Stupid Racist Claims

(a). Most "white" people couldn't care less about race

Well if that was the case then we would not have racial problems we have.

nor do they have the power to meaningfully discriminate against any POC even if they had the desire to do so. It's BLACK people who make race an issue.

Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I am going to screw black people”

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

(b). White people experience most of the same disappointments in life that Black people do, but Black people attribute it to their race. I've been rejected by schools, lost jobs, been turned down for promotions, not been appointed to committees, been given assignments at work that "nobody" wanted...but I couldn't blame any of it on my race. When the same thing happens to a Black person, the first place they go is to call the decisions-maker a racist. And it is quickly becoming tiresome.

You're correct things like

1. Being rejected from schools
2. Lost jobs
3. Been turned for promotions
4. Not appointed to commitees
5. Been gives assignments at that work that nobody wanted

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can pull a white person over and harrass them, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

Any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who is white and someone who isn't is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

(c). The millions of Black people who have been successful - who have successfully assimilated into the culture to the extent necessary to succeed - prove the lie of racial discrimination holding Black people back. It happens, certainly, but not often enough to explain "income inequality." That is mainly on Blacks themselves - see below.

What do you mean by successful ? There are black people with money. Sure but there were black people with 55 years ago (Muhammad Ali, Sidney Poiter, Sammy Davis Jnr, Ella Fitzgerald) but there was still racism and plus there is not one wealthy blk person in America.
Is the cause of racial problems exclusively the blame of whites?

If you are a small boat at sea, a bit away from the shore, but I push you over and you drown and I say you drown because you did not learn how to swim

Am I right ?

Well technically yes I am but that is only dealing with secondary circumstances. YES, knowing how to swim might have been a solution to you're problem, once you was in the water, but NOT knowing how to swim was not the cause of your problem.

The CAUSE was me who pushed you.

Same thing with Black Americans – yes, becoming doctors, dentists and accountants would help matters. BUT those are not the primary CAUSES of the problems here in the United States. The CAUSE is the white supremacist and the non black buffer class who just as white supremacists. Black people don't have any allies. That's why I hate the term "People Of Color"

Everyone is at war with black people. Matter of fact even a few days ago - Asians were donating thousands to white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys.

Black Americans were are the non black group only who fight you. We are the only ones. You've broken the Asian and Latino's and what makes Black americans so amazing is that we are out numbered, out financed, out gunned. We go up against the most powerful military on the planet but we STILL dust ourselves down "Hell no we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

So every problem (in fact I'll take it a step further) every problem on the planet is the fault of the white suppremacists
There is no doubt in my mind whites can be racist toward blacks today. There is also no doubt in my mind that blacks often see racism in everything, thus clouding their ability to succeed and comprehend. I suspect it has become a crutch for many blacks and it results in hate toward whites. Hate is a powerful emotion and leads to harmful consequences for all involved.
Blacks don't see racism in everything that's another stupid racist claim. Every years blacks suffer the most attacks of hate against us and it is done primarily by whites.
1. Being rejected from schools
2. Lost jobs
3. Been turned for promotions
4. Not appointed to commitees
5. Been gives assignments at that work that nobody wanted

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can pull a white person over and harrass them, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.


What do you mean by successful ? There are black people with money. Sure but there were black people with 55 years ago (Muhammad Ali, Sidney Poiter, Sammy Davis Jnr, Ella Fitzgerald) but there was still racism and plus there is not one wealthy blk person in America.
The 5 things you listed most definitely happen to whites, because of Affirmative Action discrimination, backed the institutional power of goofball liberals of any color (many of them white).

The law enforcement system may not assume your guilt because you are White, but it will oftentimes accuse you of a crime (when you're innocent), if you are white, and someone you shoot (in self-defense) is black.
This is for the purpose of avoiding riots, as the leftist lunatic media, constantly distorts these incidents, making the white person look guilty.

In response to the weird claim >> "there is not one wealthy blk person in America." >>>

Top 10 Richest Black People In America 2021
2.1 1. Kanye West – Net Worth: $6.6B
2.2 2. Robert F. Smith – Net worth: $5B
2.3 3. David Steward – Net worth: $3.9B
2.4 4. Oprah Winfrey – Net worth: $2.7B
2.5 5. Michael Jordan, $1.9 billion
2.6 6. Jay-Z – Net worth: $1B
2.7 7. P Diddy – Net worth: $850 Million
2.8 8. Sheila Johnson – Net worth: $820 million
2.9 9. Dr Dre – Net worth: $800 million
2.10 10. Rihanna – Net worth: $620 million
And none of those guys are wealthy. They're rich but not wealthy and most on that list sports or singers.

White people have never minded being entertained by blk ppl.

But when Black people start owning and controlling Timber, Oil, Gas, Salt, Coal, Iron, Copper RESOURCES. That's when white people will have problem

You can't get rid of wealth. Come bk in 100 years time none of the blk ppl on that list, if they grand kids are gonna have biscuit.

2021 Black people don't make, own or produce any cars, phones, shoes, books computers. Nothing. Matter of fact. If you did have a black car - White people would not buy their cars, the same if true of phones, shoes.

Wealth is when you black walmart, black coco cola, black JP morgan Chase, black Nike, Black Apple, black Microsoft, black penguin books

White people about care about Dre and Rihanna and the rest on your list because they are controlled by the white supremacist. They can bring them down anytime.

Universal Musical Group - EMI - Warner Music Group, Sony Music

They are white companies that run all music. Yeah sure artists might have their own label but they are subsisdaries to one of these four. They don't have any power or control.

Should they get out of line the white supremacist would shut them down
$ 6.6 BILLION is not wealthy. HA HA HA. Are you feeling OK, dude ? I mean really.

Looking over your whole post here, it reveals a mental derangement in you. You are LOOKING FOR things to portray blacks in a victimhood. Try writing fantasy fiction. You have an aptitude for that.
I admit it; I am a white supremacist.

No shit (lol)

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are. They just go out and do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. After all it's never the inventor who boasts about his work being eveidence of racial superiority

It's guys like who have never invented a thing who are trying to prove their superiority because deep down you don't believe what you write yourself

And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

I believe that "white people," basically meaning, MEN whose bloodlines originate in Western Europe, have made the greatest contributions to Western Civilization

Sure white people have invented some good things

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing. But since whites supremacists theorize blacks are subhuman, then why open the door to a monkey ?

For the past 300 years that has been white racist logic, and if they never let blacks get into anything, the logic is safe.

You forget that you live at only one point in history, that other points in history were different.

700 years ago the Chinese could have ran around bragging how that they were the suprior race were. After all whites would be nowhere without four Chinese inventions:

1) Gunpowder
2) The compass
3) Paper
4) The printing press.

Their rise to world power was built on these.

If our fates were written in our genes, then little in the world would change. Anglos would have been on top not only since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 but for most of history. Instead for most of history they were backwards.

No one in his right mind in 1500 would have thought that some day English would become a world language, a respected language of learning, science and business. If you said that in 1500 people would have thought you had too much to drink

But it is pretty widely acknowledged that virtually no basic technologies were strictly speaking invented in Europe or the United States. Instead, European societies aggregated technologies. Metalwork, the plow, hydrocarbon fuels, higher mathematics, paper, wind-powered sea navigation, the compass, gun powder, and steam engines all came from elsewhere. In terms of the crucial agricultural products that feed everyone in the modern world, too, none originated in Europe.

So western contributions are not because white people are so much smarter than everyone else but because progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before.

The more science you know the more science you can discover.The more inventions you have at hand. The more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

and indeed to the world, of any "race" of people on the planet.

Black people (as a group) have invented more things beneficial to the progress of mankind than whites. It's not even close.

Black Africans were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the modern age.

Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Writing Languages like Edo Script, Nsibidi are three African writing systems that pre-date the arrival of Europeans on the continent.

Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries)

All of these were begun by Blacks in Egypt, Nubia-Kush.

So even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans

In fact Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming.

The proof is all around us. Look at
  • Architecture,
  • the Fine Arts,
  • Literature,
  • Film,
  • Science and technology,
  • Crafts and trades (e.g., stone masonry),
  • Medicine,
  • Jurisprudence and the Civil Justice system,
  • Astronomy, meteorology, climate science.
The list goes on and on. The greatest contributions were made by "white" men.

You suffer in the area of perception as it’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

Black people from Africa civilized Europe. There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces.


They built stuff like

And this was throughout Europe.

That's why they have statues of blk ppl on many European countries


They introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal husbandry and other advanced disciplines to Spain and the rest of Europe. This was the catalyst which led to the European Renaissance.

After the Greco/Roman Empire fell, whites went back into the DARK AGES.

The black plague almost killed all of white Europe in the 13th, due to UNSANITARY conditions.

During that same time, in Spain, the Moors had over 300 public baths. While 1% of Europe was literate, there were over 90 universities in the Moorish Empire.

These blacks are responsible for the white boy 'renaissance' where they had a refocus on science, learning and math. BLACK MOORS are the ones who inspired this reawakening.

Black ppl gave the world the alphabet (Phoenicians were black Moorish people from North Africa...the word PHONICS comes from them) and numbers (Arabic numbers are 0-9 as opposed to Roman numerals which don't have a zero making higher math IMPOSSIBLE).

Most of Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

It was during this time that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made.

Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans Blacks.

For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives.

Steel work and iron smelting was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used.

The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt

You see, SERIOUS White historians know these facts very well they also know that to tell the truth would reveal the dominate position of the Blackman in the bronze-age.

SERIOUS white historians know they were barbarians when the foundation of world civilization was built by black men but few western historians will tell the full story of man's racial history to do so would challenge the Aryan model of history.

Look, even, at the sports where Blacks so proudly dominate: Basketball, Football, Baseball...all invented and refined by white men.

Black people do not dominate basketball or football or baseball.

Sure you'll find 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory basketball and blackness somehow run together.

In that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate Olympic basketball competition.

That don't. Why ?

No majority black nation makes the top 30 basketball rankings.

It's just that when we enter in to any domane and it's an even playing field we tend to dominate.

White people need a whole system of injustic and advantage to do anything. We don't

Finally you say this

I don't believe in taking pride in anyone's work or accomplishments other than one's own, but knowing all the facts

But then you say this

I believe that "white people," basically meaning, MEN whose bloodlines originate in Western Europe, have made the greatest contributions to Western Civilization,

I mean, if you can’t see the irony embedded in these remarks, after all, to say that you take no pride in white peoples work then to take pride in white people's work in your second statement is the epitome of self-contradiction – then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.
Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

And the only reason why you think blacks dominate in sports is because there are so many of them - there by Affirmative Action. If you look carefully at the top players of all time in basketball, football, baseball, and boxing, the top athletes were white.
Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
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Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
The fact is you have no evidence of any of this LONGGGG AG)O stuff that you and your authors claim to have happened too long ago for anyone to really know (how convenient)

How interesting that from your descriptons we find 2 rather contradictory scenarios

1. Blacks inventing mathematics and many useful things, but all too long ago for anybody to check the authenticity of the claims.

2. Hardly a damn thing done by blacks in modern times, when authenticity CAN BE CHECKED, and is, and a mountain of achievements in the scientific and technological world by whites, who,at the same time, left Europe and explored Africa and found people living in a prehistoric level without the wheel, without sold wall buildings,, without indoor plumbing or heating, and living a hunting and gathering existence.

c1290 - Eye Glasses are invented in Northern Italy,[113] possibly Pisa, demonstrating knowledge of human biology


  • 1295 AD: Scottish priest Duns Scotus writes about the mutual beneficence of trade.[114]
  • 14th century AD: French priest Jean Buridan provides a basic explanation of the price system.


  • 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus develops a heliocentric model, rejecting Aristotle's earth-centric view, would be the first quantitative heliocentric model in history.
  • Late 16th century: Tycho Brahe proves that comets are astronomical (and not atmospheric) phenomena.
Notice anything about this next list ? ALL the names are white people (mostly Europeans) Not a single black person in the bunch >>>

17th century[edit]​

18th century[edit]​

19th century[edit]​

20th century[edit]​

Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
The fact is you have no evidence of any of this LONGGGG AG)O stuff that you and your authors claim to have happened too long ago for anyone to really know (how convenient)

How interesting that from your descriptons we find 2 rather contradictory scenarios

1. Blacks inventing mathematics and many useful things, but all too long ago for anybody to check the authenticity of the claims.

2. Hardly a damn thing done by blacks in modern times, when authenticity CAN BE CHECKED, and is, and a mountain of achievements in the scientific and technological world by whites, who,at the same time, left Europe and explored Africa and found people living in a prehistoric level without the wheel, without sold wall buildings,, without indoor plumbing or heating, and living a hunting and gathering existence.

c1290 - Eye Glasses are invented in Northern Italy,[113] possibly Pisa, demonstrating knowledge of human biology


  • 1295 AD: Scottish priest Duns Scotus writes about the mutual beneficence of trade.[114]
  • 14th century AD: French priest Jean Buridan provides a basic explanation of the price system.


  • 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus develops a heliocentric model, rejecting Aristotle's earth-centric view, would be the first quantitative heliocentric model in history.
  • Late 16th century: Tycho Brahe proves that comets are astronomical (and not atmospheric) phenomena.
Notice anything about this next list ? ALL the names are white people (mostly Europeans) Not a single black person in the bunch >>>

17th century[edit]​

18th century[edit]​

19th century[edit]​

20th century[edit]​

You are just repeating a same argument DGS49 said about white people inventions. You can view them here because I don't want to cut and paste.
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"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) “You’re racist for making this an issue of race.”

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are there’s something problematic happening. It’d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If you’re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) “I don’t see race. I only see the human race.”

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not “seeing race” is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, “You can’t erase what you cannot face.”

3) “Talking about issues in terms of ‘white people’ and ‘white privilege’ is reverse racism.”

About that reverse racism thing… it doesn’t exist. It’s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, it’s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no “good” white people exist in the world. And although there’s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesn’t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. That’s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) “You [person of color] clearly don’t know what racism is. According to Webster’s Dictionary…”

Don’t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Webster’s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) “You [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.”

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you don’t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things you’re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someone’s door.

6) “But my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].”

Still, it’s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) “Stop attacking me for having privileges just because I’m white. It’s racist and hurtful.”

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, they’re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) “I’m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they aren’t white. We have problems too, you know.”

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than others—despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. That’s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, it’s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when it’s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isn’t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way that’s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

All you see is race. Judging by your posts, you immediately think negatively when you see a white person. You pretend nothing bad that blacks do is their fault.
Racists of all stripes use racism to cover their inabilities to succeed on their own.

And the irony is you thanked the OP
That's because he understands that the very reason you are a racist is because you blame blacks for your failures. "I can't get a job because they hired some affirmative action black dude !" "I can't go to college, because they admitted some affirmative action black dude!" "I can't get what I am entitled to as a white man, because blacks are getting what should be mine!" Nothing but whining and white victimhood.
Ironic. You blame whites when blacks don't get everything.
1. Being rejected from schools
2. Lost jobs
3. Been turned for promotions
4. Not appointed to commitees
5. Been gives assignments at that work that nobody wanted

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can pull a white person over and harrass them, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.


What do you mean by successful ? There are black people with money. Sure but there were black people with 55 years ago (Muhammad Ali, Sidney Poiter, Sammy Davis Jnr, Ella Fitzgerald) but there was still racism and plus there is not one wealthy blk person in America.
The 5 things you listed most definitely happen to whites, because of Affirmative Action discrimination, backed the institutional power of goofball liberals of any color (many of them white).

The law enforcement system may not assume your guilt because you are White, but it will oftentimes accuse you of a crime (when you're innocent), if you are white, and someone you shoot (in self-defense) is black.
This is for the purpose of avoiding riots, as the leftist lunatic media, constantly distorts these incidents, making the white person look guilty.

In response to the weird claim >> "there is not one wealthy blk person in America." >>>

Top 10 Richest Black People In America 2021
2.1 1. Kanye West – Net Worth: $6.6B
2.2 2. Robert F. Smith – Net worth: $5B
2.3 3. David Steward – Net worth: $3.9B
2.4 4. Oprah Winfrey – Net worth: $2.7B
2.5 5. Michael Jordan, $1.9 billion
2.6 6. Jay-Z – Net worth: $1B
2.7 7. P Diddy – Net worth: $850 Million
2.8 8. Sheila Johnson – Net worth: $820 million
2.9 9. Dr Dre – Net worth: $800 million
2.10 10. Rihanna – Net worth: $620 million
And none of those guys are wealthy. They're rich but not wealthy and most on that list sports or singers.

White people have never minded being entertained by blk ppl.

But when Black people start owning and controlling Timber, Oil, Gas, Salt, Coal, Iron, Copper RESOURCES. That's when white people will have problem

You can't get rid of wealth. Come bk in 100 years time none of the blk ppl on that list, if they grand kids are gonna have biscuit.

2021 Black people don't make, own or produce any cars, phones, shoes, books computers. Nothing. Matter of fact. If you did have a black car - White people would not buy their cars, the same if true of phones, shoes.

Wealth is when you black walmart, black coco cola, black JP morgan Chase, black Nike, Black Apple, black Microsoft, black penguin books

White people about care about Dre and Rihanna and the rest on your list because they are controlled by the white supremacist. They can bring them down anytime.

Universal Musical Group - EMI - Warner Music Group, Sony Music

They are white companies that run all music. Yeah sure artists might have their own label but they are subsisdaries to one of these four. They don't have any power or control.

Should they get out of line the white supremacist would shut them down
Oprah IS wealthy. I suppose you blame whites for blacks not having their own Nationwide businesses? Blacks can produce their own whatever, really, nobody is stopping could own and control your own world but you would still find something, or everything, to blame whites for.
Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
The fact is you have no evidence of any of this LONGGGG AG)O stuff that you and your authors claim to have happened too long ago for anyone to really know (how convenient)

How interesting that from your descriptons we find 2 rather contradictory scenarios

1. Blacks inventing mathematics and many useful things, but all too long ago for anybody to check the authenticity of the claims.

2. Hardly a damn thing done by blacks in modern times, when authenticity CAN BE CHECKED, and is, and a mountain of achievements in the scientific and technological world by whites, who,at the same time, left Europe and explored Africa and found people living in a prehistoric level without the wheel, without sold wall buildings,, without indoor plumbing or heating, and living a hunting and gathering existence.

c1290 - Eye Glasses are invented in Northern Italy,[113] possibly Pisa, demonstrating knowledge of human biology


  • 1295 AD: Scottish priest Duns Scotus writes about the mutual beneficence of trade.[114]
  • 14th century AD: French priest Jean Buridan provides a basic explanation of the price system.


  • 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus develops a heliocentric model, rejecting Aristotle's earth-centric view, would be the first quantitative heliocentric model in history.
  • Late 16th century: Tycho Brahe proves that comets are astronomical (and not atmospheric) phenomena.
Notice anything about this next list ? ALL the names are white people (mostly Europeans) Not a single black person in the bunch >>>

17th century[edit]​

18th century[edit]​

19th century[edit]​

20th century[edit]​

You are just repeating a same argument DGS49 said about white people inventions. You can view them here because I don't want to cut and paste.
Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
The fact is you have no evidence of any of this LONGGGG AG)O stuff that you and your authors claim to have happened too long ago for anyone to really know (how convenient)

How interesting that from your descriptons we find 2 rather contradictory scenarios

1. Blacks inventing mathematics and many useful things, but all too long ago for anybody to check the authenticity of the claims.

2. Hardly a damn thing done by blacks in modern times, when authenticity CAN BE CHECKED, and is, and a mountain of achievements in the scientific and technological world by whites, who,at the same time, left Europe and explored Africa and found people living in a prehistoric level without the wheel, without sold wall buildings,, without indoor plumbing or heating, and living a hunting and gathering existence.

c1290 - Eye Glasses are invented in Northern Italy,[113] possibly Pisa, demonstrating knowledge of human biology


  • 1295 AD: Scottish priest Duns Scotus writes about the mutual beneficence of trade.[114]
  • 14th century AD: French priest Jean Buridan provides a basic explanation of the price system.


  • 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus develops a heliocentric model, rejecting Aristotle's earth-centric view, would be the first quantitative heliocentric model in history.
  • Late 16th century: Tycho Brahe proves that comets are astronomical (and not atmospheric) phenomena.
Notice anything about this next list ? ALL the names are white people (mostly Europeans) Not a single black person in the bunch >>>

17th century[edit]​

18th century[edit]​

19th century[edit]​

20th century[edit]​

You are just repeating a same argument DGS49 said about white people inventions. You can view them here because I don't want to cut and paste.
Your posts are just repeats of what you said earlier, and I guess it's the only thing you can say > that blacks created all these discoveries and inventions, long, long ago, when it's not possible to verify that. A likely story. One that doesn't fly to high.
Oprah IS wealthy. I suppose you blame whites for blacks not having their own Nationwide businesses? Blacks can produce their own whatever, really, nobody is stopping could own and control your own world but you would still find something, or everything, to blame whites for.
Actually , they (blacks) have an even BETTER opportunity than whites to produce success for themselves, since they get business loans through Affirmative Action, that whites don't. They also get college financial aid, white don't get, jobs, job promotions, etc.

Amazing that with all this in their laps, they talk about being oppressed. They seem to be DUPES of the leftist media, that keeps drumming it into their heads bout what poor victims they are. :doubt:
IM2----you are boring
Of course I am to you racist. Meanwhile you participate in discussions in overtly racist white threads. You attempts to gaslight are not going to work. So go on back to the thread where racists are complaning about our hair.
can someone refer me to the "RACIST HAIR THREAD"?
Go look for it. And then go find the one about the food we eat.
IM2----you are boring
Of course I am to you racist. Meanwhile you participate in discussions in overtly racist white threads. You attempts to gaslight are not going to work. So go on back to the thread where racists are complaning about our hair.
can someone refer me to the "RACIST HAIR THREAD"?
Go look for it. And then go find the one about the food we eat.
I did not suggest that there is a "HAIR THREAD" ----you did. As to the FOOD----that depends mostly on ethnic origin. Dominicans I have known do ROTI thingys. I have an ethnicity and thus had never eaten a raw clam
Show us a video of black people inventing Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Building in stone and bricks, Calendars, irrigation, mining , metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry.

OOps, no video. Got an audio ? Wait that wouldnt work. Got anything ? Just your word for it. Sorry. don't fly.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

You can also buy the hidden colors series of fims on DVD from Amazon

To be honest I know I should not reply but then again I realize that sometimes a reply is necessary not for you (your too far gone) but for others to see the counter points.

I also realise the “Blacks never developed a civilization” myth is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history those Stormfront Zombies and quack YouTube historians

I'd also say that the two most important inventions were invention in Africa.

Agriculture and Iron Smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. This led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.
This is the Civilization African Americans Created with Modern Knowledge, Infrastructure & Technology in Today's World.

Liberia is an African American Empire allowed to go to it's logical extreme. Search ZRuSS0iiFyo on youtube

Last edited:
Your posts are just repeats of what you said earlier

That's because you are coming with the same arguments. If you notice with my post when I respond I actually READ what they have written, then I take quotes of their texts, then I try to respond to what they have actually written. That's a debate. Not just cut and paste a list as if that means anything. Try to respond to what I actually write the same way I respond to what you actually write.

Look - What you think of as European Civilization is limited. It's composed of the achievements of only a handful of nations, and even then, involving only a small fraction of the persons of those states, most of whose citizens have been little more than peasants for the bulk of recorded history.

If you suggest that “technological achievements” or contributions are what mark a people as having history worth knowing about, then we would have to teach almost nothing about Finland and many othet Euro countries

and I guess it's the only thing you can say > that blacks created all these discoveries and inventions, long, long ago, when it's not possible to verify that.

You choose which facts you wish to believe in. It's part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.

And you know what funny ? I HAVEN'T INVENTED SH*T. What have you invented ? You protectionist. YOU. Tell everyone in USMB all the white genius you have bestowed onto the world ?

I'll wait

About half the world’s 7 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.

Buying a computer or being an inventor or business whizz to them would be like you trying to buy a Bugatti Veyron. Access to knowledge and education on this planet is very limited.

It might seem widely available because you were born in the USA so that’s all you know but if you were born in rural Burma or rural Angola you’d find your options for learning and bettering yourself to be extremely limited.

There is virtually no social mobility in many countries. You're either born into wealth through luck or you are born into the majority of impoverished people and will remain stuck there for life.

A likely story. One that doesn't fly to high.

You do realize that it was once believed that survival of one’s racial group demonstrated the group’s superiority

Whites, it was argued were superior by the way in which whites survived any obstacle thrown in their path: the journey to the new world, harsh winters in the colonies, wars with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, or with Mexico were as blacks would go extinct

Now, seeing as how predictions of black extinction have fallen flat racists have, by necessity changed their story. Now survival means nothing.

Because of course being able to survive being bought and sold, to raped, to having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods means for nothing. Right ?

Does not surviving the concerted attempt to destroy or at least subjugate one’s people say something about the character of those who manage the feat?

Does not leading a struggle for freedom, and the advancement of human dignity not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world?

But that means nothing. Right ?

Even though white people have made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing should be rewarded one million dollars.

Dude. Bees are more important than pretty much every invention on that list because they pollinate plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries and most food supplies, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along without them the human food supply would be seriously screwed.

So even creatures to which you typically extend little if any credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological junk you obsess over

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