Submit your Ideas to the Debt Commission

Would you support any of these ideas if the Debt Commission actually implemented them

  • Let the Bush Tax cuts expire (we just had 8-years of "tax cuts" how stupid do we look)

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment (no more borrowing, ever)

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Only US citizens can get ANY tax dollars, all others pay cash

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • SS & Medicare MUST confirm IDs before getting ANY benefits

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • The IRS gets the power to get off-shore tax evaders' accounts

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • The SEC prohibits "short-sales" of stock, only capital raising is allowed

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • The SEC? prohibits "derivatives", the "Investment Casino" is closed

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Corporate Welfare is based on jobs created & benefits given

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Outsourcing of jobs/factories is penalized by severe tax penalties

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Tariffs will be used to level the playing field as needed to create/protect US jobs.

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
But before you submit your idea(s) you need to get a positive response from a USMB poster. So lets debate ideas, and submit the good ones here [email protected]

Since I like polls, I'm going to post a few ideas to start the discussion, let me know if you support them or not...

Here is the Debt Commission's web site
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stop spending, hey your three trillion dollar a year shoes are untied !!, damn they fooled us again. why do i have to get a positive response from a usmb user?
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stop spending, hey your three trillion dollar a year shoes are untied !!, damn they fooled us again. why do i have to get a positive response from a usmb user?

Just to be sure your idea has merit. There are good ideas and dumb ideas.
so I can't just post a dumb idea unless somebody approves of it beforehand?

Post your dumb idea, and then submit it to the Debt Commission. I was just thinking it might be better to discuss before submitting it. No biggie. Go for it.
oh, nevermind.

BTW on large the poll ideas were actually fairly good. They weren't your ideas?
I only like one of them. The rest of them suck.

Taxes are excessive for job creation and economic growth. Those of you who hate on rich folks, don't make it so the rest of us suffer for your stupid. Sit there with your headaches and let the rest of us get on.

Balanced budget is impossible at best and deflationary if it could ever be achieved. (That does not mean we should spend 0bamasytle. 3% =5% in the hole on an annual basis is rational and responsible.)

I have no clue what the next one is about

You get a dime from uncle sugar, you better be legal and be who you say you are.

US tax on worldwide income is unique and stupid. We don't need to compound it, and no other country would let us do that anyway.

Short sale is a good way to guess the market. It is actually a good way to enforce market discipline. Lots of companies hate it, but they are generally companies that deserve to be shorted anyway.

Everything out there is a derivative. You need to define stuff better. Anything that is a derivative needs to be on the balance sheet at an honest valuation. When done right, they are a huge help and reduce risk. When done wrong, they destroy whoever is playing with them. They are like cooking with Gas. You do it right, it makes life so much better. You do it stupid, you really suffer.

Corporate welfare needs to be banned totally. Corporations have it pretty easy. Easy come, easy go.

The next one is impossible. The jobs will go overseas if overseas works better for the consumer. This will kill the us companies as well, and cost even more jobs, as the overseas companies will move in, rather than the us companies move out.

Tariff is the stupid. Period. Tariff on bad behavior might be a good plan, if consistant. But protectionism is just a cool way to make monopoly. Which is always bad
oh, nevermind.

BTW on large the poll ideas were actually fairly good. They weren't your ideas?

All my ideas composed in about 2-minutes writing the OP. I'm actually hoping that other posters put up a few good ones.
I only like one of them. The rest of them suck.

Taxes are excessive for job creation and economic growth. Those of you who hate on rich folks, don't make it so the rest of us suffer for your stupid. Sit there with your headaches and let the rest of us get on.

Balanced budget is impossible at best and deflationary if it could ever be achieved. (That does not mean we should spend 0bamasytle. 3% =5% in the hole on an annual basis is rational and responsible.)

I have no clue what the next one is about

You get a dime from uncle sugar, you better be legal and be who you say you are.

US tax on worldwide income is unique and stupid. We don't need to compound it, and no other country would let us do that anyway.

Short sale is a good way to guess the market. It is actually a good way to enforce market discipline. Lots of companies hate it, but they are generally companies that deserve to be shorted anyway.

Everything out there is a derivative. You need to define stuff better. Anything that is a derivative needs to be on the balance sheet at an honest valuation. When done right, they are a huge help and reduce risk. When done wrong, they destroy whoever is playing with them. They are like cooking with Gas. You do it right, it makes life so much better. You do it stupid, you really suffer.

Corporate welfare needs to be banned totally. Corporations have it pretty easy. Easy come, easy go.

The next one is impossible. The jobs will go overseas if overseas works better for the consumer. This will kill the us companies as well, and cost even more jobs, as the overseas companies will move in, rather than the us companies move out.

Tariff is the stupid. Period. Tariff on bad behavior might be a good plan, if consistant. But protectionism is just a cool way to make monopoly. Which is always bad

My only point of rebuttal is that the best ratio of tax-rates and spending was during the Clinton era. The Budget actually had a surplus and there was a 'glide path" to paying-off the Debt.

All we had since then was deficit spending and a fiscal/financial disaster. Going back to what actually worked is smart, going into a deeper hole is stupid.
stop spending, hey your three trillion dollar a year shoes are untied !!, damn they fooled us again. why do i have to get a positive response from a usmb user?

Just to be sure your idea has merit. There are good ideas and dumb ideas.

who gets to decide merit ? then what ? this may be a dumb idea...

It doesn't really matter.

If you submit a really, really smart, good, rational idea that works, it will be rejected by DC summarily without consideration. In fact they may send dogs to kill that idea before it grows legs.

But if you submit a really, really stupid idea that can't possibly be effective it will likely appeal to some partisan clique inside the beltway.
My idea is that this "Debt Commission" should be disbanded immediately. They were not elected by American Citizens therefore they have no standing. The People did not vote for them to make these decisions. End of story.
My idea is that this "Debt Commission" should be disbanded immediately. They were not elected by American Citizens therefore they have no standing. The People did not vote for them to make these decisions. End of story.

They are making recommendations, not decisions. End of story.
My idea is that this "Debt Commission" should be disbanded immediately. They were not elected by American Citizens therefore they have no standing. The People did not vote for them to make these decisions. End of story.

They are making recommendations, not decisions. End of story.

Well i've made mine as well. They were not elected by anyone. Their recommendations are meaningless and kind of insulting. We vote for people to take on these issues. We don't need this "Commission." End of story.
I only like one of them. The rest of them suck.

Taxes are excessive for job creation and economic growth. Those of you who hate on rich folks, don't make it so the rest of us suffer for your stupid. Sit there with your headaches and let the rest of us get on.

Balanced budget is impossible at best and deflationary if it could ever be achieved. (That does not mean we should spend 0bamasytle. 3% =5% in the hole on an annual basis is rational and responsible.)

I have no clue what the next one is about

You get a dime from uncle sugar, you better be legal and be who you say you are.

US tax on worldwide income is unique and stupid. We don't need to compound it, and no other country would let us do that anyway.

Short sale is a good way to guess the market. It is actually a good way to enforce market discipline. Lots of companies hate it, but they are generally companies that deserve to be shorted anyway.

Everything out there is a derivative. You need to define stuff better. Anything that is a derivative needs to be on the balance sheet at an honest valuation. When done right, they are a huge help and reduce risk. When done wrong, they destroy whoever is playing with them. They are like cooking with Gas. You do it right, it makes life so much better. You do it stupid, you really suffer.

Corporate welfare needs to be banned totally. Corporations have it pretty easy. Easy come, easy go.

The next one is impossible. The jobs will go overseas if overseas works better for the consumer. This will kill the us companies as well, and cost even more jobs, as the overseas companies will move in, rather than the us companies move out.

Tariff is the stupid. Period. Tariff on bad behavior might be a good plan, if consistant. But protectionism is just a cool way to make monopoly. Which is always bad

My only point of rebuttal is that the best ratio of tax-rates and spending was during the Clinton era. The Budget actually had a surplus and there was a 'glide path" to paying-off the Debt.

All we had since then was deficit spending and a fiscal/financial disaster. Going back to what actually worked is smart, going into a deeper hole is stupid.
That's only because we were in a demographic lull before the explosion of entitlement spending, as the boomers started collecting SS and Medicare benefits.

That's not, of course, to excuse the binge of spending that has occurred since 2001, just the fact of an aging population meeting near-zero indigenous population growth.
I thought we already elected people to think for us. If they don't listen to us, what makes anyone believe they will listen to the commission.

good poll tho---way better than the ones like;

1) Is Dillo dumb ?

2) Is Dillo stupid ?

(no voting on example polls)
My idea is that this "Debt Commission" should be disbanded immediately. They were not elected by American Citizens therefore they have no standing. The People did not vote for them to make these decisions. End of story.

i too am in favor of stopping the payroll on any group of people that ends in commission. if they want to stay on as volunteers, that's fine. i heard a thing on rush today from a guy in the government that said his department hired a bunch new top level people that weren't needed for anything. this shit's got to stop. adding top gov jobs for no other reason than to grow the government. that's liberal mantra. reagan said the government is the problem, i'll go so far as to say the government is the enemy. not the people, they're just us. the concept, is ruining the country.

Would you support any of these ideas if the Debt Commission actually implemented them

Let the Bush Tax cuts expire (we just had 8-years of "tax cuts" how stupid do we look)
make them permanant
Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment (no more borrowing, ever)
yesOnly US citizens can get ANY tax dollars, all others pay cash

brilliant ! yes

SS & Medicare MUST confirm IDs before getting ANY benefits

The IRS gets the power to get off-shore tax evaders' accounts
yes eliminate the irs

The SEC prohibits "short-sales" of stock, only capital raising is allowed
no, commerce set at perfect liberty, no regulation of any kind

The SEC? prohibits "derivatives", the "Investment Casino" is closed
redifine it's parameters

Corporate Welfare is based on jobs created & benefits given
there's no such thing as corporate welfare, it's a liberal (ralph nader) oxymoron, it's a way to demonize the corporations which pay 35% tax, the saleries of it's employees, who then pay income tax. the corps are the biggest providers, employers, producers, financial supporters of the government (ironic).
cut all government saleries in half to allign them with the rest of us non government welfare recipients, that will save money, and help shrink the government.

Outsourcing of jobs/factories is penalized by severe tax penalties
Tariffs will be used to level the playing field as needed to create/protect US jobs.

this is the main point in my mind. anybody in business has the right to hire anyone they like, otherwise it's communism. liberals have shrieked "there sending our american jobs oversea!" it's bullshit. the "job" belongs to the employer and the employee. like a "vote" it's personal. i don't have to buy my website's T-shirts from "american apparel" for 15$ per unit, when i can buy a guildan for 2 $ /unit, they are roughly the same quality. i would love to buy american, but then i couldn't stay in business. that's business, doing otherwise would be charity for americans, being forced to do it by my own government makes it welfare, or "sideways american sharing", under the pretense of "goverment regulation to save american jobs". it's crap, communism.
i also like guildan also because they are made in haiti, and i wish to help them too. haiti has gotten repeatedly slammed by nature, and they're just good people.

i don't feel compelled to employ fat lazy unappreciative americans always wanting more for less and willing to under perform because they can get away with it. free enterprise. my job, my business. luckily there are just a couple of fat lazy americans that make us all look bad

that having been said. the taxes and tariffs to level the playing field is one of the best ideas on the page. donald trump does a lot of business with the chinese and he says they are howling laughing at us for what they get away with. why? he says tax the chinese import 25%. he knows a lot about business and he is extremely successful.

good post mate.. sorry i razzed you at the top.
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