Stupid Jews for Obama

No, they have a land, and it's called "Palestine".

I know my history very welll. There's no Israel on the maps before 1948. Before then, that strip of land was called "Palestine" and most of the people who lived there were Arabs. Until all these folks from Europe started showing up, anyway.

Yeah sure you do

Palestine is not even an Arabic word

And "Germany" isn't a German word. Is that really the best argument you have?

Well we are not talking about Germans now
are we?

The best - of course not
but how much do you want me to waste on your hate?

I look not to convince you

Just mock your false claims
Yeah sure you do

Palestine is not even an Arabic word

And "Germany" isn't a German word. Is that really the best argument you have?

Well we are not talking about Germans now
are we?

The best - of course not
but how much do you want me to waste on your hate?

I look not to convince you

Just mock your false claims

No, I'm pointing out the silliness of yours.

The Germans call themselves the "Duetsch" and their country Duetshcland".

The Japanes call their country "Nihon".

The Palestinians call their country "فلسطين*" often Anglicized to Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, or Filisṭīn. So it isn't a big stretch.

The point being that from about the second century, Jews really didn't live there, and the term "Palestine", which is a corruption of the older word "Philistina" was the name of the region and that's what the world called it. And the people who lived there were largely Arabs and Muslims.

Until some idiots in Europe said, "Umm, gee, we need to send these Jews somewhere, where can we send them... Um... Hmmmm..."

I mean, it was better than some of the other choices like Siberia or Madagascar, both of which were suggested as "Jewish Homelands" by clever folks in Europe. So they found something they could talk them into, I guess.

Except the notion of "A land without a people for a people without a land" was always a lie from day one.
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And "Germany" isn't a German word. Is that really the best argument you have?

Well we are not talking about Germans now
are we?

The best - of course not
but how much do you want me to waste on your hate?

I look not to convince you

Just mock your false claims

No, I'm pointing out the silliness of yours.

The Germans call themselves the "Duetsch" and their country Duetshcland".

The Japanes call their country "Nihon".

The Palestinians call their country "فلسطين*" often Anglicized to Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, or Filisṭīn. So it isn't a big stretch.

No the silliness here is all yours

You know very little about this subject except the left mantra of hate
and their dumb talking points.
Really, a holdover from the cold war that the Left just can't give up.
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LOL: Stupid Jews. Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles. Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Don't let Glenn find you saying that or the JBS!:eek:

The % will be higher because in some ways our GOP just does not reach appropriately out to the needs of the various minorities.
I'm not a Jew.

Got it? But many in my family have and do practice the religion. what Jewish people do.

Like you.

You follow that religion and believe that Christ is not the messiah.

It's not really relevant what to want to believe, you don't wright Jewish law. There are plenty of self-hating Jews out there, nothing unusual, Practicing the religion is also not relevent as to whether you are a Jew or not.

How does one "wright" Jewish law?

And "Law" only applies to those willing to enter into the compact with the society or religion.

I haven't. And I don't "self-hate". And "practicing" the in following..or self identifying with it..has everything to do with "wether" or whether you can be "labled" as a follower of the religion or not.

It's up to you whether you follow the Jewish religon, and you're the one who brought up the fact you were a Jew. You could have stayed in closet, but you chose not to :confused:
Well we are not talking about Germans now
are we?

The best - of course not
but how much do you want me to waste on your hate?

I look not to convince you

Just mock your false claims

No, I'm pointing out the silliness of yours.

The Germans call themselves the "Duetsch" and their country Duetshcland".

The Japanes call their country "Nihon".

The Palestinians call their country "فلسطين*" often Anglicized to Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, or Filisṭīn. So it isn't a big stretch.

No the silliness here is all yours

You know very little about this subject except the left mantra of hate
and their dumb talking points.
Really, a holdover from the cold war that the Left just can't give up.

Uh, guy, I show more knowledge of it than you do.

The Zionists are playing us for chumps and have been for decades.
No, I'm pointing out the silliness of yours.

The Germans call themselves the "Duetsch" and their country Duetshcland".

The Japanes call their country "Nihon".

The Palestinians call their country "فلسطين*" often Anglicized to Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, or Filisṭīn. So it isn't a big stretch.

No the silliness here is all yours

You know very little about this subject except the left mantra of hate
and their dumb talking points.
Really, a holdover from the cold war that the Left just can't give up.

Uh, guy, I show more knowledge of it than you do.

The Zionists are playing us for chumps and have been for decades.

Sure you do- if you mean the same old tired left lines
and knee jerk reactions- you are a pro

Chumps are the fools who still carry the water for the left on this
issue - No doubt the Muslims would be peace loving if it was not for Israel
just look at their history

it is your story and you can tell it anyway you want
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No the silliness here is all yours

You know very little about this subject except the left mantra of hate
and their dumb talking points.
Really, a holdover from the cold war that the Left just can't give up.

Uh, guy, I show more knowledge of it than you do.

The Zionists are playing us for chumps and have been for decades.

Sure you do- if you mean the same old tired left lines
and knee jerk reactions- you are a pro

Chumps are the fools who still carry the water for the left on this

it is your story and you can tell it anyway you want

Mine happens to be one that is consistant with history.

Please point out a map printed prior to 1940 that referred to that land as anything But Palestine.
Uh, guy, I show more knowledge of it than you do.

The Zionists are playing us for chumps and have been for decades.

Sure you do- if you mean the same old tired left lines
and knee jerk reactions- you are a pro

Chumps are the fools who still carry the water for the left on this

it is your story and you can tell it anyway you want

Mine happens to be one that is consistant with history.

Please point out a map printed prior to 1940 that referred to that land as anything But Palestine.

Please, you still thought Palestine was an Arabic word
Point to a map prior to 1940 that shows Alaska as a state

Consistent with the Muslim history of aggression
You are right on that,,,,
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Please, you still thought Palestine was an Arabic word
Point to a map prior to 1940 that shows Alaska as a state

Consistent with the Muslim history of aggression
You are right on that,,,,

That was the best you could come up with, really?

I mean, that's kind of a sad argument.

The Zionists stole the Palestinians land. There's really nothing more complicated than that. And eventually, the Palestinians will take it back, because they are breeding at a faster pace than the Jews, many of whom would rather be in Europe or America where people aren't trying to blow you up every day.

It's only a matter of how painful people are willing to make the process, which is inevitable.
So pre 1948 they stole their land
They lost a war-
Almost sounds like when the Left loses an election- they stole it

Please- hey why don't we return the ""Palestinians" to their pre 1920 land or even 1910?

Yassir Ara'fat the leader of the PLO was born in Egypt
Tools of the Arabs and Soviets- nothing else

The Muslims would be so peaceful if Israel was gone
The left are the "Chamberlains" on this issue
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So pre 1948 they stole their land
They lost a war-
Almost sounds like when the Left loses an election- they stole it

Please- hey why don't we return the ""Palestinians" to their pre 1920 land or even 1910?

Yassir Ara'fat the leader of the PLO was born in Egypt
Tools of the Arabs and Soviets- nothing else

Okay, let's look at that.

Pre 1920, they were living under the thrall of the Ottoman Empire. The British encouraged them to revolt on teh promise they would get their own country. Then they gave the land to the Zionists instead. Except pre-Hitler, not a lot of Jews were too keen on moving there. It wasn't until after WWII they all started relocating.
So pre 1948 they stole their land
They lost a war-
Almost sounds like when the Left loses an election- they stole it

Please- hey why don't we return the ""Palestinians" to their pre 1920 land or even 1910?

Yassir Ara'fat the leader of the PLO was born in Egypt
Tools of the Arabs and Soviets- nothing else

Okay, let's look at that.

Pre 1920, they were living under the thrall of the Ottoman Empire. The British encouraged them to revolt on teh promise they would get their own country. Then they gave the land to the Zionists instead. Except pre-Hitler, not a lot of Jews were too keen on moving there. It wasn't until after WWII they all started relocating.

What a fool
Even the Palestinians insist on using 1948 because the arabs who are occupying Jewish land came to Israel in order to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state.
The Arabs who were living in the land of Israel started to call themselves “Palestinians” only after the establishment of Israel in 1948.

What was the capital of "Palestine people" before 1948?"
This should be good

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The Jews had every bit as much as right as the Palestinians to claim the land. The Palestinian and Arab allies fought a war against the Jews who had every intention of fighting it as well. The Arabs lost, Truman recognized Israel, and the USA will always have Israel's back. The far righties are sick enough to attack BHO, a true supporter of both Israel and it place in history. Doesn't matter. Israel is safe. Romney will win and this argument goes into the waste basket again. BHO wins, and both the far left and the far right will whine, and Israel will still be safe.
Apartheid?- only in the Left's mind

20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze
Jews are a majority. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, and have served in the Cabinet, high-level foreign ministry posts- Ambassador to Finland and on the Supreme Court.

Palestinians have a standard of living that is rated ahead of Syria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco

Don't confuse these pissants with facts.
Granted some concerned trolls need to turn this into some issue on
Papa Obama to cover for his mistakes on Israel and run to his defense.

But Papa Obama's call for 1967 borders is both foolish and dangerous. A shift that moves the United States a step closer to the position of the Palestinians
With friends like that who needs enemies


No they would be better off with Mitt

Here boy
So pre 1948 they stole their land
They lost a war-
Almost sounds like when the Left loses an election- they stole it

Please- hey why don't we return the ""Palestinians" to their pre 1920 land or even 1910?

Yassir Ara'fat the leader of the PLO was born in Egypt
Tools of the Arabs and Soviets- nothing else

Okay, let's look at that.

Pre 1920, they were living under the thrall of the Ottoman Empire. The British encouraged them to revolt on teh promise they would get their own country. Then they gave the land to the Zionists instead. Except pre-Hitler, not a lot of Jews were too keen on moving there. It wasn't until after WWII they all started relocating.

What a fool
Even the Palestinians insist on using 1948 because the arabs who are occupying Jewish land came to Israel in order to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state.
The Arabs who were living in the land of Israel started to call themselves “Palestinians” only after the establishment of Israel in 1948.

What was the capital of "Palestine people" before 1948?"
This should be good


Jerusalem, dumbass..

That was the adminstrative capital of the mandate.
Granted some concerned trolls need to turn this into some issue on Papa Obama to cover for his mistakes on Israel

But Papa Obama's call for 1967 borders is both foolish and dangerous. A shift that moves the United States a step closer to the position of the Palestinians
With friends like that who needs enemies


No they would be better off with Mitt

Gee, how about instead of worrying about why FOREIGNERS would be happier with Mitt, maybe we should be concerned if AMERICANS would be better off.

I'm not willing to sacrifice one more American life for Israel. It ain't worth it.
Okay, let's look at that.

Pre 1920, they were living under the thrall of the Ottoman Empire. The British encouraged them to revolt on teh promise they would get their own country. Then they gave the land to the Zionists instead. Except pre-Hitler, not a lot of Jews were too keen on moving there. It wasn't until after WWII they all started relocating.

What a fool
Even the Palestinians insist on using 1948 because the arabs who are occupying Jewish land came to Israel in order to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state.
The Arabs who were living in the land of Israel started to call themselves “Palestinians” only after the establishment of Israel in 1948.

What was the capital of "Palestine people" before 1948?"
This should be good


Jerusalem, dumbass..

That was the adminstrative capital of the mandate.

Too funny- I see
so that was the capital of the "Palestine people" before 1948

Can you name the Palestinian kings?

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