Such a nice little beauty Queen.

She will get a plea.

But as for being a beauty queen, she should have her title stripped. She was throwing bottle at people, not a good example for younger girls.

Nothing wrong with pulling the title. Really, that is an internal matter. The thing I have a problem is when the police start acting like authoritarians by using outrageous charges against minor crimes. Lock her up for a night or 2 and leave it at that.

The legal issue sis a big deal, the pagent can do whatever it pleases because that really does not matter and does not involve the power of the state.

I don't think the cops/state have any say in regards to her title. But I doubt she will keep it.
And I agree I think she should have received a disturbing the peace or malicious mischief charge that could be suspended on the terms she not get in trouble for a year or something.

I watched a YouTube video, where they do the same thing. It isn't a bomb.
That kid who left the burning bag full of dog poo on your doorstep...ARSONIST!!!

Throw the book at 'em!

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