Stupid Jews for Obama

Why is Swallow askng who is and isn't a Jew? Is he a Nazi preparing for something?

His tiny brain doesn't understand the connection between conservative Christians, Israel and Jews that like being Jews. Liberal Jews are sellouts, putting being liked at cocktail parties in NYC above Israel's security.
Why is Swallow askng who is and isn't a Jew? Is he a Nazi preparing for something?

His tiny brain doesn't understand the connection between conservative Christians, Israel and Jews that like being Jews. Liberal Jews are sellouts, putting being liked at cocktail parties in NYC above Israel's security.

Or they realize the Zionist entity isn't the be all and end all of being Jewish.

A lot of them look at bulldozing homes and restricting Palestinians to slums in their own country and recognize that Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

And yeah, maybe there was symathy in 1947 with the holocaust fresh in everyone's mind, but that was a long time ago, and two wrongs don't make a right.

Israel's best chance for survival is a two-state solution. More likely, though, like South Africa, they weill be an apartheid minority holding on to power as they increasingly become a pariah in the world.
Apartheid?- only in the Left's mind

20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze
Jews are a majority. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, and have served in the Cabinet, high-level foreign ministry posts- Ambassador to Finland and on the Supreme Court.

Palestinians have a standard of living that is rated ahead of Syria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco
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Just can't get over the idea that according to the OP, Jews aren't allowed to think for themselves. If they're not for the status quo, they're stupid? What's so great about the status quo?
Why is Swallow askng who is and isn't a Jew? Is he a Nazi preparing for something?

His tiny brain doesn't understand the connection between conservative Christians, Israel and Jews that like being Jews. Liberal Jews are sellouts, putting being liked at cocktail parties in NYC above Israel's security.

Well faggot..

The OP is incredibly insulting.

Just wondering which Jews don't see that.

Conservative non Jews already think Jews are stupid.
Is your I.Q. above 80? Yes or No?

Swallow has no I.Q.

He can't help being born a moron...I can't help being born a Jew... Whats you gonna do? It's a genetic thing.:thup:

It took many posts for you to admit being "born" a Jew.

Which is does one do that?

Judaism is a religion. And a choice.

Seems the guy with less of an IQ is beating you out in cognition.

You know what cognition is?

The OP was stating that liberal papa obama supporting Jews
were stupid- not all Jews

To be fair, the determining factor in that statement is not the Jew part
Swallow has no I.Q.

He can't help being born a moron...I can't help being born a Jew... Whats you gonna do? It's a genetic thing.:thup:

It took many posts for you to admit being "born" a Jew.

Which is does one do that?

Judaism is a religion. And a choice.

Seems the guy with less of an IQ is beating you out in cognition.

You know what cognition is?


Actually, one from the womb of a Jewish women, is Jewish
While conversion to Judaism is possible, it is not common.
He can't help being born a moron...I can't help being born a Jew... Whats you gonna do? It's a genetic thing.:thup:

It took many posts for you to admit being "born" a Jew.

Which is does one do that?

Judaism is a religion. And a choice.

Seems the guy with less of an IQ is beating you out in cognition.

You know what cognition is?


Actually, one from the womb of a Jewish women, is Jewish
While conversion to Judaism is possible, it is not common.

I know what the religion Mother was Jewish.

I don't follow the religion.
Swallow has no I.Q.

He can't help being born a moron...I can't help being born a Jew... Whats you gonna do? It's a genetic thing.:thup:

It took many posts for you to admit being "born" a Jew.

Which is does one do that?

Judaism is a religion. And a choice.

Seems the guy with less of an IQ is beating you out in cognition.

You know what cognition is?


well, that was true... sort of .... except for that little blood thing the germans used to kill anyone who was 1/8 jewish.

go figure. :dunno:

so judaism is a religion, but is also something you're born.

and truth is, if you have a jewish mother, you should understand. :D
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It took many posts for you to admit being "born" a Jew.

Which is does one do that?

Judaism is a religion. And a choice.

Seems the guy with less of an IQ is beating you out in cognition.

You know what cognition is?


Actually, one from the womb of a Jewish women, is Jewish
While conversion to Judaism is possible, it is not common.

I know what the religion Mother was Jewish.

I don't follow the religion.

Then you could be considered a Jew
and even become a citizen of Israel.

strange you would ask that question, then
The OP was stating that liberal papa obama supporting Jews
were stupid- not all Jews

To be fair, the determining factor in that statement is not the Jew part

Fair to what?

It's in the OP.

That to be a stupid Papa Obama supporter does not
depend on being Jewish

First's insulting to call people who don't follow your particular political agenda, stupid. But you guys generally do that 60 times a minute.

Adding "Jew" shows the bigotry of the OP.

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