Stuttering LimpTard sinks to new low - If that is possible

You do realize that the whole basis of his rant was that they did investigations on the accidents, and in no case was there anything wrong with the car.. It was all operator error.
First of all that's not what the study actually said, and second, that's not what Limptard said.

As I had already posted from DumbCon's link:
"E. Donald Sussman, coauthor of that report, said yesterday that in his opinion, the conclusion that Toyota’s current problems are caused simply by driver error is “not a good answer.’’

Saying “there is always driver error,’’ Sussman said investigators should ask, “Why does one particular brand or model of a brand have a large, large number of a particular type of driver error?’’

Rebecca Lindland, an analyst with IHS Automotive in Lexington, said she is suspicious of yesterday’s reports that suggest driver error was the behind the accidents.

“I don’t think anything can be gained by pointing the finger at the consumer at this point. Plus, electronic issues are always difficult to pinpoint,’’ she said. “Toyota definitely isn’t in the clear yet.’’

And as I posted from LimpTard:
"July 15, 2010
RUSH:* then we find out that the problem was dunce drivers.* I'm not even going to buy the notion they're dunce.* It seems the route to riches in this country these days goes through trial lawyers.* Jackpot drivers.* It's just get in your Toyota, get in your Lexus, create a problem, manufacture one, it's easier and a better deal than getting the scratch off Powerball ticket at the local 7-Eleven or wherever the hell you get those things."

Now please show me where your MessiahRushie got the "Jackpot Drivers" from the investigation!!!!!
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Pardon me if I ignore the delusional and disjointed rants of a Vicodin addict...:lol::lol::lol:
You "ignore" them so well that you make time to post several times on a thread about him, and even dig up a nice colored chart.

BTW....It was Oxycontin.
BTW....hydrocodone is Vicodin mister know-it-all.

NY Daily News: Rush Limbaugh in Pill Probe -- Talk radio star had drug habit, maid sez

Talk-radio titan Rush Limbaugh is being investigated for allegedly buying thousands of addictive painkillers from a black-market drug ring.

The moralizing motormouth was turned in by his former housekeeper - who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years.

Wilma Cline, 42, says Limbaugh was hooked on the potent prescription drugs OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone - and went through detox twice.
Vicodin has a vastly lower concentration of the active ingredient.

If you're going to slam Rush for being inaccurate, it doesn't help if you can't be so yourself.

Google is still your friend.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Rush and the rest of the right wing hate mongers have a hard core following of listeners. They represent about 5% of the population, are mostly male, caucasian, and older...And they are not 'liberals'

Pardon me while I don't believe your bullshit study, pea brain...

Pardon me if I ignore the delusional and disjointed rants of a Vicodin addict...:lol::lol::lol:

I am not the fictitional character Gregory House, nor am I the actor who portrays him - Hugh Laurie... I just like the show...

You, on the other hand, are a real flaming leftist who would likely still suck Ted Kennedy's dick even today...
The hate is childish...

You do realize that if the left paid him no attention (kind of how the right pays no attention to Olberdork) his popularity would fade away... You knowingly feed the thing you hate...

THAT makes me laugh....:lol:

-I'm not "the left" no more than you're "the right"
-I've only listened to him 20 or so times, ever. I suspect I'm not paying his bills.

And about being childish.....there's a lot more things in life that are childish than despising a hateful propogandist. I'll uh...fall on my sword on that one.

When I used "You", it was a "colletive you"... As an observation, you personally are more left than right, though... Just sayin'...

Here, I'll word it better for you:

The leftists that listen to Rush, and there are a lot, keep him employed... The people who publiciize their hatred throughout Algore's interwebs and on the air, make him popular... This hatred for an unelected man who has absolutely no vote on any piece of legislature makes him richer...

That is fucking hilarious... He is playing you for fools...

I'll give you an example... The hatred for Ann Coulter is also quite extensive in LeftWorld, although not as bad... Have you noticed when she doesn't get attention from the left she kind of fades away from public view? Sure she'll pop up and say something to rile up the leftists now and again, but for the most part her spotlight is pretty dim now...

Hate paying high taxes and deficit spending... Ted Kennedy did more to fuck up this country than Limbaugh could ever do... You going to piss on his too?

Who he's playing, are the dupes who believe him for Gospel.
Viocodine I just got for dental work has 5 mg of oycodine.

I took it for a few days.

Then on about the fourth day I was looking forward to taking it.

That's when I realized siffering with the pain was less destructive than taking the stuff.

Be careful with that crap.

It's too good.
Were there design problems that caused accidents?


Did operator error exacerbate some accidents?


Nevertheless, Rush's characterization -- that people were gaming the system so they could sue Toyota -- is another example of his not untypical propensity for blaming the victims of corporate villany and/or corporate incompetence.

Many of us (all along the range of con/liberal scale) think that man's a human piece of excrement. He outrages many liberals and embarrases many conservatives.

I personally think he's a just the best example of the modern media whores who pander to the baser instincts of the sociopathic and misanthopic among us

Naturally, appealing to that fan base of sociologically and emotionally retarded people assures him a large and loyal audience.

You're a fucking idiot.

"Toyota said yesterday that the company’s investigations into the accidents that have been blamed on sudden acceleration have determined “a number of explanations or causes,’’ but Toyota insisted that “in no case have we found electronic throttle controls to be a cause.’’

US, Toyota cite driver error in crashes - The Boston Globe
Well but of course Rush listeners have to "gullible"

good gawd. do we get tired of hearing the same ole CRAP.
Pardon me if I ignore the delusional and disjointed rants of a Vicodin addict...:lol::lol::lol:
You "ignore" them so well that you make time to post several times on a thread about him, and even dig up a nice colored chart.

BTW....It was Oxycontin.

Oh, you mean Rush, not Dr. House...:lol::lol::lol:

How about a trip down child molesters lane; Rush's Viagra episode, arrested for possession of illegal prescription of the male enhancing drug after returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic...know for child sex tourism...
Viocodine I just got for dental work has 5 mg of oycodine.

I took it for a few days.

Then on about the fourth day I was looking forward to taking it.

That's when I realized siffering with the pain was less destructive than taking the stuff.

Be careful with that crap.

It's too good.

Naw, it will make you irritable and itchy.

I can take it for long periods of time, then get tired of it and not take it.

But then I quit smoking and drinking without adverse effects, too. And never missed them.
Viocodine I just got for dental work has 5 mg of oycodine.

I took it for a few days.

Then on about the fourth day I was looking forward to taking it.

That's when I realized siffering with the pain was less destructive than taking the stuff.

Be careful with that crap.

It's too good.

Naw, it will make you irritable and itchy.

I can take it for long periods of time, then get tired of it and not take it.

But then I quit smoking and drinking without adverse effects, too. And never missed them.
A lot of people get hooked on Oxys because they don't want to deal with the crash.

You take enough of that stuff to put a good buzz on and you may as well write off doing anything useful the next day....Unless, of course, you have some more to get you going.

Vicious circle, man.
Were there design problems that caused accidents?


Did operator error exacerbate some accidents?


Nevertheless, Rush's characterization -- that people were gaming the system so they could sue Toyota -- is another example of his not untypical propensity for blaming the victims of corporate villany and/or corporate incompetence.

Many of us (all along the range of con/liberal scale) think that man's a human piece of excrement. He outrages many liberals and embarrases many conservatives.

I personally think he's a just the best example of the modern media whores who pander to the baser instincts of the sociopathic and misanthopic among us

Naturally, appealing to that fan base of sociologically and emotionally retarded people assures him a large and loyal audience.

You're a fucking idiot.

"Toyota said yesterday that the company’s investigations into the accidents that have been blamed on sudden acceleration have determined “a number of explanations or causes,’’ but Toyota insisted that “in no case have we found electronic throttle controls to be a cause.’’

US, Toyota cite driver error in crashes - The Boston Globe
Anyone stupid enough to swallow LimpTard's BS is gullible enough to believe Toyota will admit the truth and open themselves up to lawsuits. :cuckoo:
Viocodine I just got for dental work has 5 mg of oycodine.

I took it for a few days.

Then on about the fourth day I was looking forward to taking it.

That's when I realized siffering with the pain was less destructive than taking the stuff.

Be careful with that crap.

It's too good.

Naw, it will make you irritable and itchy.

I can take it for long periods of time, then get tired of it and not take it.

But then I quit smoking and drinking without adverse effects, too. And never missed them.
A lot of people get hooked on Oxys because they don't want to deal with the crash.

You take enough of that stuff to put a good buzz on and you may as well write off doing anything useful the next day....Unless, of course, you have some more to get you going.

Vicious circle, man.

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