Stupid Jews for Obama

Kinda funny but until I met some Russian Jews all the Jewish people I knew were liberal, progressive, radical, leftist, call it what you will. The Israeli Palestine debate changed the dialogue. It is my age and experience but a conservative Jew is still an oddity to me. History and the Holocaust created a mindset of tolerance and respect that is lost sometimes in our modern search for foes and gratification.

Russian Jews know the tyranny of government, makes sense doesn't it? Big powerful government is not “tolerant”

Are you talking about Ayn Rand's beloved Tsarist government? You know..the one that issued Jewish Progroms?

Hey Jroc..are you even Jewish?

You know..The Rabbi, Jstone and Koshergrl, aren't.

Just want to get my Fake Jews..straight.

We definiatly know you're an doubt about that one:thup:
Most of the Jews I know on this board are conservatives...Thank G-d
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Most conservatives are "pro-Israel" and Anti-Jewish.

No surprise here.
Yep. Christians sure do support Israel and bulldozers, but Jews moving next-door?

Jews are a LOT smarter than Christians. About a thousand years ago, Jews began a trend of secular scholarship, and Christians were hamstrung, by Christianity, so many Christians are children of inbreeding or down-breeding, since 1st-born sons were encouraged to become priests, while Rabbis were encouraged to make families.

The first-born child is most likely to be the smartest child, so why go against evolution?

Catholics had to learn the world was flat, until Columbus blew that off. So, would a Jew want to move next-door, to people who are stupid and descended from assholes, who asked anybody and everybody luckless, 'The Question?'

I can find more Jews against Israeli tyranny, than I can find Jimmy Carters, writing books, like 'Palestine, Peace not Apartheid.' But Jimmy wrote this, and now-Senator Al Franken goes off, 'Why do you hate Jews?' So, some Jews are assholes, Al. Remember, Franken used to keep saying his own name, like it was funny, when he got the money. Al sucks.

So the US imports its oil, the US guarantees Israel's oil supply, but the US and Israel won't catch hater Henry Ford, who wanted to make hemp ethanol, and he made a hemp plastic, which you could hit with a sledgehammer. Try doing that to a Corvette!

Meanwhile, the Democrats got the majority in everything, 2008, haggled over lousy Obamacare, lost the House, THEN tried to pass biomass research, which lost, 2010. That is because too many Democrats are Zionist Jewish hookers, like Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, which is the same as a wingnut, but with lefty-tude.

Israel sucks, and it could start WWIII, at any moment, which doesn't surprise me. Zionists have been killing people, since they wanted to move out of Egypt. When that mob of Habirus stoned Moses, 14th Century B.C., they were just getting started. The proto-Israelites killed every man, woman, and child, in the area of the Sea of Galilee, to found Israel and Judea. And the diluted Semites in charge of Israel are still killing, today!

'Barak' is the name of a famous Israelite general. So Obama isn't all Irish, is he. He is part asshole! But Romney has CRS, and he is not kosher meat. So Jews will support Obama and not Christianity. I'd rather vote for Aaron Burr.
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Most conservatives are "pro-Israel" and Anti-Jewish.

No surprise here.
Yep. Christians sure do support Israel and bulldozers, but Jews moving next-door?

Jews are a LOT smarter than Christians. About a thousand years ago, Jews began a trend of secular scholarship, and Christians were hamstrung, by Christianity, so many Christians are children of inbreeding or down-breeding, since 1st-born sons were encouraged to become priests, while Rabbis were encouraged to make families.

The first-born child is most likely to be the smartest child, so why go against evolution?

Catholics had to learn the world was flat, until Columbus blew that off. So, would a Jew want to move next-door, to people who are stupid and descended from assholes, who asked anybody and everybody luckless, 'The Question?'

I can find more Jews against Israeli tyranny, than I can find Jimmy Carters, writing books, like 'Palestine, Peace not Apartheid.' But Jimmy wrote this, and now-Senator Al Franken goes off, 'Why do you hate Jews?' So, some Jews are assholes, Al. Remember, Franken used to keep saying his own name, like it was funny, when he got the money. Al sucks.

So the US imports its oil, the US guarantees Israel's oil supply, but the US and Israel won't catch hater Henry Ford, who wanted to make hemp ethanol, and he made a hemp plastic, which you could hit with a sledgehammer. Try doing that to a Corvette!

Meanwhile, the Democrats got the majority in everything, 2008, haggled over lousy Obamacare, lost the House, THEN tried to pass biomass research, which lost, 2010. That is because too many Democrats are Zionist Jewish hookers, like Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, which is the same as a wingnut, but with lefty-tude.

Israel sucks, and it could start WWIII, at any moment, which doesn't surprise me. Zionists have been killing people, since they wanted to move out of Egypt. When that mob of Habirus stoned Moses, 14th Century B.C., they were just getting started. The proto-Israelites killed every man, woman, and child, in the area of the Sea of Galilee, to found Israel and Judea. And the diluted Semites in charge of Israel are still killing, today!

'Barak' is the name of a famous Israelite general. So Obama isn't all Irish, is he. He is part asshole! But Romney has CRS, and he is not kosher meat. So Jews will support Obama and not Christianity. I'd rather vote for Aaron Burr.

:eusa_eh:How do these people function in society?:cuckoo:
:eusa_eh:How do these people function in society?:cuckoo:
I don't want to know most of these fuckers. I just happen to write about them.

No, he's referring to you, big nose.
So what's your sorry excuse for logic, today, mad-dog? Got avatars, or something to read?

Got issues, or can I give you a swifty, enough to dislodge your head out of your butt?

Of course, if your big nose hangs up, it isn't my bad.
Russian Jews know the tyranny of government, makes sense doesn't it? Big powerful government is not “tolerant”

Are you talking about Ayn Rand's beloved Tsarist government? You know..the one that issued Jewish Progroms?

Hey Jroc..are you even Jewish?

You know..The Rabbi, Jstone and Koshergrl, aren't.

Just want to get my Fake Jews..straight.

We definiatly know you're an doubt about that one:thup:

Simple question.

Are you Jewish? you even have Jews in your family?
Liberal Jews today are like their fellow left-wing Jews during WWII that helped the Nazis round up the Jews and execute them.....George Soros comes to mind.

Liberals today are many times like the Soviet people that hated Jews and watched Stalin and Hitler take out the Jews, because it was good for themselves.
Liberal Jews today are like their fellow left-wing Jews during WWII that helped the Nazis round up the Jews and execute them.....George Soros comes to mind.

Liberals today are many times like the Soviet people that hated Jews and watched Stalin and Hitler take out the Jews, because it was good for themselves.

Soros helped Christians round up Jews to kill them?


Is the Pope still a Nazi by the way? He was when he was a kid. Good on Ratzinger...those Nazis have spiffy uniforms.
Dumbfuck, Soros is a Jew and it's been stated that he saved himself by working with the Nazis during WW2.

As for your claims about some Pope during WW2, I'm not nice try, dumbfuck.

Liberal Jews today are like their fellow left-wing Jews during WWII that helped the Nazis round up the Jews and execute them.....George Soros comes to mind.

Liberals today are many times like the Soviet people that hated Jews and watched Stalin and Hitler take out the Jews, because it was good for themselves.

Soros helped Christians round up Jews to kill them?


Is the Pope still a Nazi by the way? He was when he was a kid. Good on Ratzinger...those Nazis have spiffy uniforms.
Dumbfuck, Soros is a Jew and it's been stated that he saved himself by working with the Nazis during WW2.

As for your claims about some Pope during WW2, I'm not nice try, dumbfuck.

Liberal Jews today are like their fellow left-wing Jews during WWII that helped the Nazis round up the Jews and execute them.....George Soros comes to mind.

Liberals today are many times like the Soviet people that hated Jews and watched Stalin and Hitler take out the Jews, because it was good for themselves.

Soros helped Christians round up Jews to kill them?


Is the Pope still a Nazi by the way? He was when he was a kid. Good on Ratzinger...those Nazis have spiffy uniforms.

This is Soro's story..

The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbi seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."[16]
George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you Jewish?

Wikipedia? :lol:

Anyone can post stuff on Wikipedia.

Soros is a murdering Jew of other Jews. He escaped Europe because he helped kill other Jews by working with the Nazis.

Dumbfuck, Soros is a Jew and it's been stated that he saved himself by working with the Nazis during WW2.

As for your claims about some Pope during WW2, I'm not nice try, dumbfuck.

Soros helped Christians round up Jews to kill them?


Is the Pope still a Nazi by the way? He was when he was a kid. Good on Ratzinger...those Nazis have spiffy uniforms.

This is Soro's story..

The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbi seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."[16]
George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you Jewish?

Wikipedia? :lol:

Anyone can post stuff on Wikipedia.

Soros is a murdering Jew of other Jews. He escaped Europe because he helped kill other Jews by working with the Nazis.

Dumbfuck, Soros is a Jew and it's been stated that he saved himself by working with the Nazis during WW2.

As for your claims about some Pope during WW2, I'm not nice try, dumbfuck.

This is Soro's story..

The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbi seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."[16]
George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you Jewish?


Are you Jewish?
Most American Jews are Democrats for two primary reasons. First, experience as an oppressed minority makes them more sympathetic to the plight of other oppressed minorities. Second, a long history of anti-Semitism on the right (before someone says it, yes, there are some anti-Semites on the radical left).
I see you ask that stupid fucking quesiton a lot here? :cuckoo:

So if someone isn't a Jew, they can't talk about the Nazis murdering Jews or support the current Jews running Israel being strong on their national defense?

Since Christianity comes out of Judaism.....uh, we have a right to talk about Israel and the Jews.

Wikipedia? :lol:

Anyone can post stuff on Wikipedia.

Soros is a murdering Jew of other Jews. He escaped Europe because he helped kill other Jews by working with the Nazis.

This is Soro's story..

Are you Jewish?


Are you Jewish?

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