Stupid Jews for Obama

oh.... You mean the guys who took it back from the original invading Muslims?

Saladin was born in Iraq; maybe he was a "Palestinian" but just didn't know it yet


Here boy
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"Original invading Muslims" who took it away from . . . not the Jews, for they had been dispersed more than 400 years before.

NeoToddler bumbles along. If he were in charge of America's protection of Israel, Israel would not exist and Virginia would be under siege.
Apartheid?- only in the Left's mind

20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze
Jews are a majority. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, and have served in the Cabinet, high-level foreign ministry posts- Ambassador to Finland and on the Supreme Court.

Palestinians have a standard of living that is rated ahead of Syria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco

Don't confuse these pissants with facts.

I hear you the left/ concerned trolls will go on with their hatred for Israel
Really, being a leftover from the cold war Soviets, the left can't help themselves from supporting it.

Fine, they don't like Israel; but to cover up for Papa Obama poor and misguided leadership on this issue is both sad and pathetic.

My god even

Benjamin Netanyahu had to "school" Papa Obama in the errors of his radical way

[ame=]Netanyahu Schools Obama on '67 borders - YouTube[/ame]

here boy
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oh.... You mean the guys who took it back from the original invading Muslims?

Saladin was born in Iraq; maybe he was a "Palestinian" but just didn't know it yet

Or that he considered the retreival of the holy land to be a priority....

Great guy. Didn't slaughter the Christians the way Christians had slaughtered the Muslims when they took Jerusalem 100 years earlier.

Kind of makes you wonder who the "Barbarians" were.
Joe's hatred of the GOP and Neo's hatred of anybody not exactly like him is getting boring.

Neither have crafted a balanced and convincing discussion.

And I have no trouble kicking ass on the far left or the far right.
Joe's hatred of the GOP and Neo's hatred of anybody not exactly like him is getting boring.

Neither have crafted a balanced and convincing discussion.

And I have no trouble kicking ass on the far left or the far right.

Yawn, guy. Have no hatred for the GOP.

Just the religious whackos who've hijacked it.

Except unlike you, I don't pretend that they can be controlled by a guy who has shown no ability to stand up to them.
oh.... You mean the guys who took it back from the original invading Muslims?

Saladin was born in Iraq; maybe he was a "Palestinian" but just didn't know it yet

Or that he considered the retreival of the holy land to be a priority....

Great guy. Didn't slaughter the Christians the way Christians had slaughtered the Muslims when they took Jerusalem 100 years earlier.

Kind of makes you wonder who the "Barbarians" were.

So he killed no one

Well, it is apparent his fellow "Palestinians" don't follow that rule


Here boy
Joe's hatred of the GOP and Neo's hatred of anybody not exactly like him is getting boring.

Neither have crafted a balanced and convincing discussion.

And I have no trouble kicking ass on the far left or the far right.

Yawn, guy. Have no hatred for the GOP.

Just the religious whackos who've hijacked it.

Except unlike you, I don't pretend that they can be controlled by a guy who has shown no ability to stand up to them.

You should really like this guy

After all, he really is catching for the left



here boy
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Bluster don't count, Neo. You neo-cons from the failed far right were rejected in 2008 and were not allowed back in 2010. Imagine your further marginalization coming when Romney is elected.,
Nobody hates Israel here, but their policy against Palestiniansis a bit much. Time to buy them all off, and start a Holy Land Theme Park run by Scandinavians...
Ok- now how about that list of Palestinian kings or maybe even some historical tribal leaders?
Maybe Yasser Arafat could be viewed as one - oh wait he was born in Egypt


I seem to remember a guy named "Saladin", drove the Crusaders out of his land.

Saladin was a badass. It's hard to find a classier guy than him in his position in history.

When the Crusaders took Jerusalem in the first crusades, they pretty much killed everybody, including other Christians. Wiped the city clean of everybody they saw. Saladin didn't do that. He spared the Christians.
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Many people like me are concerned about the human rights violations committed by Israel, yet the only response we get is that we "hate Israel" or are anti-semites.

And when I say I'm Jewish, I'm told I am a self-hating Jew.

I was born into a zionist family. My personal experience on birth right (two weeks in Israel May 2008) and months spent in Lebanon, coupled with my own research, is what changed my views.

And then people who have never set foot in the area want to tell me what it's really like? Learn about something and try be objective before insulting people who only wish that all people in the world are treated with dignity.
Joe's hatred of the GOP and Neo's hatred of anybody not exactly like him is getting boring.

Neither have crafted a balanced and convincing discussion.

And I have no trouble kicking ass on the far left or the far right.

You're not the crusader you think you are. You're arrogant and delusional.
Many people like me are concerned about the human rights violations committed by Israel, yet the only response we get is that we "hate Israel" or are anti-semites.

And when I say I'm Jewish, I'm told I am a self-hating Jew.

I was born into a zionist family. My personal experience on birth right (two weeks in Israel May 2008) and months spent in Lebanon, coupled with my own research, is what changed my views.

And then people who have never set foot in the area want to tell me what it's really like? Learn about something and try be objective before insulting people who only wish that all people in the world are treated with dignity.

Go to a pro palestine rally on a campus and hear all the vile coming from their mouths and then report back.

And yes, you are turning your back on your own heritage but that's nothing new to Jews.
Many people like me are concerned about the human rights violations committed by Israel, yet the only response we get is that we "hate Israel" or are anti-semites.

And when I say I'm Jewish, I'm told I am a self-hating Jew.

I was born into a zionist family. My personal experience on birth right (two weeks in Israel May 2008) and months spent in Lebanon, coupled with my own research, is what changed my views.

And then people who have never set foot in the area want to tell me what it's really like? Learn about something and try be objective before insulting people who only wish that all people in the world are treated with dignity.

It's a two way street, the Arabs can't even get along with each other, I'm sure when you were in Lebanon a once beautiful country you notice the destruction of that country thanks to the muslim hordes..Your post is naive liberal platitudes, doesn't really work in the real world. There are many American Jews like you, Thank G-d they don't have much power and are still a minority. Most liberal Jews still support Israel
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It's a two way street, the Arabs can't even get along with each other, I'm sure when you were in Lebanon a once beautiful country you notice the destruction of that country thanks to the muslim hordes..Your post is naive liberal platitudes, doesn't really work in the real world. There are many American Jews like you, Thank G-d they don't have much power and are still a minority. Most liberal Jews still support Israel

That can be said about Human beings in general. We always seem to find something to fight over, whether it be religion or economic systems.

I think it's kind of silly to put all the blame on what happened in Lebanon on the Muslims. The Jews and Christians had a hand in that fiasco.

Fact is, more and more American Jews just look at Israel like weird cousins...
It's a two way street, the Arabs can't even get along with each other, I'm sure when you were in Lebanon a once beautiful country you notice the destruction of that country thanks to the muslim hordes..Your post is naive liberal platitudes, doesn't really work in the real world. There are many American Jews like you, Thank G-d they don't have much power and are still a minority. Most liberal Jews still support Israel

That can be said about Human beings in general. We always seem to find something to fight over, whether it be religion or economic systems.

I think it's kind of silly to put all the blame on what happened in Lebanon on the Muslims. The Jews and Christians had a hand in that fiasco.

Fact is, more and more American Jews just look at Israel like weird cousins...

Jews don't kill each other, Christians either for that matter. Only muslims murder their own by the thousands

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