Subtle Homophobia

Sky Dancer,

If you are homosexual you can get help. It is a known medical fact that homosexuals are "made" they are not born. Mentals disorders contribute to homosexuality and you can be helped. I know it must be awful to be different but you can get help. S[peak to your doctor and your Priest. Prayer is the first thing you need to do, ask God to forgive you and He will direct you to a new life.

Praise Jesus Sky Dancer for you will be cured !!!!!!


If you are Canadian you can get help. It is a known medical fact that Canadians are "made" they are not born. Mental disorders contribute to being Canadian and you can be helped. I know it must be awful to be different but you can get help. Speak to your doctor and your immigration lawyer. A green card application is the first thing you need to do, ask Obama to forgive you and He will direct you to a new life.

Praise Obama Yukon for you will be cured !!!!!!

Hey! :slap:
I thought the Yukon was like some territory..not really Canada some pseudo state like puerto Rico ??
ahh i am sorry for that sky...but you cant take everything to heart....easier to say than do.

You're right. It just hurt my feelings. This was someone I had even talked with on the phone a few times. I should have figured it out when she would not tell me her last name on the phone. She knows my real name and address, and phone number. I'm not worried about her bugging me. My feelings are hurt. I spent a lot of time listening to her, .and thought we were becoming friends.

She's very paranoid.

your such a sensitive drama would love my babys mother..and my daughter
and most defintely..have a lot in common...

All the women you love are sensitive drama queens, eots? Thanks for iincluding me.
You know......I'm most definitely straight, but I've had many friends of mine who were gay and lesbian.

Personally? I prefer the gays and lesbians over the straights. Why? Simple.....I've never seen a pushy gay dude. I've had several proposition me over the years, but, whenever I said no, they went on about their business.

Gays are also generally more intelligent than straights.

When I was in Norfolk, I lived as a "beard" for 2 lesbians who were my best friends. Hated it when I had to leave to move to Amarillo.

On my first ship, had a friend of mine named Paul, and I went out partying with him quite a bit......seems straight chicks are attracted to gay dudes, and Paul would make sure that I hooked up with women from whatever port we were in. He'd attract and charm 'em, and then turn them loose on me.

Nope......I definitely like gay people.

I think making an assertion such as gays are also generally more intelligent than straights is a bit ridiculous. I'm not seeing the correlation between sexual orientation and intellect.
Another form of prejudice exists when someone picks you out--for being openly lesbian--and expects you to answer for every single behavior that any gay or lesbian person on the planet acts out.

The same works for hetero's. It's a two-way street.
You're right. It just hurt my feelings. This was someone I had even talked with on the phone a few times. I should have figured it out when she would not tell me her last name on the phone. She knows my real name and address, and phone number. I'm not worried about her bugging me. My feelings are hurt. I spent a lot of time listening to her, .and thought we were becoming friends.

She's very paranoid.

your such a sensitive drama would love my babys mother..and my daughter
and most defintely..have a lot in common...

All the women you love are sensitive drama queens, eots? Thanks for iincluding me.

yes...and your very welcome...
I can be honest.

I have gay friends, but I think homosexuality is a disorder, and I think people are born with it, to a certain degree, and the society in which they live fosters or stifles those tendencies.

If an adult shows a sexual desire toward minors we shun them and are repulsed. But how did they become that way? Was it choice? Were they born that way (genetics)? Did some life event create the situation? Is it natural, but society rejects it? Why is it legal in some nations and not others? What is natural?

I think heterosexuality is healthy and natural. I don't think homosexuality is natural at all. I think it's a defect of the brain or hormonal system. Gays are not bad more than anyone else.

That said, I think anyone who discriminates against, or attacks gays is cruel and doesn't understand that we are all flawed in some way.

Some are born with a predisposition to be violent and aggressive. Some of us are born shy. Some love the taste of coffee while others never like it.

I find it impossible to think that someone would choose to be gay. I am straight and see women as amazingly beautiful and sexy. I cannot help this. It's who I am. I think it's the same for gays. It's who they are.

But I don't have to accept it as natural. I'm entitled to my opinion.

If it is, in fact, genetic somehow, and can be "fixed" in vitro, I think it will be. If a couple were presented with an in vitro test result showing that the child might be gay, and that it could be treated, I bet most people would treat it.

And yes, I have real gay friends.
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Another form of prejudice exists when someone picks you out--for being openly lesbian--and expects you to answer for every single behavior that any gay or lesbian person on the planet acts out.

The same works for hetero's. It's a two-way street.

No it isn't. Hets are the majority. It's not an equivalent experience.

Actually ... it can be. Being a minority doesn't automatically mean that homosexuals are the only ones to face such issues, I would venture to say it's harder to straight people to openly admit when they are harmed because of their own cultural hang ups. They expect each other to behave in certain manners and not regard each others differences enough. Also I have spoken with some gay men and women who are shocked that I don't like sex at all, as if it somehow challenges their stereotypes as well.
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I had a misunderstanding with someone who I thought was becoming a friend. The misunderstanding arose in a chatroom. The individual threw out the 'gay card' as a way to distance me and hurt me. Previously, she had pretended we were friends with a lot in common. Now she's saying I made up being with my partner for 24 years--that I don't even have a partner!

Why is it that some straight women will assume you're hitting on them if they're getting closer to a lesbian? I was trying to clear up the misunderstanding and now this yoyo thinks I'm doing so because I have a romantic interest in her! I wouldn't be getting that kind of bs if I were a straight woman. It's irritating. It's prejudice.
I worked with a lesbian women for a few years, we got along great and were friends and I never once thought that she was hitting on me. For one she knew I didn't swing that way. I have never had a lesbian friend hit on me for that matter. The only time I have ever been hit on by a lesbian was at a gay bar and really I can't be mad about it because I was in a gay bar!

The girl sounds stupid and is not worth your time or energy!
I love then line about native americans and lesbians....

[ame=]YouTube - Skunkweed Open minded Redneck[/ame]
I had a misunderstanding with someone who I thought was becoming a friend. The misunderstanding arose in a chatroom. The individual threw out the 'gay card' as a way to distance me and hurt me. Previously, she had pretended we were friends with a lot in common. Now she's saying I made up being with my partner for 24 years--that I don't even have a partner!

Why is it that some straight women will assume you're hitting on them if they're getting closer to a lesbian? I was trying to clear up the misunderstanding and now this yoyo thinks I'm doing so because I have a romantic interest in her! I wouldn't be getting that kind of bs if I were a straight woman. It's irritating. It's prejudice.
I worked with a lesbian women for a few years, we got along great and were friends and I never once thought that she was hitting on me. For one she knew I didn't swing that way. I have never had a lesbian friend hit on me for that matter. The only time I have ever been hit on by a lesbian was at a gay bar and really I can't be mad about it because I was in a gay bar!

The girl sounds stupid and is not worth your time or energy!

Yes, you're right.
I don't really understand why you classified this as subtle homophobia. Maybe you did or said something that put her off, that had nothing to do with your gayness. However, you have a tendency to see everything through the discrimination lens.
You know......I'm most definitely straight, but I've had many friends of mine who were gay and lesbian.

Personally? I prefer the gays and lesbians over the straights. Why? Simple.....I've never seen a pushy gay dude. I've had several proposition me over the years, but, whenever I said no, they went on about their business.

Gays are also generally more intelligent than straights.

When I was in Norfolk, I lived as a "beard" for 2 lesbians who were my best friends. Hated it when I had to leave to move to Amarillo.

On my first ship, had a friend of mine named Paul, and I went out partying with him quite a bit......seems straight chicks are attracted to gay dudes, and Paul would make sure that I hooked up with women from whatever port we were in. He'd attract and charm 'em, and then turn them loose on me.

Nope......I definitely like gay people.

"I'm most definitely straight" Oh ya...most definitly.

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