Sudan is on board with Israel. Will be taken off terror list......IF..............MAGAWINNING!


Oct 22, 2020

Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a rock throwing threat from Sudan. Meeting was an interesting and very positive experience. Sudan has great potential as the future location of a Trump tower.
View attachment 405753
Oct 22, 2020

Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a rock throwing threat from Sudan. Meeting was an interesting and very positive experience. Sudan has great potential as the future location of a Trump tower.
Great news! Open discussions between old enemies is the best diplomacy ever.
When are you vacationing in Sudan?
View attachment 405753
Oct 22, 2020

Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a rock throwing threat from Sudan. Meeting was an interesting and very positive experience. Sudan has great potential as the future location of a Trump tower.
Trump makes every dumb A since Truman look like a fool, less Carter over the ME. He does it in one hour. LOL
President Trump deserves not only one but 10 Nobel Prizes for Peace! :clap:
Not too many libbers on this..............Don't think they appreciated waking this morning to another historic peace deal slapping them in the face.........BAWWWWHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Least The Gator made an attempt.
Real peace between the Arabs and the Jews

This is as big as the ending of the Cold War
Jews are flying to UAE to vacation.

I just hope “‘Israeli rudeness “‘does not blow this .
Arabs tend to have better manners
Trump has a philosophy that economic success will bring us together.

He applied it to the middle east...and IT'S WORKING! :banana:

One by one...each country is signing on because they realize the economic benefits of free trade...And with each country that signs on...the palistinians lose more bargaining power :auiqs.jpg:
Trump has a philosophy that economic success will bring us together.

He applied it to the middle east...and IT'S WORKING! :banana:

One by one...each country is signing on because they realize the economic benefits of free trade...And with each country that signs on...the palistinians lose more bargaining power :auiqs.jpg:
I bet we'll have one more country signing this weekend...or Monday...............teeeheheheehe
American victims of terrorism are compensated by them. Another one knocked off.

Soon the Saudis.

Soon Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Djibouti, Oman, Tunisia, Pakistan, Indonesia and maybe even Iraq
Geeee.....Let's use an economic plan to navigate peace in these regions, how dumb. Spilling blood since Moses has worked so well.
American victims of terrorism are compensated by them. Another one knocked off.

Soon the Saudis.

Soon Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Djibouti, Oman, Tunisia, Pakistan, Indonesia and maybe even Iraq
Geeee.....Let's use an economic plan to navigate peace in these regions, how dumb. Spilling blood since Moses has worked so well.
Use an economic plan? WTF are you talking about. They are doing the opposite of spilling blood. You antisemites are so fucking stupid.
American victims of terrorism are compensated by them. Another one knocked off.

Soon the Saudis.

Kool, corrupt leaders get together, shall we name it the Axis?
Corrupt leaders for sure. Each new regime worse than the previous one. We're talking about countries that slice you to pieces if they want no matter what. What do you say about that?

I say the libs on this board go to Saudi Arabia and voice their protests. Go back home with your head severed.

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