Suckiing on the Federal Teat!!!!

What exactly is anyone calling a subsidy? The website is obviously a biased leftist piece of shit that the low information lefties fall for.
I'll bet NoPeePee gets subsidies all the time. Maybe we should revoke her free birth control?

Visit the website and you'll discover that, as usual, NoTeaPatsy is talking out his ass.

In finance, a subsidy is any financial aid given directly or in directly by the Government.

Direct: A check

In-direct: A deduction.

Direct: Mailbox Money

A reduction of the income subject to tax, for various items, especially expenses incurred to produce income is not a subsidy. :slap:

It's aid, thus a subsidy.
You gotta wonder about the mental stability of the radical left when they think that only "progressives" get to suck on the federal teat. Thank God (for now) every corporation has equal access to the federal teat. As long as the teats get bigger the corporations will take advantage of the system. The desperate never ending left wing search for an issue of hypocrisy really doesn't work does it?

When haven't companies had equal access to subsidies?

Name ONE loophole put in to regulation by a Democrat.

Name one piece of legislation written by Democrats giving big business subsidies.

  • Alcohol mandates
  • MBTE in gasoline
  • Heating oil for the elderly program
  • Agricultural price supports
  • Food stamps
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • fuel tax exemption for farmers
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  • Manufacturers tax credit (Section 199 of the IRS code)
  • PBS
  • NPR
  • California assembly Bill 2389, which was drafted at the behest of Gov. Jerry Brown, provides $420 million in corporate tax breaks over 15 years to a defense partnership between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
  • Subsidies to insurance companies in Obamacare
  • Ontario Liberals pushed film and TV subsidies despite internal concern
    A Ministry of Finance presentation is highly critical of long-standing tax credits for TV and film, which allow up to 45 per cent of labour and a quarter of other production costs to be reimbursed from provincial coffers.
  • Stadium subsidies
  • Solar power subsidies
  • Wind power subsidies
  • Electric Vehicle subsidies
  • Various other "clean energy" subsidies.
  • Film Tax Credits
  • Debbie Stabenow supports tobacco subsidies, cuts in food stamps
  • Export/Import bank
  • Various tariffs.
  • REA - Electric power subsidies to rich liberals living in places like Aspen CO.

Is that enough for ya?

'big business.' Try again.
When haven't companies had equal access to subsidies?

Name ONE loophole put in to regulation by a Democrat.

Name one piece of legislation written by Democrats giving big business subsidies.

  • Alcohol mandates
  • MBTE in gasoline
  • Heating oil for the elderly program
  • Agricultural price supports
  • Food stamps
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • Fuel tax exemption for farmers
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  • Manufacturers tax credit (Section 199 of the IRS code)
  • PBS
  • NPR
  • California assembly Bill 2389, which was drafted at the behest of Gov. Jerry Brown, provides $420 million in corporate tax breaks over 15 years to a defense partnership between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
  • Subsidies to insurance companies in Obamacare
  • Ontario Liberals pushed film and TV subsidies despite internal concern
    A Ministry of Finance presentation is highly critical of long-standing tax credits for TV and film, which allow up to 45 per cent of labour and a quarter of other production costs to be reimbursed from provincial coffers.
  • Stadium subsidies
  • Solar power subsidies
  • Wind power subsidies
  • Electric Vehicle subsidies
  • Various other "clean energy" subsidies.
  • Film Tax Credits
  • Debbie Stabenow supports tobacco subsidies, cuts in food stamps
  • Export/Import bank
  • Various tariffs.
  • REA - Electric power subsidies to rich liberals living in places like Aspen CO.

Is that enough for ya?

'big business.' Try again.

What the fuck is muttering "big business" supposed to prove?

Those subsidies were all approved by Democrats in Congress or in State Houses.
What alternate universe do radical lefties live in? The assumption is that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while if we behave and vote for democrats. Corporations are generally smarter than the liberal politicians who try to skim money from them. There are tax lawyers who make politicians like Barry Hussein, who never made a real dollar that wasn't paid by taxpayers, look like school kids. Of course corporations take advantage of every stupid loophole the a-holes furnish. Who wouldn't?

Sorry, toots. Your rhetoric sounds like locusts chirping to my ears.

"...Barry Hussein, who never made a real dollar that wasn't paid by taxpayers"

Oh and by the way, remember that Paul Ryan has been a Congressman since he was 29 years old. Before that he drove a Weinerschniztel hotdog car. Look it up.

that was a hell of a lot more productive than being a community disruptor. :up:
  • Alcohol mandates
  • MBTE in gasoline
  • Heating oil for the elderly program
  • Agricultural price supports
  • Food stamps
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • Fuel tax exemption for farmers
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  • Manufacturers tax credit (Section 199 of the IRS code)
  • PBS
  • NPR
  • California assembly Bill 2389, which was drafted at the behest of Gov. Jerry Brown, provides $420 million in corporate tax breaks over 15 years to a defense partnership between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
  • Subsidies to insurance companies in Obamacare
  • Ontario Liberals pushed film and TV subsidies despite internal concern
    A Ministry of Finance presentation is highly critical of long-standing tax credits for TV and film, which allow up to 45 per cent of labour and a quarter of other production costs to be reimbursed from provincial coffers.
  • Stadium subsidies
  • Solar power subsidies
  • Wind power subsidies
  • Electric Vehicle subsidies
  • Various other "clean energy" subsidies.
  • Film Tax Credits
  • Debbie Stabenow supports tobacco subsidies, cuts in food stamps
  • Export/Import bank
  • Various tariffs.
  • REA - Electric power subsidies to rich liberals living in places like Aspen CO.

Is that enough for ya?

'big business.' Try again.

What the fuck is muttering "big business" supposed to prove?

Those subsidies were all approved by Democrats in Congress or in State Houses.

Because that was the question.
The Koch brothers do more to stimulate the economy than dumb political drones like Barry Hussein, who never had a real job, ever thought about doing. They have a network of tax lawyers who would put A.G. Holder's "justice dept" to shame. Get used to it lefties. The corporate world can run circles around the Obama administration but it wouldn't have to be that way if the democrat party wasn't sinking into the morass of socialism.

Then shouldn't we equal the playing field?

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

The issue as about corporations taking advantage of government programs. The "playing field " is equal when conservative philanthropists abide by existing laws and have an opportunity to glean the same tax advantages as socialist favorites of the administration. Whether or not small companies should have subsidize idiots who have no skills other than flipping a burger is another matter. .

flipping burgers takes a lot of skill, just ask any libertard, or nopeeparty. :lmao:
In finance, a subsidy is any financial aid given directly or in directly by the Government.

Direct: A check

In-direct: A deduction.

Direct: Mailbox Money

A reduction of the income subject to tax, for various items, especially expenses incurred to produce income is not a subsidy. :slap:

It's aid, thus a subsidy.

Any tax is an "aid" to government.

I spend $300K/year just to keep my doors open. Regardless of my sales for any given year. The vast majority of my expenditures are subtracted from my taxable income.
If they weren't, I wouldn't be in business. Nor would my business expand.

You really are a block of stupid.
First and foremost, these are not subsidies. Dem groups working on misleading the public again. Secondly, they nowhere state what these companies contribute to the local, state and federal economies. And third, they were somewhat selective in the companies they list. Forth, if you insist on mislabeling it for what it is, here are a few for you. Wow, most make Koch look like they have been short changed!
AIG $ 89,000,000
Apple $446,000,000
Google $751,000,000
GE $403,000,000
GM $3,577,000,000
Wow! Look at these and see how Koch has gotten peanuts.

Wow, this is amazing. Look who just LOVES those federal subsidies and laps them up like the welfare whores they are!

And here you thought it was a bunch of poor women who couldn't keep their legs closed.....

Try it yourself. Dial up your favorite Fortune 500 company here and see how much they are soaking YOU for:

Subsidy Tracker 2.0 | Good Jobs First

Company Name: Koch Industries
Ownership Structure: privately held
Headquartered in: Kansas
Industry: diversified

Subsidy Total: $89,172,767
Number of Subsidies: 149
Time Period:
Earliest year of data: 1990. Availability of data for earlier years varies greatly from program to program. The majority of the listings for this parent company are for the period since 2009.

Associated Names:
GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORPORATION; JOHN ZINK CO LLC; Georgia Pacific; GEORGIA PACIFIC CONSUMER PRODUCTS CAMAS LLC; Invista S.a.r.l.; GEORGIA-PACIFIC TOLEDO LLC; GEORGIA PACIFIC CORPORATION; Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP; Georgia Pacific Consumer Operations, LLC; Georgia-Pacific; Koch Business Solutions; Georgia-Pacific Wauna Mill; S.V. Partners Project - Georgia Pacific; INVISTA; Molex Inc.; Molex Incorporated; GEORGIA PACIFIC LLC; CARDELL CORPORATION; KOCH INDUSTRIES,INC; Koch Industries Inc.; [...]

Dollar totals do not include awards for which no subsidy value is available.

For an overview of this company's accountability track record, read its Corporate Rap Sheet here.

Top 5 States Total Subsidy $ Number of Subsidies
Oregon $23,309,427 22
Oklahoma $21,013,016 14
Iowa $15,740,995 3
Louisiana $14,826,403 5
Arkansas $5,351,168 10
All other $8,931,758 95
Do we all agree that conservative run corporations have the same rights to hire the best tax lawyers they can get to avoid federal tax penalties as progressive corporations who do the same thing and that there is no hypocrisy issue?
The companies mentioned provide jobs and payroll to thousands of hard working families. Welfare moms provide blow jobs to "my babies daddy."
'big business.' Try again.

What the fuck is muttering "big business" supposed to prove?

Those subsidies were all approved by Democrats in Congress or in State Houses.

Because that was the question.

Wrong. The question was whether Democrats ever approved subsidies, not who is getting subsidized.

Allow me to quote:

"Name ONE loophole put in to regulation by a Democrat."

All the subsidies I listed were created and passed by Democrats.

You're so fucking stupid you can't even remember what the question was.
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What exactly is anyone calling a subsidy? The website is obviously a biased leftist piece of shit that the low information lefties fall for.
I'll bet NoPeePee gets subsidies all the time. Maybe we should revoke her free birth control?

I've never taken a dime in federal, state, county or municipal assistance. How about you?

Did you go to the website and take it for a spin? No? Not surprised. So much easier for you to sit on your fat ass and post drive-by bullshit. Your specialty.

You mean you never got a student load? Paid instate tuition? Went to a public school?

Hell she never took a deduction for a charitable contribution or home mortgage.
What alternate universe do radical lefties live in? The assumption is that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while if we behave and vote for democrats. Corporations are generally smarter than the liberal politicians who try to skim money from them. There are tax lawyers who make politicians like Barry Hussein, who never made a real dollar that wasn't paid by taxpayers, look like school kids. Of course corporations take advantage of every stupid loophole the a-holes furnish. Who wouldn't?

Yup. Get rid of subsidies, tax loopholes, welfare, medicaid and save millions of tax dollars.

Works for me.
Please give us your definition of subsidy then we'll see if it matches the dictionary.
I've never taken a dime in federal, state, county or municipal assistance. How about you?

Did you go to the website and take it for a spin? No? Not surprised. So much easier for you to sit on your fat ass and post drive-by bullshit. Your specialty.

You mean you never got a student load? Paid instate tuition? Went to a public school?

Hell she never took a deduction for a charitable contribution or home mortgage.

Never took out a student loan. Had a full time job working in a restaurant and then a department store the 4 years I was in college, and I paid in-state tuition.

I also paid rent for my room in my parents house during summer breaks. Did you?

Never took money from my parents either, started my first business when I was 14 painting t-shirt designs for local record stores.

And really, your floundering now about charities and mortgage deductions is embarrassing. You are out of your depth on this thread, it's obvious.
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Fun to see all the jumping through hoops these righties are doing to justify the Koch brothers and WalMart sucking money out of their pockets. Amazing.

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