Successful Negotiations on The US Budget.

I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.
and can you give us some in depth of the attempts to keep a budget from being drafted?
I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.

Why should he. In their minds they have been able to continue the spending levels of 2009 with out having to go on record on it. How convenient. They come into power, ram a budget with massive increases to spending in it down our throats, and then just don't pass another budget and you can just keep extending those increased spending levels.

I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.

And there are way too many rumors flying about who truly is at fault. Broadcast the meetings... let the voters hear the words first-hand.
I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.

Why should he. In their minds they have been able to continue the spending levels of 2009 with out having to go on record on it. How convenient. They come into power, ram a budget with massive increases to spending in it down our throats, and then just don't pass another budget and you can just keep extending those increased spending levels.


#3. Transparency in all things politics.

The time is now. Let The People see whose interests their representation is looking out for.

I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.

Why should he. In their minds they have been able to continue the spending levels of 2009 with out having to go on record on it. How convenient. They come into power, ram a budget with massive increases to spending in it down our throats, and then just don't pass another budget and you can just keep extending those increased spending levels.


#3. Transparency in all things politics.

The time is now. Let The People see whose interests their representation is looking out for.


Sure but it aint happening.
The ONLY reason it's not happening is because We sit patiently while the good ol' boys step in and close the door. That would be our fault
The ONLY reason it's not happening is because We sit patiently while the good ol' boys step in and close the door. That would be our fault

Exactly what can we do? I voted, I even got 2 people who voted for Obama to Vote Romney. It wasn't enough. I voted against incumbents in Congress I felt were part of the problem and guess what, most of them won too.

What possible power do I have?
I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.

Why should he. In their minds they have been able to continue the spending levels of 2009 with out having to go on record on it. How convenient. They come into power, ram a budget with massive increases to spending in it down our throats, and then just don't pass another budget and you can just keep extending those increased spending levels.


Yep. And THEN they have the nerve to brag about how they haven't increased spending much in three years. (Just ignore those trillion dollar plus deficits behind the curtain.)
The ONLY reason it's not happening is because We sit patiently while the good ol' boys step in and close the door. That would be our fault

Exactly what can we do? I voted, I even got 2 people who voted for Obama to Vote Romney. It wasn't enough. I voted against incumbents in Congress I felt were part of the problem and guess what, most of them won too.

What possible power do I have?

Dude... just cause your guy lost the election doesn't mean you can't send a letter to the winner.

We, The People may have to demand it. Marching on D.C. to demand things like transparency is certainly not unheard of. On our shrinking world of instant communications complete with film and sound, one would hope that our discussing it publicly and sending letters and e-mails to the monkeys in suits that we're paying to represent our interests would do the trick, but I'd march under the right circumstances.
I hate to bring this up yet again, but there IS no budget. The U.S. Senate has refused to pass one for the third year now. Harry Reid has not even allowed one to come up for discussion and debate.
Well, there's that too.
Which is really pretty stupid to keep the Continuing Resolutions going.

The House can shut this town down any time they want.
I like the concept of the budget negotiations being broadcasted on C-Span. It's not only the transparency of the White House I'm concerned with, it's the finger pointing and the "he said/she said" we get back by members of Congress without clear context.

I'll bet the obstructionism on both sides would be minimized if ALL of the negotiating between Boehner, Reid, Obama and the rest of the monkeys in suits we've entrusted our economy to were broadcast on C-SPAN.

No more closed doors... Let the voters see.

I dunno, I remember the Kabuki theater that took place between Obama and leaders from both parties back when they were trying to work out a deal on the debt ceiling I think it was. Obama always got the last word, it was total political garbage. You'd end up with a whole lot of finger pointing and blame game, who would want to be the first one to blink on national TV?

I wouldn't watch it, frankly I'm not going to watch another Obama performance again. I hit the mute anytime I see that man open his mouth, or I change the channel.

I'll bet the obstructionism on both sides would be minimized if ALL of the negotiating between Boehner, Reid, Obama and the rest of the monkeys in suits we've entrusted our economy to were broadcast on C-SPAN.

No more closed doors... Let the voters see.

I dunno, I remember the Kabuki theater that took place between Obama and leaders from both parties back when they were trying to work out a deal on the debt ceiling I think it was. Obama always got the last word, it was total political garbage. You'd end up with a whole lot of finger pointing and blame game, who would want to be the first one to blink on national TV?

I wouldn't watch it, frankly I'm not going to watch another Obama performance again. I hit the mute anytime I see that man open his mouth, or I change the channel.

Yes, and when Obama tells the Republican leadership who propose a compromise that "I won" and when he says the Republicans can come along but they have to sit in back, how is that conducive to bipartisan negotiations or reaching a budget deal satisfactory to most? The ONLY leverage that fiscal conservatives have is a Republican majority in the House and many of us are doing their damndest to demand that they represent us instead of just voting for expediency that is against our best interests.

Transparency is great but only when it is real and for the right motives. I do not trust anybody in the Democratic leadership to have the right motives after getting screwed so often, and I have questions about some of the Republican leadership. And as long as more than half the electorate is receiving some or all of their income courtesy of the U.S. government, both parties have strong motives to keep that majority electorate happy or at least not overtly offend any of them.
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