Stupid Jews for Obama

:cuckoo: Umm... those are not current events, and none of those wars were fought over religion. Come on Joey you can do better than that?

Guy, your argument was that Christians don't kill each other and Mulsims do.

Except the list of biggest slaughters in history is that Christians are a lot more inclined to kill each other.

Second, the Arab-Israeli confilict isn't over religion. It's about one Group (Zionists) stealing the land of another group (Palestinians). The Palestinians are actually pretty secular and nationalist. They let women wear pants.

His history actually fails in terms of Israel. There were rival Jewish terrorist groups like the Igrun Group and the Stern gang that would fight each other.

Which is why I asked about his religion.

That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion
:cuckoo: Umm... those are not current events, and none of those wars were fought over religion. Come on Joey you can do better than that?

Guy, your argument was that Christians don't kill each other and Mulsims do.

Except the list of biggest slaughters in history is that Christians are a lot more inclined to kill each other.

Second, the Arab-Israeli confilict isn't over religion. It's about one Group (Zionists) stealing the land of another group (Palestinians). The Palestinians are actually pretty secular and nationalist. They let women wear pants.

No you misunderstood my point Sorry i didn't make it clearer for you. Jews don't kill each other period, and Christians don't kill each other over religion. muslims kill each other constantly Hamas is not secular get a clue Joey

Speaking for JoeB: I will not get a clue! Screw that!
No you misunderstood my point Sorry i didn't make it clearer for you. Jews don't kill each other period, and Christians don't kill each other over religion. muslims kill each other constantly Hamas is not secular get a clue Joey

CHristians kill each other over religion all the time. They still do. Take a look at what's happening in Bosnia or Ireland within my lifetime.

Look, you can try to get me all scared about the Muslim bogeyman, but the fact is, it's absolutely no skin off my nose if they drive the Zionists into the sea.

It's not my problem. It's not America's problem. Most of the world already considers Israel a pariah.
Guy, your argument was that Christians don't kill each other and Mulsims do.

Except the list of biggest slaughters in history is that Christians are a lot more inclined to kill each other.

Second, the Arab-Israeli confilict isn't over religion. It's about one Group (Zionists) stealing the land of another group (Palestinians). The Palestinians are actually pretty secular and nationalist. They let women wear pants.

No you misunderstood my point Sorry i didn't make it clearer for you. Jews don't kill each other period, and Christians don't kill each other over religion. muslims kill each other constantly Hamas is not secular get a clue Joey

Speaking for JoeB: I will not get a clue! Screw that!

Again. Israel gets completley wiped off the map. Why is that MY problem?
Another point on JRoc's stupidity. If his contention is that Muslims are really inclined to kill each other, then wouldn't it make sense to throw Israel under the bus so they won't have a common enemy? Once Israel's gone, they'll go back to fighting amongst themselves over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin and won't be a problem to us?

Of course, our real problem, for guys like Gatsby and JRoc whose closest encounter with military service was playing "Call of Duty 3". What gets us in trouble over there is we keep sticking our hands in the Hornet's nest and being really surprised when we get stung. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for as being willing to work with us against those damned Commies.

Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, we really need to evaluate why we are involved at all over there.

And the two reasons are Oil and Israel, and neither is a good enough reason for one American young person to come home in a box.
No you misunderstood my point Sorry i didn't make it clearer for you. Jews don't kill each other period, and Christians don't kill each other over religion. muslims kill each other constantly Hamas is not secular get a clue Joey

CHristians kill each other over religion all the time. They still do. Take a look at what's happening in Bosnia or Ireland within my lifetime.

Look, you can try to get me all scared about the Muslim bogeyman, but the fact is, it's absolutely no skin off my nose if they drive the Zionists into the sea.

It's not my problem. It's not America's problem. Most of the world already considers Israel a pariah.

Yep it is "not your problem" So why do you hate Jews?
Another point on JRoc's stupidity. If his contention is that Muslims are really inclined to kill each other, then wouldn't it make sense to throw Israel under the bus so they won't have a common enemy? Once Israel's gone, they'll go back to fighting amongst themselves over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin and won't be a problem to us?

Of course, our real problem, for guys like Gatsby and JRoc whose closest encounter with military service was playing "Call of Duty 3". What gets us in trouble over there is we keep sticking our hands in the Hornet's nest and being really surprised when we get stung. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for as being willing to work with us against those damned Commies.

Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, we really need to evaluate why we are involved at all over there.

And the two reasons are Oil and Israel, and neither is a good enough reason for one American young person to come home in a box.

So it's all the United States fault...Good little liberal you are
Joe's hatred of the GOP and Neo's hatred of anybody not exactly like him is getting boring.

Neither have crafted a balanced and convincing discussion.

And I have no trouble kicking ass on the far left or the far right.

You're not the crusader you think you are. You're arrogant and delusional.

I don't put up with bullshitters the likes of you or Pale Rider or JoeB or washamerican, if that's what you mean. Extreme right or extreme right: you guys do not hold the core of the American narrative in your hearts.
Another point on JRoc's stupidity. If his contention is that Muslims are really inclined to kill each other, then wouldn't it make sense to throw Israel under the bus so they won't have a common enemy? Once Israel's gone, they'll go back to fighting amongst themselves over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin and won't be a problem to us?

Of course, our real problem, for guys like Gatsby and JRoc whose closest encounter with military service was playing "Call of Duty 3". What gets us in trouble over there is we keep sticking our hands in the Hornet's nest and being really surprised when we get stung. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for as being willing to work with us against those damned Commies.

Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, we really need to evaluate why we are involved at all over there.

And the two reasons are Oil and Israel, and neither is a good enough reason for one American young person to come home in a box.
So it's all the United States fault...Good little liberal you are
It certainly was the admin's fault, the very best face they can put on it was "we were fooled". Powell calls it a blot on his career. Bush told Rove he would never have invaded if he had suspected the WMDs weren't there. We launched a preemptive war on an enemy who had nothing to "empt" us with. How sad and pathetic.
No you misunderstood my point Sorry i didn't make it clearer for you. Jews don't kill each other period, and Christians don't kill each other over religion. muslims kill each other constantly Hamas is not secular get a clue Joey

CHristians kill each other over religion all the time. They still do. Take a look at what's happening in Bosnia or Ireland within my lifetime.

Look, you can try to get me all scared about the Muslim bogeyman, but the fact is, it's absolutely no skin off my nose if they drive the Zionists into the sea.

It's not my problem. It's not America's problem. Most of the world already considers Israel a pariah.

Yep it is "not your problem" So why do you hate Jews?

Nope, don't hate teh "Jews" at all.

I just think Zionism is a terrible idea.

Just like I thought Apartheid was a terrible idea, didn't mean I hated Christians.

I know this is a concept you can't seem to compute, probably because you aren't very bright.

Zionism is an awful idea because it is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land" was a lie from day one. There were people on that land, and they didn't like being displaced or disenfranchised.

The ironic thing is that in running from the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis.
Another point on JRoc's stupidity. If his contention is that Muslims are really inclined to kill each other, then wouldn't it make sense to throw Israel under the bus so they won't have a common enemy? Once Israel's gone, they'll go back to fighting amongst themselves over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin and won't be a problem to us?

Of course, our real problem, for guys like Gatsby and JRoc whose closest encounter with military service was playing "Call of Duty 3". What gets us in trouble over there is we keep sticking our hands in the Hornet's nest and being really surprised when we get stung. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for as being willing to work with us against those damned Commies.

Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, we really need to evaluate why we are involved at all over there.

And the two reasons are Oil and Israel, and neither is a good enough reason for one American young person to come home in a box.

So it's all the United States fault...Good little liberal you are

So the argument is incomprehensible to you, eh?

Consider this. Before WWII, we barely got involved in the middle east. It just wasn't important to us. Until two things happened.

1) The end of the war meant all those countries became independent of Europe, and could demand their own price for oil.

2) The Zionist State was established, antagonizing all those Arab states.

Now, really, neither of these things were ever really our problem, except for our dependence on oil because we didn't invest in public transportation and alternative energy. And because Israel's supporters had way too much political clout.

So instead of trying to insulate ourselves from the machinations of people who fight over a crappy strip of land because a magic man in the sky told them to (pure insanity), we instead decided our best course of action was try to manipulate the crazy people.

So we put teh Shah back on his thrown when the Iranian people voted for Democracy, and he proceeded to kill every educated, sensible person in the country, leaving only the religious fanatics to oppose him. Ooops.

And then we backed Saddam Hussein, even though a lot of people knew he was crazy. Until he turned on us.

And when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan (a place that had jack diddly squat to do with us), we armed a bunch of assholes to fight them. I mean, they were going to teach women how to read or something, those damned Commies! And one of those assholes the CIA armed was a guy named Osama Bin Laden.

You can't stick your hand in a hornet's nest and not expect to get stung.
Israel is a nation built on terrorism. They're no better than the Palestinians. Withdrawing support from that tinder box would be the best course of action. If the Zionists want a nation, let 'em have one. But let them do it under their own steam, and not drag America and her allies into all their inevitable squabbles. Even a child can see what a liability that place is.
Israel won its land even steven, kiddos. The Arab peoples overwhelmingly in numbers were overwhelmingly defeated. It looks like one Jew is worth seven Arabs.
Israel won its land even steven, kiddos. The Arab peoples overwhelmingly in numbers were overwhelmingly defeated. It looks like one Jew is worth seven Arabs.

Too bad there are 100 Arabs for every Jew, then.

Israel will come to an end eventually. Only a matter of time.

It took the Arabs 200 years to rid themselves of the Crusaders, but they did, eventually.
Israel won its land even steven, kiddos. The Arab peoples overwhelmingly in numbers were overwhelmingly defeated. It looks like one Jew is worth seven Arabs.

Hmmm... Yes and no. In the end, it was Britain who apportioned a strip of land to the Jews to settle in after they crawled out of the ashes of Europe. Some say it was a divide and rule tactic, though I'm not entirely sure. But yes, any land they took as a result of wars waged against them is legit and they're entitled to do with them as they wish. Illegally displacing people from their ancestral land, on the other hand, is not OK. It's morally repulsive, and it's exactly what the Nazis did in Europe. And if I were to indulge your argument of even stevens to the letter, surely that would mean the Jews have no claim on the Levant, seeing as they lost it after their war with Rome, in which they were utterly crushed and consequently banished, never to return to Jerusalem under the threat of crucifiction.

In any case, I'm not opposed to the Jews having their own state. I just wish they'd do it all under their own steam without dragging everyone else into their squabbles with their neighbours. Though I can't see the constant air of hostility ending well for Israel. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it isn't levelled once America gets knocked off its perch as the world's #1 super power.
CHristians kill each other over religion all the time. They still do. Take a look at what's happening in Bosnia or Ireland within my lifetime.

Look, you can try to get me all scared about the Muslim bogeyman, but the fact is, it's absolutely no skin off my nose if they drive the Zionists into the sea.

It's not my problem. It's not America's problem. Most of the world already considers Israel a pariah.

Yep it is "not your problem" So why do you hate Jews?

Nope, don't hate teh "Jews" at all.

I just think Zionism is a terrible idea.

Just like I thought Apartheid was a terrible idea, didn't mean I hated Christians.

I know this is a concept you can't seem to compute, probably because you aren't very bright.

Zionism is an awful idea because it is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land" was a lie from day one. There were people on that land, and they didn't like being displaced or disenfranchised.

The ironic thing is that in running from the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis.

You're a hater, like I said before you hate Jews, You hate Mormons, you hate religion, you hate the rich , you hate evil corporations who are working to "destroy the middle class", you are generally a miserable person who looks to blame others for your misery sad really
Yep it is "not your problem" So why do you hate Jews?

Nope, don't hate teh "Jews" at all.

I just think Zionism is a terrible idea.

Just like I thought Apartheid was a terrible idea, didn't mean I hated Christians.

I know this is a concept you can't seem to compute, probably because you aren't very bright.

Zionism is an awful idea because it is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land" was a lie from day one. There were people on that land, and they didn't like being displaced or disenfranchised.

The ironic thing is that in running from the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis.

You're a hater, like I said before you hate Jews, You hate Mormons, you hate religion, you hate the rich , you hate evil corporations who are working to "destroy the middle class", you are generally a miserable person who looks to blame others for your misery sad really

You're a stupid person, seeing the world in only black and white.

Sad, really.
Israel won its land even steven, kiddos. The Arab peoples overwhelmingly in numbers were overwhelmingly defeated. It looks like one Jew is worth seven Arabs.

Hmmm... Yes and no. In the end, it was Britain who apportioned a strip of land to the Jews to settle in after they crawled out of the ashes of Europe. Some say it was a divide and rule tactic, though I'm not entirely sure. But yes, any land they took as a result of wars waged against them is legit and they're entitled to do with them as they wish. Illegally displacing people from their ancestral land, on the other hand, is not OK. It's morally repulsive, and it's exactly what the Nazis did in Europe. And if I were to indulge your argument of even stevens to the letter, surely that would mean the Jews have no claim on the Levant, seeing as they lost it after their war with Rome, in which they were utterly crushed and consequently banished, never to return to Jerusalem under the threat of crucifiction.

In any case, I'm not opposed to the Jews having their own state. I just wish they'd do it all under their own steam without dragging everyone else into their squabbles with their neighbours. Though I can't see the constant air of hostility ending well for Israel. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it isn't levelled once America gets knocked off its perch as the world's #1 super power.

Gotta love the Brits...

It is important to keep in mind that the Ottoman Empire controlled the Middle East from the 16th to the early 20th century ― for some 400 years. During this time, the countries of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. did not exist. The residents in these areas were predominately Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire, living in loosely organized tribal communities.

The British Mandate included the landmass on the West Bank of the Jordan River all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the landmass on the East Bank of the Jordan River, an area known as Trans-Jordan. The British called this whole huge area "Palestine."

Despite the support of certain British political figures, the British Foreign Ministry and others were generally much more pro-Arab, and the British government got busy carving out Arab countries from the lands of the Ottoman Empire.

Through their efforts the country of Iraq was created in 1921. It was a monarchy with Faisal ibn Hussein, the son of Hussein the Sherif of Mecca, as king. Soon thereafter Iraqi oil started to flow to the West.

Iraq has the second largest known oil reserves in the world (after Saudi Arabia) and it is no wonder the British were interested in having a bond with this country as well as other oil-rich Arab states.

Another country created by the British in 1922 was Jordan. In 1923, the British installed Abdullah ibn Hussein, another son of the Sherif of Mecca, as emir of the new country called Trans-Jordan, later Jordan. Jordan was confined to the East Bank of the River Jordan and did not include any part of the West Bank. (Jordan encompassed 75% of the total area of the British Mandate. In 1922 the British separated this territory from the mandate territory on the west bank of the Jordan River (which they called Palestine) and made it off-limits to Jewish settlement.)

Why were the sons of the Sherif of Mecca made rulers of these countries?

The British wanted alliances with all the Arab kingdoms. They had shored up support for the Ibn Saud of the Arabian Peninsula, who had fought the Turks alongside them. Ibn Saud got Saudi Arabia.

But when that happened, the British had to pay off the Hussein Sherif of Mecca, who was in charge of the Islamic holy sites and who had also sided with British against the Ottomans in WW I. (The Hussein family are Hashemites, the tribe of Mohammed, the founder of Islam, and have been traditionally the keepers of Holy City of Mecca.)

History Crash Course #64: The British Mandate
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Good!!! Glad to hear it!!!
Guy, your argument was that Christians don't kill each other and Mulsims do.

Except the list of biggest slaughters in history is that Christians are a lot more inclined to kill each other.

Second, the Arab-Israeli confilict isn't over religion. It's about one Group (Zionists) stealing the land of another group (Palestinians). The Palestinians are actually pretty secular and nationalist. They let women wear pants.

His history actually fails in terms of Israel. There were rival Jewish terrorist groups like the Igrun Group and the Stern gang that would fight each other.

Which is why I asked about his religion.

That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion

In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


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