Stupid Jews for Obama

LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Good!!! Glad to hear it!!!

Yes it is good news, a 15 point drop..He'll get less than 60% in my opinion.
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Good!!! Glad to hear it!!!

Yes it is good news, a 15 point drop..He'll get less than 60% in my opinion.

Not after this gets more general exposure..

The Boston Globe wrote Saturday that Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel wants Mitt Romney to speak out against the Mormon practice of posthumously baptizing Jews.

“He is a Mormon, and since he’s running for president – the highest office in the world, not only in America – he should know what is happening, and he should have said simply, ‘It is wrong,”’ Wiesel, a professor at Boston University, said in an interview.

Funny a "non-jew" like me knows about this and a Jew like you..doesn't.


Stupid Jews^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
His history actually fails in terms of Israel. There were rival Jewish terrorist groups like the Igrun Group and the Stern gang that would fight each other.

Which is why I asked about his religion.

That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion

In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


Jews don't kill each other, it is against Jewish law, we are supposed to help other Jews especially lost Jews such as yourself. Are there Jews killing each other anywhere in the world today? Of course throughout history there have been some Jews that have killed other Jews but having to go back 60yrs says something doesn't it brother
That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion

In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


Jews don't kill each other, it is against Jewish law, we are supposed to help other Jews especially lost Jews such as yourself. Are there Jews killing each other anywhere in the world today? Of course throughout history there have been some Jews that have killed other Jews but having to go back 60yrs says something doesn't it brother

you're also not supposed to hate...

but misogynistic, fundie neo-cons don't know any better.
That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion

In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


Jews don't kill each other, it is against Jewish law, we are supposed to help other Jews especially lost Jews such as yourself. Are there Jews killing each other anywhere in the world today? Of course throughout history there have been some Jews that have killed other Jews but having to go back 60yrs says something doesn't it brother

In terms of a war? Presently? No.

Because there are so few Jews in the world...probably.

Being wiped out by pogroms, inquistions and holocausts will do that.
That is true but that was over 60 yrs ago and it was not over religion

In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


Jews don't kill each other, it is against Jewish law, we are supposed to help other Jews especially lost Jews such as yourself. Are there Jews killing each other anywhere in the world today? Of course throughout history there have been some Jews that have killed other Jews but having to go back 60yrs says something doesn't it brother

Not forgetting that one of the officers on the bridge of the USS Liberty was Jewish...
Here's another reasons Jews will go for Obama..and he's popular in Israel..

[ame=]President Obama Opposes UN Vote On Palestinian Statehood - YouTube[/ame]

Which conservatives seem to forget.
Another point on JRoc's stupidity. If his contention is that Muslims are really inclined to kill each other, then wouldn't it make sense to throw Israel under the bus so they won't have a common enemy? Once Israel's gone, they'll go back to fighting amongst themselves over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin and won't be a problem to us?

Of course, our real problem, for guys like Gatsby and JRoc whose closest encounter with military service was playing "Call of Duty 3". What gets us in trouble over there is we keep sticking our hands in the Hornet's nest and being really surprised when we get stung. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for as being willing to work with us against those damned Commies.

Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, we really need to evaluate why we are involved at all over there.

And the two reasons are Oil and Israel, and neither is a good enough reason for one American young person to come home in a box.

So it's all the United States fault...Good little liberal you are

So the argument is incomprehensible to you, eh?

Consider this. Before WWII, we barely got involved in the middle east. It just wasn't important to us. Until two things happened.

1) The end of the war meant all those countries became independent of Europe, and could demand their own price for oil.

2) The Zionist State was established, antagonizing all those Arab states.

Now, really, neither of these things were ever really our problem, except for our dependence on oil because we didn't invest in public transportation and alternative energy. And because Israel's supporters had way too much political clout.

So instead of trying to insulate ourselves from the machinations of people who fight over a crappy strip of land because a magic man in the sky told them to (pure insanity), we instead decided our best course of action was try to manipulate the crazy people.

So we put teh Shah back on his thrown when the Iranian people voted for Democracy, and he proceeded to kill every educated, sensible person in the country, leaving only the religious fanatics to oppose him. Ooops.

And then we backed Saddam Hussein, even though a lot of people knew he was crazy. Until he turned on us.

And when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan (a place that had jack diddly squat to do with us), we armed a bunch of assholes to fight them. I mean, they were going to teach women how to read or something, those damned Commies! And one of those assholes the CIA armed was a guy named Osama Bin Laden.

You can't stick your hand in a hornet's nest and not expect to get stung.

You might like this.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Sheldon L. Richman | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis
In the post right above this said Jews do not kill each other..and now you "requalify" the parameters.


Jews don't kill each other, it is against Jewish law, we are supposed to help other Jews especially lost Jews such as yourself. Are there Jews killing each other anywhere in the world today? Of course throughout history there have been some Jews that have killed other Jews but having to go back 60yrs says something doesn't it brother

you're also not supposed to hate...

but misogynistic, fundie neo-cons don't know any better.

Love you:eusa_angel:
Here's another reasons Jews will go for Obama..and he's popular in Israel..

President Obama Opposes UN Vote On Palestinian Statehood - YouTube

Which conservatives seem to forget.

I don't think Obama really believes that. Frankly, I don't think anyone coming at the situation from an objective perspective believes that.

But AIPAC is extremely influential in politics. Don't forget the president of AIPAC, David Steiner, and the transcript that was released in 1992 of him bragging about how they buy people in congress, and influence the presidency. Such arrogance. And the person who released the transcript was a Jewish man himself who found it so egregious, otherwise that person would have been called a lying anti-semite.

Heres the link to the full transcript if you missed it. golden oldies from the AIPAC jewish world conspiracy vault « Niqnaq This article was written by a Jewish man who worked with AIPAC.

Quite clear that everyone in politics has to express support for Israel, or else a massive source of finances is cut off. And AIPAC's continues to declare that they NEVER use money to manipulate politics. There are quite a few Jewish people who have left the organization and come out to say that they are a corrupt, oppressive political force.
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You're a hater, like I said before you hate Jews, You hate Mormons, you hate religion, you hate the rich , you hate evil corporations who are working to "destroy the middle class", you are generally a miserable person who looks to blame others for your misery sad really

So you're admitting you can't argue the point at hand, eh?

Okay, once again.

How is Israel not an "Apartheid" state? Because they AParatheid is based on religion instead of race?

Now, if you want to argue that pointing out facts that destroy your little fantasy world that rich people and your magic sky pixie actually give a fuck about you makes me a 'hater', have at it. That should be funny to watch.
You're a hater, like I said before you hate Jews, You hate Mormons, you hate religion, you hate the rich , you hate evil corporations who are working to "destroy the middle class", you are generally a miserable person who looks to blame others for your misery sad really

So you're admitting you can't argue the point at hand, eh?

Okay, once again.

How is Israel not an "Apartheid" state? Because they AParatheid is based on religion instead of race?

Now, if you want to argue that pointing out facts that destroy your little fantasy world that rich people and your magic sky pixie actually give a fuck about you makes me a 'hater', have at it. That should be funny to watch.

Umm...Why discuss anything based on your premise, it seems you and haters like you focus way too much on Israel and ignore the fact that the Arabs and the rest of the muslims kill and torture their own people, they gun them down in the streets, execute homosexuals ect.. No need to waste time with you on that subject. And successful people are not your enemy we should all aspire to be rich and successful. that’s not a bad thing, it's called capitalism. It's big powerful overreaching government that screws up that system not “evil” rich people
You're a hater, like I said before you hate Jews, You hate Mormons, you hate religion, you hate the rich , you hate evil corporations who are working to "destroy the middle class", you are generally a miserable person who looks to blame others for your misery sad really

So you're admitting you can't argue the point at hand, eh?

Okay, once again.

How is Israel not an "Apartheid" state? Because they AParatheid is based on religion instead of race?

Now, if you want to argue that pointing out facts that destroy your little fantasy world that rich people and your magic sky pixie actually give a fuck about you makes me a 'hater', have at it. That should be funny to watch.

Umm...Why discuss anything based on your premise, it seems you and haters like you focus way too much on Israel and ignore the fact that the Arabs and the rest of the muslims kill and torture their own people, they gun them down in the streets, execute homosexuals ect.. No need to waste time with you on that subject. And successful people are not your enemy we should all aspire to be rich and successful. that’s not a bad thing, it's called capitalism. It's big powerful overreaching government that screws up that system not “evil” rich people

Thanks for demonstrating what kind of things religious conservatives do in power. That's beside the point. The point is he doesn't support the notion of us backing Israel, not that he supports whatever stupid shit you're talking about.

Stop with your "I don't know how to argue the point so I'm just going to say you hate Jews and think that it trumps whatever you have to say" attitude. It's childish.

You're childish. Learn to make your points, son.
So you're admitting you can't argue the point at hand, eh?

Okay, once again.

How is Israel not an "Apartheid" state? Because they AParatheid is based on religion instead of race?

Now, if you want to argue that pointing out facts that destroy your little fantasy world that rich people and your magic sky pixie actually give a fuck about you makes me a 'hater', have at it. That should be funny to watch.

Umm...Why discuss anything based on your premise, it seems you and haters like you focus way too much on Israel and ignore the fact that the Arabs and the rest of the muslims kill and torture their own people, they gun them down in the streets, execute homosexuals ect.. No need to waste time with you on that subject. And successful people are not your enemy we should all aspire to be rich and successful. that’s not a bad thing, it's called capitalism. It's big powerful overreaching government that screws up that system not “evil” rich people

Thanks for demonstrating what kind of things religious conservatives do in power. That's beside the point. The point is he doesn't support the notion of us backing Israel, not that he supports whatever stupid shit you're talking about.

Stop with your "I don't know how to argue the point so I'm just going to say you hate Jews and think that it trumps whatever you have to say" attitude. It's childish.

You're childish. Learn to make your points, son.

So I should make the point that Israel is not an "apartheid state"..I think not. One could argue foreign aid to any country, but Joey's a hater and a waste of time
Here's another reasons Jews will go for Obama..and he's popular in Israel..

President Obama Opposes UN Vote On Palestinian Statehood - YouTube

Which conservatives seem to forget.

That was some good demagogue'ing. Seriously though, I lol'd when he said that his commitment to Israel's security was unshakeable.

Well go for it.

What policy has Obama rolled out that jepordized Israel's security?

He cut defense funding for Israel?

And there's no "demagoguing" was the US that essentially created the state in the first place. If Obama was backing the creation of the Palestinian would have gotten done.

He didn't.
Here's another reasons Jews will go for Obama..and he's popular in Israel..

President Obama Opposes UN Vote On Palestinian Statehood - YouTube

Which conservatives seem to forget.

That was some good demagogue'ing. Seriously though, I lol'd when he said that his commitment to Israel's security was unshakeable.

Well go for it.

What policy has Obama rolled out that jepordized Israel's security?

He cut defense funding for Israel?

And there's no "demagoguing" was the US that essentially created the state in the first place. If Obama was backing the creation of the Palestinian would have gotten done.

He didn't.

The U.S. didn't create anything. Jews fought for their land, most western countries did not support them they were helped by other Jews around the world. their weapons were mostly supplied or smuggled in from the Czechs

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