Stunning Side By Side Videos Of Fox News On Foreign Policy

We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history...

You dodged my question. Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election? Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama and his goons weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to try and frame Trump for ''Russian collusion''?

It is the left that is ''authoritarian''. The left has always been authoritarian or, rather, totalitarian.

It is the left that wants government to take over the nation's healthcare. It is the left that wants government to run the nation's education system. It is the left that, as a matter of routine procedure, censors and BANS conservatives from social media and campus speaking engagements. Is is the left that casts a blind eye to the thuggery of the communist antifa thugs.

If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', he would have increased government regulations. On the contrary, Trump REDUCED government control over private individuals. If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', Trump would have INCREASED the amount of wealth that the government seizes from private citizens, instead, Trump REDUCED taxes.

You to re-think what you believe.
That's a lot of typing just to say you don't care what Trump does as long as he does it to people you don't like. As for your conspiracy theory I got nothing for you, might as well ask me what Bigfoot likes to watch on TV. Republicans clearly participated the 2012 election, they just nominated a rich banker/investor type a few years after the worst economic disaster of our lives. That's on you people.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history...

You dodged my question. Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election? Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama and his goons weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to try and frame Trump for ''Russian collusion''?

It is the left that is ''authoritarian''. The left has always been authoritarian or, rather, totalitarian.

It is the left that wants government to take over the nation's healthcare. It is the left that wants government to run the nation's education system. It is the left that, as a matter of routine procedure, censors and BANS conservatives from social media and campus speaking engagements. Is is the left that casts a blind eye to the thuggery of the communist antifa thugs.

If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', he would have increased government regulations. On the contrary, Trump REDUCED government control over private individuals. If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', Trump would have INCREASED the amount of wealth that the government seizes from private citizens, instead, Trump REDUCED taxes.

You to re-think what you believe.

No it wasn't authoritarian for the IRS to verify that the company applying for a non-profit, tax-exempt status wasn't violating federal laws preventing non-profits from political activities or partisan programs.

The left doesn't want to take over the nation's healthcare, they want to take over FUNDING American healthcare. It's called "single payer". The doctors and hospitals are private, and for profit, but your health insurance is not. Better, cheaper, healthcare for everyone.
We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history...

You dodged my question. Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election? Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama and his goons weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to try and frame Trump for ''Russian collusion''?

It is the left that is ''authoritarian''. The left has always been authoritarian or, rather, totalitarian.

It is the left that wants government to take over the nation's healthcare. It is the left that wants government to run the nation's education system. It is the left that, as a matter of routine procedure, censors and BANS conservatives from social media and campus speaking engagements. Is is the left that casts a blind eye to the thuggery of the communist antifa thugs.

If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', he would have increased government regulations. On the contrary, Trump REDUCED government control over private individuals. If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', Trump would have INCREASED the amount of wealth that the government seizes from private citizens, instead, Trump REDUCED taxes.

You to re-think what you believe.
That's a lot of typing just to say you don't care what Trump does as long as he does it to people you don't like. As for your conspiracy theory I got nothing for you, might as well ask me what Bigfoot likes to watch on TV. Republicans clearly participated the 2012 election, they just nominated a rich banker/investor type a few years after the worst economic disaster of our lives. That's on you people.

You sir, are a FOOL.
We now have the most authoritarian president in modern history...

You dodged my question. Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election? Was it ''authoritarian'' when Obama and his goons weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to try and frame Trump for ''Russian collusion''?

It is the left that is ''authoritarian''. The left has always been authoritarian or, rather, totalitarian.

It is the left that wants government to take over the nation's healthcare. It is the left that wants government to run the nation's education system. It is the left that, as a matter of routine procedure, censors and BANS conservatives from social media and campus speaking engagements. Is is the left that casts a blind eye to the thuggery of the communist antifa thugs.

If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', he would have increased government regulations. On the contrary, Trump REDUCED government control over private individuals. If Trump was an ''authoritarian'', Trump would have INCREASED the amount of wealth that the government seizes from private citizens, instead, Trump REDUCED taxes.

You to re-think what you believe.

No it wasn't authoritarian for the IRS to verify that the company applying for a non-profit, tax-exempt status wasn't violating federal laws preventing non-profits from political activities or partisan programs.

The left doesn't want to take over the nation's healthcare, they want to take over FUNDING American healthcare. It's called "single payer". The doctors and hospitals are private, and for profit, but your health insurance is not. Better, cheaper, healthcare for everyone.

So you agree with what the IRS did to conservative groups?
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
I realize you have your axes to grind and that's fine but Obama was two years ago and Trump is right now. As always you don't care when a republican expands executive power until a democrat tries to use those same powers to actually do something good.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
I realize you have your axes to grind and that's fine but Obama was two years ago and Trump is right now. As always you don't care when a republican expands executive power until a democrat tries to use those same powers to actually do something good.
Do you mean like the nuclear option? The one the democrats passed a while back?
NK has no intention of doing anything.

We lose nothing by Trump talking to them. Trump is trying to build a rapport and a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, North Korea will give up their nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may not work out that way, but I commend Trump for trying.

You've gained nothing either. Kim has bought enough time to finish his testing, build his nuclear arsenal, and get a good deal of sanctions relief through China. His standing on the world stage has increased immeasurably. Trump has been played. He got Otto Warbier and a box of bones, and he's been made to look like a gullible fool in front of the entire world.

One more thing. The Trump Administration has said that it is prepared to let Kim keep his nukes, but he can't build any more going forward. This is total capitulation. Trump was supposed to disarm Kim, not buddy up to him and give him everything he wants. ANYBODY COULD HAVE DONE THAT.
NK has no intention of doing anything.

We lose nothing by Trump talking to them. Trump is trying to build a rapport and a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, North Korea will give up their nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may not work out that way, but I commend Trump for trying.

You've gained nothing either. Kim has bought enough time to finish his testing, build his nuclear arsenal, and get a good deal of sanctions relief through China. His standing on the world stage has increased immeasurably. Trump has been played. He got Otto Warbier and a box of bones, and he's been made to look like a gullible fool in front of the entire world.

One more thing. The Trump Administration has said that it is prepared to let Kim keep his nukes, but he can't build any more going forward. This is total capitulation. Trump was supposed to disarm Kim, not buddy up to him and give him everything he wants. ANYBODY COULD HAVE DONE THAT.

Jung-Un went nuclear during the Clinton Administration.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

The Daily Kos quoting the comedy channel. LMAO! That's like a double dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome!
I've said since day one....I've lived under a dictator and his state media FOX and Trump are the exact same. The actual dictator never disrespected judges, veterans. Media or portions of the population. Trump is far worse.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
I realize you have your axes to grind and that's fine but Obama was two years ago and Trump is right now. As always you don't care when a republican expands executive power until a democrat tries to use those same powers to actually do something good.
Do you mean like the nuclear option? The one the democrats passed a while back?
Fuck the democrats. The problem here is the president. One would think that you would have learned a lesson during the GWB administration about what happens when you follow the president without question. How many more "patriot acts" will it take?
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.
We all know if it weren't for double standards conservatives would have no standards at all.
NK has no intention of doing anything.

We lose nothing by Trump talking to them. Trump is trying to build a rapport and a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, North Korea will give up their nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may not work out that way, but I commend Trump for trying.

You've gained nothing either. Kim has bought enough time to finish his testing, build his nuclear arsenal, and get a good deal of sanctions relief through China. His standing on the world stage has increased immeasurably. Trump has been played. He got Otto Warbier and a box of bones, and he's been made to look like a gullible fool in front of the entire world.

One more thing. The Trump Administration has said that it is prepared to let Kim keep his nukes, but he can't build any more going forward. This is total capitulation. Trump was supposed to disarm Kim, not buddy up to him and give him everything he wants. ANYBODY COULD HAVE DONE THAT.

Jung-Un went nuclear during the Clinton Administration.

George W. Bush actually. Their first nuclear test was in 2006. It is highly probable that Russia helped them acquire nukes just to disrupt things in the West, and this "friendship" between Kim and Trump has Putin's fingerprints all over it.

It was also noted that when Trump cancelled the US/Korea joint military exercises this year, he said that these exercises were "provacative" and as such, should be ended. The use of the word "provocative" because these exercises are to coordinate and practice what these two allied forces would do in the event of an actual attack, and how they would respond. This is important to practice because it prevents mistakes, or misunderstandings which might lead one country or the other to mis-interpret the response. The joint military exercises provide clarity and prevent accidents.As a result, there have been no miscues or mistakes in all these years.

But every year, the Russians complain about American troops conducting military exercises so close to the Russian border, calling such exercises "provocative". Trump has adopted other Russian propaganda lines in the past as well.
I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.

But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
I realize you have your axes to grind and that's fine but Obama was two years ago and Trump is right now. As always you don't care when a republican expands executive power until a democrat tries to use those same powers to actually do something good.
Do you mean like the nuclear option? The one the democrats passed a while back?
Fuck the democrats. The problem here is the president. One would think that you would have learned a lesson during the GWB administration about what happens when you follow the president without question. How many more "patriot acts" will it take?
Wasn’t and still aren’t a fan of that. But what does that have to do with Trump? He hasn’t passed anything like it. Not even a law that forces us to buy anything. So far Trump is way better than the last two.
Two videos are going viral and neither are a good look for Fox News, which is increasingly operating as a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. No hyperbole! To see just how closely their coverage of Donald Trump’s surprise photo op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, The Daily Show put together a side-by-side comparison and it is extremely troubling how closely they mirror each other.

Stunning side-by-side comparison of Fox News versus North Korean state propaganda

Nope. No hyperbole. Their own words for everyone to see.

I must say . . . who cares? That, and neither I nor you nor most anyone else fluently speak North Korean. But I digress. Even supposing your article is accurate, what's the accusation here? And . . . and . . . do you really want to play the propaganda game when CNN/MSNBC/NBC/AP/NPR all repeat verbatim the same radical left talking points on a daily basis, often straight off Pelosi's tongue? Of course you likely shall because your hatred of one Man has led you to applaud all attempts to destroy our American Civilization.
The whole point, of course, is that CRCs don't care. Hypocrisy is just another day to them.
But, THEY DO IT TOO!!! No they don't. I have never heard a news network praise the President the way FOX News does when the President is a Republican. The fauning, and completely false narrative are like nothing I've ever seen outside of an authoritarian dictatorship, and it's completely inappropriate in a democracy, much less in a Constiutional Republic where the press is constitutionally mandated to be a check on the President's power, and to provide the citizens with the truth about their leaders.
Holy fuck. You were in a coma the last administration.
I realize you have your axes to grind and that's fine but Obama was two years ago and Trump is right now. As always you don't care when a republican expands executive power until a democrat tries to use those same powers to actually do something good.
Do you mean like the nuclear option? The one the democrats passed a while back?
Fuck the democrats. The problem here is the president. One would think that you would have learned a lesson during the GWB administration about what happens when you follow the president without question. How many more "patriot acts" will it take?
Wasn’t and still aren’t a fan of that. But what does that have to do with Trump? He hasn’t passed anything like it. Not even a law that forces us to buy anything. So far Trump is way better than the last two.
If they will do it to "them" they will eventually do it to you. It's been true since the beginning of time. What "them" is the current excuse to disregard the law, due process and standards of decency?
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If they will do it to "them" they will eventually do it to you. It's been true since the beginning of time. What "them" is the current excuse to disregard the law, due process and standards of decency?

You mean like how American Democrats ignore immigration laws simply because they disagree with them?

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