'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

"If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group,”
Point out the error in his logic. And the racism.

Rasmussen said 13 percent of poll respondents were Black, so about 130 people. If we take the results entirely at face value—which I’d discourage—that means it found about 34 Black people who answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'It’s OK to be white.'

47% of 130 is about 61.
A poll with a sample size of less than a thousand should not be taken seriously.
Uh-huh..we get it..you like you some racists..we all know this...no need to blather on and on~
We all??? We who sport. "who we" you speaking for??? I'm a man, you not so much, I treat all men equally, you not at all, you and the "who we" you claim to speak for, you are the racists dumb ass, you are the racists! :fu:
Those who answered strongly no.......and not sure.

Imagine 21% of white people saying they weren't sure if it's ok to be black.

You'd count them in the dangerous column, right?
There are no neutral questions in racial politics. If the white race needs defending the worst people in the country have stepped up to set the worst kind of example. They might say it's "ok to be white" but they can't leave it at that. They must go on and act like the loss of white privilege is persecution.
Who cares? He is a grown man with a net worth, north of 75 Million Dollar$. That is got to hell money in anybody's book. Also, I doubt we have seen the last of Scott or Dilbert. He's the darling cartoonist of the right, now.
That, and a dollar won't get you a cup of coffee anywhere. Dilbert hasn't been relevant to anyone but boomers/genx since the 90s. No one cares if the creator turned out to be a magaturd.
That, and a dollar won't get you a cup of coffee anywhere. Dilbert hasn't been relevant to anyone but boomers/genx since the 90s. No one cares if the creator turned out to be a magaturd.
He is, like you say a turd, in outlook. Still, he is not beholding or for sale, and expressed his own opinion. That puts him a head of all the People a FOX NEWS.

Dilbert creator killed his career​

Oh the horror, making the Left hear the truth. Dilbert will now do better than ever now in the post-newspaper era now that the woke crowd has shown how weak they are trembling at his words of truth, for HAD HE BEEN WRONG about what he said, the left and blacks would have PAID HIM NO MIND AT ALL.
He is, like you say a turd, in outlook. Still, he is not beholding or for sale, and expressed his own opinion. That puts him a head of all the People a FOX NEWS.
Entitlement: a human inability to 'stay in your own lane'. He didn't have to say shit, and retire into relative social obscurity with fuckloads of well earned dollars. He chose unwisely.

Social media is a cancer, kids.
Entitlement: a human inability to 'stay in your own lane'. He didn't have to say shit, and retire into relative social obscurity with fuckloads of well earned dollars. He chose unwisely.

Social media is a cancer, kids.
Do you believe black people can be racist?

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