Sudan to Launch International Diplomatic Campaign on Pipeline Shutdown


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs embarked on diplomatic and political move to brief international and regional countries on the development of relations between Sudan and South Sudan.

Foreign Minister Ali Karti kicked off the campaign today by visiting Ethiopia, accompanied by head and member of the government delegation for negotiations with South Sudan, Idriss Abdul Gadir and Sayed Al-Khatib.

The Foreign Minister carried a message from President Al Bashir to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, the current chair of the AU relating to the current developments in relations between Khartoum and Juba, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The Minister will also brief other regional countries on the same developments, he added.

The Foreign Minister will hold meetings with the chairperson of the AU Commission, the AU Peace and Security Council and head of the AU High Implementation Panel to brief them on the recent developments between Sudan and South Sudan.

The spokesperson pointed out yesterday's briefing of the ambassadors of China, Russia, EU, UK and US Charge D'affaires on the government’s decision to shut down the oil pipeline carrying South Sudan oil across Sudan's territory to export terminals.

Similar diplomatic briefings will also be conducted in Asia and Latin America, the spokesperson said, adding that most of the ambassadors who were briefed yesterday were aware of the continued support of the government of South Sudan to terrorist movements.

He said that the disclosure of Juba's support for rebels was not a surprise to the ambassadors because they were aware of concrete evidence of South Sudan's support and harboring of rebel movements.

Meanwhile, Minister of Culture and Information, Dr. Ahmed Bilal Osman, announced that the Ministry donated an amount of SDG 500,000 to provide 500 blood bottles and a battalion of Mujahideen in support for war efforts.

Addressing a mobilization campaign held in support for the army yesterday, he said that the country is targeted and that requires unity and serious work.

Abdul Rahman Musa, deputy coordinator of the Popular Defence Forces (PDF) said that the PDF will continue to support the armed forces to defeat the rebels.

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