Stupid Jews for Obama

Amazing, NeoTrotsky, that presidents and prime ministers have always said the basis for talks was 1967 borders. Where do you come up with this stupid stuff? You are exactly why the Republican neo-cons and neo-econs lost in 2008. You are the type that will never come back to power in the Republican Party. You are a loon. :lol:
since they never had a country

Depends on how you define "a country". There are a lot of people that have never had a nation state, but are clearly distinct nationalities... There are nations made up of various cultures, such as Switzerland.

And then you have countries like South Africa and Israel, where colonizers impose their will on the natives, but are eventually deposed.
And "Germany" isn't a German word. Is that really the best argument you have?

Well we are not talking about Germans now
are we?

The best - of course not
but how much do you want me to waste on your hate?

I look not to convince you

Just mock your false claims

No, I'm pointing out the silliness of yours.

The Germans call themselves the "Duetsch" and their country Duetshcland".

The Japanes call their country "Nihon".

The Palestinians call their country "فلسطين*" often Anglicized to Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, or Filisṭīn. So it isn't a big stretch.

The point being that from about the second century, Jews really didn't live there, and the term "Palestine", which is a corruption of the older word "Philistina" was the name of the region and that's what the world called it. And the people who lived there were largely Arabs and Muslims.

Until some idiots in Europe said, "Umm, gee, we need to send these Jews somewhere, where can we send them... Um... Hmmmm..."

I mean, it was better than some of the other choices like Siberia or Madagascar, both of which were suggested as "Jewish Homelands" by clever folks in Europe. So they found something they could talk them into, I guess.

Except the notion of "A land without a people for a people without a land" was always a lie from day one.

Thank you for clearing that up for me. All this time I thought it was the General Assembly of the United Nations that established the nation of Israel. I didn't realize that you were so well educated on this subject. Thanks again!
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Jewish Democrats cool on Barack Obama's 1967 border remarks

ABC: Obama Speech Backlash on Call to Reinstate 1967 Mideast Borders

Good thing the Republicans won back the House with the help of the Tea Party
Republicans running the House by spending like Democrats helped them to lose it in 2008.

It is hard for the left and their tools the concerned trolls to see their radical ideas
fail with American people. But, they will keep on defending Papa Obama

Here is a good video of a real leader "schooling" Papa Obama



here boy
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Thank you for clearing that up for me. All this time I thought it was the General Assembly of the United Nations that established the nation of Israel. I didn't realize that you were so well educated on this subject. Thanks again!

Clearing up your fantastic ignorance would be full time job.

The creation of Israel was a mistake, one we are still paying for.
Oh, how, funny, NeoTrotsky trying to educate those better schooled in these matters than he. We will sit back and enjoy the show.
Too funny- I see
so that was the capital of the "Palestine people" before 1948

Can you name the Palestinian kings?

Wow awesome point.

And I mean really, Native Americans are just frauds who want tax money by claiming they lived in America before us. Can you name any "Native American kings"? Or what the capital city was of the "Native Americans."

And how about the Jews? Yeah, before 1948 can you name what the "Jew Capital" was? Or a "Jew King" who ruled over a supposed Jewish country? Oh, there crazy religion says they had land once? Crazy weirdos.

Or a "Kurd Capital" or "Kurd King" of the 35 million Kurds who are a minority population across the Middle East?

Just because a large proportion of all the worlds ethnic minorities never had a "king" or a "capital", doesn't mean they have no rights or no liberty to not be removed from the land they've inhabited for thousands of years.

And to imply palestine was unpopulated before the zionists came is a crime of foolishness.
Apparently, Jews don't look after their own people. They look after their own individual interests and that's why they're constantly being hated by every community they go to.

This is an interesting statement. It sort of sounds like the acceptable level of anti-Semitism that has survived on the right. It's interesting how the neocons have managed to marginalize the Holocaust Deniers and white hoods. These groups will always have a home on the right, but they no longer get top billing. People should realize that large portions of the Right were extremely anti-semitic. Research Henry Ford. The anti-semitism in the Germany of the 30s was also of the rightwing variety. There was a general feeling that Jews were a threat to traditional German Culture, which was deeply Christian. Germany's Christian Right believed that the Jews were over-assimilated during the very Liberal Weimar period (which Nazism was a reaction to).

Hitler hated Liberals and Communists deeply - and this was a very real part of his hatred for Jews, whom he called Jewish Bolsheviks. Hitler thought Liberal multiculturalism had opened the door to Jews.

People on the Right who hate Jews are merely following the logic of "Borders, Language, Culture". They believe Jews are perennial outsiders - and that they are threatening traditional Christian culture. Read the OP's comments about how Jews are a "they". It almost sounds like he thinks they're animals.
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Too funny- I see
so that was the capital of the "Palestine people" before 1948

Can you name the Palestinian kings?

Wow awesome point.

And I mean really, Native Americans are just frauds who want tax money by claiming they lived in America before us. Can you name any "Native American kings"? Or what the capital city was of the "Native Americans."

And how about the Jews? Yeah, before 1948 can you name what the "Jew Capital" was? Or a "Jew King" who ruled over a supposed Jewish country? Oh, there crazy religion says they had land once? Crazy weirdos.

Or a "Kurd Capital" or "Kurd King" of the 35 million Kurds who are a minority population across the Middle East?

Just because a large proportion of all the worlds ethnic minorities never had a "king" or a "capital", doesn't mean they have no rights or no liberty to not be removed from the land they've inhabited for thousands of years.

And to imply palestine was unpopulated before the zionists came is a crime of foolishness.

How about Native American tribal leaders
Big Foot
Black Elk
Crazy Horse
Red Cloud

The capital of Israel has always been Jerusalem

Ok- now how about that list of Palestinian kings or maybe even some historical tribal leaders?
Maybe Yasser Arafat could be viewed as one - oh wait he was born in Egypt

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The tribal and clan leaders of the Palestinians have existed for a very long time in Palestine, NeoTrotsky. That is such a foolish argument to use. Simply point out, the Jewish nation was once there until destroyed by the Roman, the land was under control of numerous non-Arab and non-Jew kings and countries, the British took it from the Turks, the League gave the Brits a mandate, and the UN divided the land, and the Jews kicked the Arabs' ass.

End of Book I. Book II is Israel's stand against the Arab and Muslim world. Hint: Israel is doing quite well.

Hang in there, Neo,
Of course the Left and their concerned troll can not name any
What were they in 1900 or even 1910

Nice try
get some real facts
what a tool you are

The concerned trolls on this board should stick with stuff they know
Like trying to cover for Papa Obama


Here boy
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too funny

no list of historic kings or historical tribal leaders
How about the historical capital of the "Palestinian Kingdom"

The lefts/ concerned trolls poor attempts to
cover for their failure- is noted

Here boy
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Thank you for clearing that up for me. All this time I thought it was the General Assembly of the United Nations that established the nation of Israel. I didn't realize that you were so well educated on this subject. Thanks again!

Clearing up your fantastic ignorance would be full time job.

The creation of Israel was a mistake, one we are still paying for.

I really don't want to get into this with you, you're a hater with mental problems, The Jews created the modern state of Israel not the U.S. The Europeans created the surrounding countries Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia Iraq, Iran if there were no Israel there would be no country called "Palestine" the land would be part of Jordan and Egypt..Get some physiological help man you've serious issues.:cuckoo:
Apparently, Jews don't look after their own people. They look after their own individual interests and that's why they're constantly being hated by every community they go to.

This is an interesting statement. It sort of sounds like the acceptable level of anti-Semitism that has survived on the right. It's interesting how the neocons have managed to marginalize the Holocaust Deniers and white hoods. These groups will always have a home on the right, but they no longer get top billing. People should realize that large portions of the Right were extremely anti-semitic. Research Henry Ford. The anti-semitism in the Germany of the 30s was also of the rightwing variety. There was a general feeling that Jews were a threat to traditional German Culture, which was deeply Christian. Germany's Christian Right believed that the Jews were over-assimilated during the very Liberal Weimar period (which Nazism was a reaction to).

Hitler hated Liberals and Communists deeply - and this was a very real part of his hatred for Jews, whom he called Jewish Bolsheviks. Hitler thought Liberal multiculturalism had opened the door to Jews.

People on the Right who hate Jews are merely following the logic of "Borders, Language, Culture". They believe Jews are perennial outsiders - and that they are threatening traditional Christian culture. Read the OP's comments about how Jews are a "they". It almost sounds like he thinks they're animals.

Little over done
Any "animosity" there appears to be for liberal Jews
So far the only hate seen on this thread is the hate for Israel by the Left
Thank you for clearing that up for me. All this time I thought it was the General Assembly of the United Nations that established the nation of Israel. I didn't realize that you were so well educated on this subject. Thanks again!

Clearing up your fantastic ignorance would be full time job.

The creation of Israel was a mistake, one we are still paying for.

I really don't want to get into this with you, you're a hater with mental problems, The Jews created the modern state of Israel not the U.S. The Europeans created the surrounding countries Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia Iraq, Iran if there were no Israel there would be no country called "Palestine" the land would be part of Jordan and Egypt..Get some physiological help man you've serious issues.:cuckoo:

The hate is rather pathetic
Combined that with the lefts/ concerned trolls need to defend Papa Obama
and his dismal record with Israel - the left is pretty sad on these topics.

The lack of real knowledge by the left on this subject matter is horrendous
Just regurgitation of the same old cold war holdovers and knee jerk reactions
to defend Papa Obama


Here boy
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Of course the Left and their concerned troll can not name any
What were they in 1900 or even 1910

Nice try
get some real facts
what a tool you are

The concerned trolls on this board should stick with stuff they know
Like trying to cover for Papa Obama

You haven't done any research. You are blindly following an uneducated partisan line.

Jerusalem has always been the capital of the Jewish people and Israel? The Palestinians have no leaders and no history?

I cannot argue with people who haven't even spent thirty seconds on google researching what they say.

And "troll" is almost always used by people trying to be "mean" and deflecting. Real debaters don't insult, they use facts.
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Another one with no facts


No doubt they are busy putting together that "big list"
of kings, tribal leaders from Palestine's historical past.
Perhaps they will even throw in some
lists of Palestinian poets and writers from antiquity
Good luck with that........


Here boy
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Nothing at all from the pathetic far right's hatred for their neo-con failures that they try to blame on solid conservative to liberal politicians. Jews won the state of Israel fair and square, and American presidents from Truman to Obama have supported it, fair and square. The normal far right hatred of Jews in America has been sublimated here in its hatred for anything to their "left" that makes them seem what they are, in step only with America's distant past.

Watching Neo toddle around here is painful as well as pathetic. It is similar to I watching Houston come back on Cincinnati tonight from 8 to 2 down to 9 to 8 ahead on a buncha of Red miscues. When it rains it pours, and that is what is happening to the far right. The neo-cons are finished for a generation in American politics, rightfully so.

Romney will cut a responsible conservative right working arrangement with the center and right of center. No lefties and far righties need apply.

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