Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on primary school in Iraq


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Dutifully maintaining the sterling standards of the death cult’s integrity in Iraq, the sunni contingent has a bold new theory to reduce the shia population: “get’em while they’re young”.
There actually is a way to explain why pious moslems turn to violent, offensive warfare against the kuffar, mushrikeen. Those explanations can be found in a book written 14 centuries ago by an Arab warlord who turned all manner of base depravity into religious piety. So, why do they do it? Why do pious moslems of the ummah find recourse in killing each other? It's because... (sniffle) it’s the Religion of Peace!

Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on primary school in Iraq

Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on primary school in Iraq | Reuters

(Reuters) - A suicide bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into the playground of a primary school in northern Iraq and blew himself up, killing 14 students and their headmaster on Sunday, police and medical sources said.
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Suicide bombers target Iraq Shi'ites, killing 60

Suicide bombers target Iraq Shi'ites, killing 60 | Reuters

(Reuters) - Two suicide bombers targeted Shi'ite Muslims in Iraq on Saturday, killing 60 people on the eve of the anniversary of one of their imams' deaths, police and medics said on Saturday.

The policies that engender the virulent hatreds dividing the sunni and shia which fuel the continuing slaughter in the Middle East didn’t pop up out of nowhere. They are the product of an ideology that creates and nurtures the conflicts we see today. Scared women hiding in their homes or under a shapeless black sack, gun battles as conflict resolution, and a socio-political infrastructure that preaches hatred and war against anyone in the out-group.

Apologists will hope to suggest that the rampant abuse of human rights, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, violent Islamic terror, economic stagnation, illiteracy, gender apartheid, and corrupt totalitarian regimes which are routine in the Arab/Moslem world are all the direct result of someone else’s fault. But let’s be honest, one only has to look to the source material (and that would include sharia) that moslems revere as the word of god to see where these policies derive.
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The vicious, internecine war taking place between the Sunni-Shia in Iraq blossoms anew.

The sunni mass murderers have been on a roll the past couple of weeks. That means we can expect retaliation from the shia contingent in the near future.

If you live in the United States, or any other free nation that understands the wisdom of keeping religion out of politics and under control, you should be grateful. Otherwise you'd get to enjoy the horrors of religious hatreds which cause competing religious tribes to slaughter each other wholesale.

Murdered and mutilated corpses are sprouting up like summer dandelions all around Iraq.

Explosions across Baghdad kill at least 38 people

Explosions across Baghdad kill at least 38 people

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Bombs exploded across the Iraqi capital on Monday, killing at least 38 people, police said, as suspected Sunni Islamist militants pursued a campaign to provoke intercommunal conflict.

Eight of the 10 blasts in Baghdad were in mainly Shi'ite districts, but there was also an explosion in a mixed area and another in the predominantly Sunni Muslim neighborhood of Doura.

It seems that anyone who is not affiliated with the “correct” islamist tribe is perceived as the enemy and subject to the rules of warfare as outlined 1,400 years ago by the inventor of islam. Designations like "civilian" and "noncombatant" are meaningless in jihad if you find yourself on the wrong side of islamist holy warriors™.
Hollie and fellow posters-----I became aware of the SUNNI/SHIITE thing---slowly----
over the course of a few years when interacting with lots of young educated muslims---
because of a little weekend job I held during my college years. Although the young
muslim docs were willing to talk about "home" and "islam" and "their culture" ---
and their cuisine with me-----AND THEIR GLORIOUS RELIGION-----besides saying
"they're crazy" (the sunni comment on shiites and the shiite comment on sunnis)
----no one ever explained any ISSUE OF IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE. From my
vast (sic) knowlege of history----I do know that protestants and catholics had good
(sic) reason to kill each other----over things like "THE POPE" but what is the
IDEOLOGICAL issue between sunnis and shiites ? afterall----muhummad's
son-in-law is dead and LOTS of muslim leaders---got killed SO WHAT's THE ISSUE?
Hollie and fellow posters-----I became aware of the SUNNI/SHIITE thing---slowly----
over the course of a few years when interacting with lots of young educated muslims---
because of a little weekend job I held during my college years. Although the young
muslim docs were willing to talk about "home" and "islam" and "their culture" ---
and their cuisine with me-----AND THEIR GLORIOUS RELIGION-----besides saying
"they're crazy" (the sunni comment on shiites and the shiite comment on sunnis)
----no one ever explained any ISSUE OF IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE. From my
vast (sic) knowlege of history----I do know that protestants and catholics had good
(sic) reason to kill each other----over things like "THE POPE" but what is the
IDEOLOGICAL issue between sunnis and shiites ? afterall----muhummad's
son-in-law is dead and LOTS of muslim leaders---got killed SO WHAT's THE ISSUE?

One of the concise explanations can be found here:

The Economist explains: What is the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims? | The Economist

Over the course of islamo-centuries, the divides have developed into a blood feud. The majority Sunni have come to identify the shia as apostates or mushrikeen.
thanks hollie------I am still not sure I get it-------and I do take exception to
the "the feud never got so bad as the one between protestants and
catholics in the thirty years war" It seems a LOT WORSE to me----
I do not recall mass murders of kids in the thirty years war or massacres
of weddings of the "WRONG RELIGION" Today shiites and sunnis
BOMB each others celebrations----and its been going on for
CENTURIES Where is this most sunnis and shiites get along well?
I thought Iraq was supposed to be peaches and cream after American forces left? :dunno:
I thought Iraq was supposed to be peaches and cream after American forces left? :dunno:

since it's ALWAYS FOOD with you-----at least stick to the correct cuisine.
The only thing I know about Iraq and its -----cuisine-----is that Daniel
ate beans when he lived in the palace over there. I have never heard of
an IRAQI restaurant in the USA-----or even an IRAQI cookbook.
Generally speaking-----I have noticed that whilst milk and a form or
butter show up in "arabic" style food------I never saw CREAM---
yoghurt and some sour stuff called "LEBNEH" or something like
that ------but "cream"??? I am going to google around for
IRAQI RECIPES----and will let you know
I thought Iraq was supposed to be peaches and cream after American forces left? :dunno:

since it's ALWAYS FOOD with you-----at least stick to the correct cuisine.
The only thing I know about Iraq and its -----cuisine-----is that Daniel
ate beans when he lived in the palace over there. I have never heard of
an IRAQI restaurant in the USA-----or even an IRAQI cookbook.
Generally speaking-----I have noticed that whilst milk and a form or
butter show up in "arabic" style food------I never saw CREAM---
yoghurt and some sour stuff called "LEBNEH" or something like
that ------but "cream"??? I am going to google around for
IRAQI RECIPES----and will let you know

Sounds good, I've never had Iraqi food myself but I heard it was quite good.
I thought Iraq was supposed to be peaches and cream after American forces left? :dunno:

Certainly the Bush'ites tried to peddle that notion. What a joke! Of course democracy in a culture like ours is good, but it didn’t come from nowhere or spring fully formed from some despotic, misogynistic, progress loathing background like the Middle East. It evolved slowly and painfully over about three hundred years and in its current configuration operates against a background of people educated from childhood toward valuing freedom, individuality, responsibility and constitutional process.

Those attributes are absent in the islamist Middle East.

So, what Islam is left with is in keeping with the long established ideological tradition of mass murder/suicide as a means to promote a religious perspective. Islamic holy warriors™ continue to murder civilians who are the "wrong kind" of moslems.

Ah well, I’m sure the victims and their families are better off for this. After all, being a'sploded (the a'splodee), in a brilliant flash of orange while being shredded by red hot shrapnel flying through the air at high speed brings glory and favors to the a'splodor in the eye of ones deity.
Yeah, car bombings. These are serious business in Sunni Islamism, especially the Salafi brand.

One can almost hear the rousing jihad acapella dirges that accompany the slaughter of Shiite moslems.

Here is another provocative act that could very well jeopardize the centuries of warm affection and high esteem that the sunni islamist world has always felt for their shirk actin’ and unforgivably blasphemous minority shareholders in the islam™. A sunni group has “martyred” several dozen more shiite.

Watch your Burqa’s boys and girls. The 1,400 year old sunni – shia hatefest has advanced from simmering tensions to people asplodin’.

Call 'em hateful, call 'em backward, but don't call 'em unpredictable.

Al-Qaeda surges back in Iraq, reviving old fears

First came the fireball, then the screams of the victims. The suicide bombing just outside a Baghdad graveyard knocked Nasser Waleed Ali over and peppered his back with shrapnel.

Ali was one of the lucky ones. At least 51 died in the Oct. 5 attack, many of them Shiite pilgrims walking by on their way to a shrine. No one has claimed responsibility, but there is little doubt al-Qaida's local franchise is to blame. Suicide bombers and car bombs are its calling cards, Shiite civilians among its favorite targets.

Al-Qaeda has come roaring back in Iraq since U.S. troops left in late 2011 and now looks stronger than it has in years. The terror group has shown it is capable of carrying out mass-casualty attacks several times a month, driving the death toll in Iraq to the highest level in half a decade. It sees each attack as a way to cultivate an atmosphere of chaos that weakens the Shiite-led government's authority.
Dutifully maintaining the sterling standards of the death cult’s integrity in Iraq, the sunni contingent has a bold new theory to reduce the shia population: “get’em while they’re young”.
There actually is a way to explain why pious moslems turn to violent, offensive warfare against the kuffar, mushrikeen. Those explanations can be found in a book written 14 centuries ago by an Arab warlord who turned all manner of base depravity into religious piety. So, why do they do it? Why do pious moslems of the ummah find recourse in killing each other? It's because... (sniffle) it’s the Religion of Peace!

Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on primary school in Iraq

Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on primary school in Iraq | Reuters

(Reuters) - A suicide bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into the playground of a primary school in northern Iraq and blew himself up, killing 14 students and their headmaster on Sunday, police and medical sources said.
We should blame the libs for not letting Bush and company finish the job in Iraq, and if that meant to occupy Iraq for a while afterwards then so be it, just like we had to do in Germany when Hitler was finished, we should have done the same there and occupied until stability and security for all Iraqis was created in that war torn nation. Thanks to the bleeding heart liberals who wanted us out to quickly, they the (Iraqis) are now reaping what the libs have sown for them back here in this nation, and this by taking away their help be it over money, and over theirs (the libs) confused bleeding hearts in which they used to get their way somehow in it all.
Yet some people think we shouldn't be taken out the leadership of these terrorist groups? Insanity!

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