Stunning Side By Side Videos Of Fox News On Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.
Authoritarians speak the same language, Meanwhile NK has no intention of doing anything.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.
Trump's efforts to get NK to denuclearize are off base. NK has much more than the USA to think about, when it comes to armaments. They have other nuclear countries in their own backyard, (Russia, China, Pakistan, India) to think about.

Trump's best efforts should be to stop denuclearization talk, and just keep relations with NK neutral. No reason why they can't become an ally of the US. Some time ago, Germany and Japan were at war with us, and China was our good ally. Things change.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.
What was the point of this? the daily show is satirical, meaning it is not news but a mock up of news so they cannot be held to certain standards that news Fox is the alter ego of trump, and they admit it, the danger is all the other networks do not admit their bias, in fact the DNC is actually the alter ego of its media for your video, at least tell us what it is you see that you want us to see.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.
Faux News is trump TV, plain and simple.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

LOL, Obama was bagging to meet with Kim and got dissed...
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.
I knew that a long time ago.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

The Daily Kos quoting the comedy channel. LMAO! That's like a double dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.
That’s hilarious.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and so many others ALWAYS promote the talking points of D administrations, and have done so for a long time. Wasn’t it NBC that had the Monica story and shelved it to protect Bubba? It made Drudge fabulously rich.
NK has no intention of doing anything.

We lose nothing by Trump talking to them. Trump is trying to build a rapport and a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, North Korea will give up their nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may not work out that way, but I commend Trump for trying.
The 2nd video of FoxNews going crazy because Obama said once that he would meet with Un is funny as hell.

By the same token, liberals that had no problem with Obama's statement are now crucifying Trump and claiming that he is ''legitimizing'' Jung-un by talking to him. The hypocrisy flows both ways.
Fox employs liberal pundits and invite leftists to their shows daily. ALL of the other news networks are advocacy groups for the DNC and it's rare that they have a credible conservative on to debate them. It's the norm for CNN and MSNBC to put together a panel of five or six commentators who all share the same views.
Authoritarians speak the same language,

Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election?
We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history and you love him. He's right out in the open with it and no one has to make up conspiracy theories. By his own words he admires dictators, that is unacceptable.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

You gonna bitch about the other 200 news outlets that are nothing more than DNC propagandists?

BTW I didn't click your link. I will not financially support kook leftist websites with a view.

Fox News is right..... we all know they're to the right. Every other main channel option is far left.

Get over it
The 2nd video of FoxNews going crazy because Obama said once that he would meet with Un is funny as hell.

By the same token, liberals that had no problem with Obama's statement are now crucifying Trump and claiming that he is ''legitimizing'' Jung-un by talking to him. The hypocrisy flows both ways.

Yep, wingers are all the same, matters not if they are on left or the right...they are just mirror images of themselves.
We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history...

You dodged my question. Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election? Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama and his goons weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to try and frame Trump for ''Russian collusion''?

It is the left that is ''authoritarian''. The left has always been authoritarian or, rather, totalitarian.

It is the left that wants government to take over the nation's healthcare. It is the left that wants government to run the nation's education system. It is the left that, as a matter of routine procedure, censors and BANS conservatives from social media and campus speaking engagements. Is is the left that casts a blind eye to the thuggery of the communist antifa thugs.

If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', he would have increased government regulations. On the contrary, Trump REDUCED government control over private individuals. If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', Trump would have INCREASED the amount of wealth that the government seizes from private citizens, instead, Trump REDUCED taxes.

You to re-think what you believe.

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