Suggestion for a new forum


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Anyone that has been around message boards for long knows that you will not find a good message board that does not have good moderators and also that good moderators are a rare breed. I am not going to make any judgements or pronouncements on this boards moderators . To each his own. Everyone has an opinion.

Anyhow............what I am suggesting is a forum that allows moderators and posters to converse, to communicate on any and every topic without recriminations would be a huge plus for the board. Of course some moderators may not be interested in doing that but I think enough would to make for a interesting forum and one that would definitely be beneficial for the board.
Anyone that has been around message boards for long knows that you will not find a good message board that does not have good moderators and also that good moderators are a rare breed. I am not going to make any judgements or pronouncements on this boards moderators . To each his own. Everyone has an opinion.

Anyhow............what I am suggesting is a forum that allows moderators and posters to converse, to communicate on any and every topic without recriminations would be a huge plus for the board. Of course some moderators may not be interested in doing that but I think enough would to make for a interesting forum and one that would definitely be beneficial for the board.

What exactly do you have in mind?


That would require mods who do not see themselves as infallible, though.

I don't see that happening. The desire for power and control over others that motivates people to become mods is the same mechanism that allows for no questioning of authority and this is true for any board.

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