. :2up::bye1::bye1:

As some may know, mental disorder is directly associated with depression. Evidently, there are folks who are displaying pronounced anxiety over the fate of the planet. Symptoms include sleepless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy..........and according to the lead author, "climate change is a global stressor".

STUDY: Concern over climate change linked to depression, anxiety – ‘Restless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy’

Well yeah..........if you are a mental case. What the author fails to acknowledge is, climate change doesn't cause depression. It may contribute to increasing anxiety, however the depressive disorder is already present.....its called genetic predisposition. I work with psychiatrists almost every day for the past 32 years.......anxiety falls under the umbrella of depression which is responsible for many mental disorders. Including OCD btw, which clearly we see happening here amongst the AGW climate crusaders.

Note I never refer to these people as idiots, retards, morons etc.........these are measures of intellect.......quite different than thought processing which a vast majority of the public doesn't understand. Indeed.......the fuck up for the climate crusaders in in the thought processing or "connecting the dots". It explains the tunnel vision on the "science" exceedingly well, clearly identified in the inability to integrate ANY alternative information. It is what psychiatrists refer to as "perseverative thinking"...or cyclical thinking as it is conveyed to lay people.

So the message to my skeptic pals.......rational responses are damn near impossible in here and it is because the thinking ability is compromised by a brain pathology: issues with serotonin uptake, but that is a topic for another day!!:2up:

I can smell the horseshit from here .......

Marc Morano - RationalWiki
ony Soprano Marc Morano (born 1968) is a wingnut propagandist and global warming denier (his fans call him a "climate realist"). He kicked off his career by learning the tricks of the trade as a producer on Rush Limbaugh's show in the early '90s. He then went on to work for L. Brent Bozell's Media Research Center.

In 2004, he was one of the first "reporters" to hype the John Kerry swiftboating "story." In 2006, preeminent denier and wingnut Jim Inhofe hired Morano to be his "Director of Communications." Morano's position got him into a number of climate conferences and policy hearings. He also put out a bogus report about 700+ number of scientists who "disagreed" with the consensus (a la Oregon Petition). Some scientists called for his resignation due to the number of distortions and lies about their work he promulgated. In 2009, Morano left Inhofe and became the proprietor of the website "Climate Depot." Climate Depot is sponsored by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, an Exxon funded think tank.[1] Supposedly, he exposes the "lies" of the "warmists" and "scientific McCarthy-ites" (oh the irony!) who do research in that inconvenient thing called science. The site is really more of a denialist-style Drudge Report that links to whatever nonsense it can find.

In 2010, Morano was given the "Petr Beckmann award" by Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. Apparently, he thinks this is something to be proud of.[2]

Climate Depot: Everything You Need To Know About ‘ClimateGate’
A group of hackers recently broke into the email system at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), one of the leading climate research centers in the world.

The emails have been leaked to the public, and are being touted by global warming deniers, including the website Climate Depot, as evidence of an alarmist global warming conspiracy.

Climate Depot is an anti-global-warming website, which promotes skepticism and disbelief about the realities of climate change. The website is similar in format to The Drudge Report, and has a particular focus on criticizing former Vice President Al Gore.

One reputable group of scientists, Real Climate, has posted a response on its blog to the allegations about what information is actually contained in the hacked emails: Climate Depot: Everything You Need To Know About 'ClimateGate' | HuffPost

lol......deep matrix guys always smell horseshit s0n!!

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