Stupid Jews for Obama

Under apartheid, black South Africans could not vote and were not citizens of the country in which they formed the overwhelming majority of the population.

In a survey in 2003 more than 80 percent of Palestinians consistently choose Israel as a gov't they admire the most because they can see up close the thriving democracy in Israel, and the rights the Arab citizens enjoy there. Same survey in contrast, Palstinians placed Arab regimes down the list, and their own Palestinian Authority at the bottom with only 20 percent saying they admire the corrupt Arafat regime in 2003.

James Bennet, “Letter from the Middle East; Arab Showplace? Could It Be the West Bank?” New York Times, (April 2, 2003).

Try again

When you pull that bizarre ass survey our of your ass, I'm not sure what to say.

Israelis haven't spent 60 years with their boot on the Palestinians' necks because they are admired. They do it because the Palestinians would drive them into the sea if given an oppurtunity .
Under apartheid, black South Africans could not vote and were not citizens of the country in which they formed the overwhelming majority of the population.

In a survey in 2003 more than 80 percent of Palestinians consistently choose Israel as a gov't they admire the most because they can see up close the thriving democracy in Israel, and the rights the Arab citizens enjoy there. Same survey in contrast, Palstinians placed Arab regimes down the list, and their own Palestinian Authority at the bottom with only 20 percent saying they admire the corrupt Arafat regime in 2003.

James Bennet, “Letter from the Middle East; Arab Showplace? Could It Be the West Bank?” New York Times, (April 2, 2003).

Try again

When you pull that bizarre ass survey our of your ass, I'm not sure what to say.

Israelis haven't spent 60 years with their boot on the Palestinians' necks because they are admired. They do it because the Palestinians would drive them into the sea if given an oppurtunity .

Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything
Under apartheid, black South Africans could not vote and were not citizens of the country in which they formed the overwhelming majority of the population.

In a survey in 2003 more than 80 percent of Palestinians consistently choose Israel as a gov't they admire the most because they can see up close the thriving democracy in Israel, and the rights the Arab citizens enjoy there. Same survey in contrast, Palstinians placed Arab regimes down the list, and their own Palestinian Authority at the bottom with only 20 percent saying they admire the corrupt Arafat regime in 2003.

James Bennet, “Letter from the Middle East; Arab Showplace? Could It Be the West Bank?” New York Times, (April 2, 2003).

Try again

When you pull that bizarre ass survey our of your ass, I'm not sure what to say.

Israelis haven't spent 60 years with their boot on the Palestinians' necks because they are admired. They do it because the Palestinians would drive them into the sea if given an oppurtunity .

Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything

So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.
When you pull that bizarre ass survey our of your ass, I'm not sure what to say.

Israelis haven't spent 60 years with their boot on the Palestinians' necks because they are admired. They do it because the Palestinians would drive them into the sea if given an oppurtunity .

Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything

So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.

Dumb fuck
yes you are
one thing we agree on
Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything

So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.

Dumb fuck
yes you are
one thing we agree on

You're the one who thinks we should spend hundreds of billions of dollars propping up the Zionist's fantasy that the Magic Sky Man loves them teh very bestest.

Frankly, I'm tired of being searched every time I go through the airport because we've pissed off a quarter of the world's population by stealing their land.
I'm for supporting the only democratic state in the Middle East that
is a supporter of the US.

Being searched, well that is the fault of the gov't applying
stupid standards so as not to offend the very people who you seem to care so much about

As for stealing
Hey if the Arabs knew how to fight wars better then they could have kept some of the land
If all the losers in history wanted a "redo", there wouldn't even be a US.
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Nice tap dance, swallow.

You and George can go round up the Jews that don't "get in line" with your socialist agenda like in the old Soviet days.

Why is Swallow askng who is and isn't a Jew? Is he a Nazi preparing for something?

His tiny brain doesn't understand the connection between conservative Christians, Israel and Jews that like being Jews. Liberal Jews are sellouts, putting being liked at cocktail parties in NYC above Israel's security.

Well faggot..

The OP is incredibly insulting.

Just wondering which Jews don't see that.

Conservative non Jews already think Jews are stupid.
When you pull that bizarre ass survey our of your ass, I'm not sure what to say.

Israelis haven't spent 60 years with their boot on the Palestinians' necks because they are admired. They do it because the Palestinians would drive them into the sea if given an oppurtunity .

Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything

So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.

no. they didn't. learn your history.

the pals have a land, it's called jordan... if you want to go that route.
I'm for supporting the only democratic state in the Middle East that
is a supporter of the US.

Being searched, well that is the fault of the gov't applying
stupid standards so as not to offend the very people who care so much about

As for stealing
Hey if the Arabs knew how to fight wars better then they could have kept some of the land

Um, Guy, Isreal hasn't "won" a war over there since 1967. Even in 1973, we had to save their asses and the Arabs learned how to use oil as a weapon against us, which they've been doing every since.

As far as it being a "Democracy", you don't call yourself a democracy when you don't have one person, one vote.

Israel is an Apartheid state, pure and simple.
Sure it is not like Muslims are aggressive or anything

So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.

no. they didn't. learn your history.

the pals have a land, it's called jordan... if you want to go that route.

No, they have a land, and it's called "Palestine".

I know my history very welll. There's no Israel on the maps before 1948. Before then, that strip of land was called "Palestine" and most of the people who lived there were Arabs. Until all these folks from Europe started showing up, anyway.
I'm for supporting the only democratic state in the Middle East that
is a supporter of the US.

Being searched, well that is the fault of the gov't applying
stupid standards so as not to offend the very people who care so much about

As for stealing
Hey if the Arabs knew how to fight wars better then they could have kept some of the land

Um, Guy, Isreal hasn't "won" a war over there since 1967. Even in 1973, we had to save their asses and the Arabs learned how to use oil as a weapon against us, which they've been doing every since.

As far as it being a "Democracy", you don't call yourself a democracy when you don't have one person, one vote.

Israel is an Apartheid state, pure and simple.

This leftist crap again
Apartheid?- only in the Left's mind. Funny how the Left does not
care about the oppression of whites in South Africa now

20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze
Jews are a majority. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, and have served in the Cabinet, high-level foreign ministry posts- Ambassador to Finland and on the Supreme Court.

Palestinians have a standard of living that is rated ahead of Syria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco
So the next time a street hoodlum breaks into your house and you shoot at him, we can arrest you for being "aggressive".

Dumb fuck. The Zionists stole the Arab's land. The Arabs want it back.

And frankly, it ain't our problem.

no. they didn't. learn your history.

the pals have a land, it's called jordan... if you want to go that route.

No, they have a land, and it's called "Palestine".

I know my history very welll. There's no Israel on the maps before 1948. Before then, that strip of land was called "Palestine" and most of the people who lived there were Arabs. Until all these folks from Europe started showing up, anyway.

Yeah sure you do

Palestine is not even an Arabic word
no. they didn't. learn your history.

the pals have a land, it's called jordan... if you want to go that route.

No, they have a land, and it's called "Palestine".

I know my history very welll. There's no Israel on the maps before 1948. Before then, that strip of land was called "Palestine" and most of the people who lived there were Arabs. Until all these folks from Europe started showing up, anyway.

Yeah sure you do

Palestine is not even an Arabic word

Did you know Iranians (Persians) were actually Semitic people? Ask Joey he'll tell you :lol:
Nice tap dance, swallow.

You and George can go round up the Jews that don't "get in line" with your socialist agenda like in the old Soviet days.

Why is Swallow askng who is and isn't a Jew? Is he a Nazi preparing for something?

His tiny brain doesn't understand the connection between conservative Christians, Israel and Jews that like being Jews. Liberal Jews are sellouts, putting being liked at cocktail parties in NYC above Israel's security.

Well faggot..

The OP is incredibly insulting.

Just wondering which Jews don't see that.

Conservative non Jews already think Jews are stupid.

Do what your best at GoneFag..

Suck dick and swallow.

But not mine..okay?
well, that was true... sort of .... except for that little blood thing the germans used to kill anyone who was 1/8 jewish.

go figure. :dunno:

so judaism is a religion, but is also something you're born.

and truth is, if you have a jewish mother, you should understand. :D

My mother was "Jewish" because her mother was a German Jew. Her father was a Catholic Irishmen..who like all good Irishmen, beat feet after the kids were born and promptly took up with another woman. In any case..she followed the religion for a bit because she was raised by her two fisted boat building fishermen out in Baldwin, Long Island..but after he died..she lost interest in the religion. She still keeps with some of the Holy Days. But then again..she celebrates some Christian ones too.

Being a Jew goes through the mother the men are irrelevant, that’s why women are more important than the men. Being a Jew is not a religion, Judaism is a religion, Jillian knows that but she's seems to always go back to the NAZI thing for some reason. Jewish law has nothing to do with what the NAZI's thought. You are still a Jew even if you don't practice the religion, even if you practice another religion we just consider you lost.

I'm not a Jew.

Got it? But many in my family have and do practice the religion. what Jewish people do.

Like you.

You follow that religion and believe that Christ is not the messiah.
My mother was "Jewish" because her mother was a German Jew. Her father was a Catholic Irishmen..who like all good Irishmen, beat feet after the kids were born and promptly took up with another woman. In any case..she followed the religion for a bit because she was raised by her two fisted boat building fishermen out in Baldwin, Long Island..but after he died..she lost interest in the religion. She still keeps with some of the Holy Days. But then again..she celebrates some Christian ones too.

Being a Jew goes through the mother the men are irrelevant, that’s why women are more important than the men. Being a Jew is not a religion, Judaism is a religion, Jillian knows that but she's seems to always go back to the NAZI thing for some reason. Jewish law has nothing to do with what the NAZI's thought. You are still a Jew even if you don't practice the religion, even if you practice another religion we just consider you lost.

I'm not a Jew.

Got it? But many in my family have and do practice the religion. what Jewish people do.

Like you.

You follow that religion and believe that Christ is not the messiah.

It's not really relevant what to want to believe, you don't wright Jewish law. There are plenty of self-hating Jews out there, nothing unusual, Practicing the religion is also not relevent as to wether you are a Jew or not.
This leftist crap again
Apartheid?- only in the Left's mind. Funny how the Left does not
care about the oppression of whites in South Africa now

20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze
Jews are a majority. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, and have served in the Cabinet, high-level foreign ministry posts- Ambassador to Finland and on the Supreme Court.

Palestinians have a standard of living that is rated ahead of Syria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco

I never cared about it one way or the other, I just didn't think we needed to be a party to it.

although Amnesty International doesn't rate SA as one of the major offenders in that area...

Jews are only BARELY in the majority because they don't count the Arabs in the "Occuppied Territories" or the Arabs who were forced to flee in various wars. If you included them and had a full "Right to Return", Jews would be in the minority, and everyone knows it.

Which is why after 45 of "occupation", they've kept the West Bank and the Gaza in this no-mans land of neither soveriegn or part of Israel.
no. they didn't. learn your history.

the pals have a land, it's called jordan... if you want to go that route.

No, they have a land, and it's called "Palestine".

I know my history very welll. There's no Israel on the maps before 1948. Before then, that strip of land was called "Palestine" and most of the people who lived there were Arabs. Until all these folks from Europe started showing up, anyway.

Yeah sure you do

Palestine is not even an Arabic word

And "Germany" isn't a German word. Is that really the best argument you have?
Being a Jew goes through the mother the men are irrelevant, that’s why women are more important than the men. Being a Jew is not a religion, Judaism is a religion, Jillian knows that but she's seems to always go back to the NAZI thing for some reason. Jewish law has nothing to do with what the NAZI's thought. You are still a Jew even if you don't practice the religion, even if you practice another religion we just consider you lost.

I'm not a Jew.

Got it? But many in my family have and do practice the religion. what Jewish people do.

Like you.

You follow that religion and believe that Christ is not the messiah.

It's not really relevant what to want to believe, you don't wright Jewish law. There are plenty of self-hating Jews out there, nothing unusual, Practicing the religion is also not relevent as to wether you are a Jew or not.

How does one "wright" Jewish law?

And "Law" only applies to those willing to enter into the compact with the society or religion.

I haven't. And I don't "self-hate". And "practicing" the in following..or self identifying with it..has everything to do with "wether" or whether you can be "labled" as a follower of the religion or not.
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