
having been on the scene of many, i only offer this

if in fact, you're going to do yourself

don't be a selfish a*shole about it, and leave an ugly last image burnt into your family's soul that have found the mess you've made of yourself

Agreed. Do it in a less traumatic way that thos who cannot understand can rationalize as an accidental overdose or somesuch.
My paternal grandfather committed suicide when he was dying of cancer in the early 50's. I was still a baby.

We think my maternal grand mother committed suicide by OD'ing on pills when she was dying of cancer in her late 80s. She was not depressed, merely sick of being sick, I think.

I treated countless people who'd attempted suicide while a Neuropsychiatric tech in the NAV. A Few of those succeeded after they were discharged from the closed unit.

A fellow corpsman (and a former SEAL) who'd been taking 50mg valium daily, we THINK committed suicide while standing night duty (he'd become an OR tech). He died by nitrous oxide in the OR. Now that might have been accidental, but this guy wasn't exactly the fool he'd have had to have been for it to have been an accidental death. PTSD, I suspect

Two classmates from HS (both returning Vietnam Veterans) killed themselves within a couple years of returning to civilian life (one by heroin OD, one by gunshot). PTSD for sure in both those cases

I had an acquaintance who committed suicide (he got himself shot) by misadventure. I KNOW that was on purpose because he told me he was planning on getting himself killed that way. He was an insurance investigator and a raging alcoholic

A friend of my son's shot himself when he was 15 year old.

About ten years ago, a close friend of mine was murdered by a nutcase who then turned the gun on himself right in front of my friend's 8 year old daugher and my friend's sister.

My sister's later in life significant other had attempted suicide by crashing his VET into a bridge abuttment in the late 70s. He surived that crash and came out of his coma some weeks later, and lived until a few years back, never really understanding why he'd been suicidal to begin with. (I think his attempt was cocaine related)
as in defining anything controversial, the definition gets fuzzy being applied to certian situations

for instance, lots of terminals are given massive doses of opiated happy juice

it's really the kindest thing to do for them, and many of them know it's coming.....
as in defining anything controversial, the definition gets fuzzy being applied to certian situations

for instance, lots of terminals are given massive doses of opiated happy juice

it's really the kindest thing to do for them, and many of them know it's coming.....

Exactly, and the word terminal doesn't stand for 'waiting in line to take a whirl on the ferris wheel.'
Your life is soon to be over, so suicide is definitely going to have a different meaning for each person.
YouTube - Suicide is Painless (M.A.S.H Theme)

Through early morning fog I see
visions of the things to be
the pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see...
that suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
so this is all I have to say.
suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger...watch it grin.
suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
A brave man once requested me
to answer questions that are key
is it to be or not to be
and I replied 'oh why ask me?'
suicide is painless
it brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
...and you can do the same thing if you please...

If I recall, Painless got a bottle of scotch, and laid by a hot nurse.

Book>Movie>>>>>>>>>T.V. Show

The book was pretty similar to the movie on this aspect, but in the book the character was most likely bipolar and was simply depressed. It had nothing to do with homosexuality. But the surgeons held a last supper for him and gave him a barbiturate. When he woke up, he was fine.
as in defining anything controversial, the definition gets fuzzy being applied to certian situations

for instance, lots of terminals are given massive doses of opiated happy juice

it's really the kindest thing to do for them, and many of them know it's coming.....

That's not suicide. That's euthanasia.

With terminal patients, pain medication is given with the knowledge that it might shorten someone's life and it becomes a tough balance to control the pain without killing the patient. However, it's never right (or legal) to simply euthanize someone.
What if you have no family? And what if you do, but your family understands why? (neverending pain, for example. Helplessness nobody can do a damn thing about. Slow death vs a fast one?)

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Suicide is the act of a coward.
Suicide is the act of a coward.

I used to think so too, sir, but have changed my opinion in the past few years.

Suicide is an act of desperation by someone in so much pain of whatever sort - that they'd rather be gone completely than deal with it longer.

Unfortunately, for many it is a temporary pain and the suicide is very permanent, as others have stated in this thread. And many who attempt suicide realize in that last moment that this is not what they really want. They just want an escape. Some survive their attempts and go on to help others. I applaud them.

Personally, at this point in my life I have too much to live for. But there are many people living through lives that I cannot even imagine how they've held on this long.
as in defining anything controversial, the definition gets fuzzy being applied to certian situations

for instance, lots of terminals are given massive doses of opiated happy juice

it's really the kindest thing to do for them, and many of them know it's coming.....

That's not suicide. That's euthanasia.

With terminal patients, pain medication is given with the knowledge that it might shorten someone's life and it becomes a tough balance to control the pain without killing the patient. However, it's never right (or legal) to simply euthanize someone.

really? well i guess the whole pharamacabal , as well as their many advocates in the field, are morally insulated from pulling the trigger , eh?

lemme see..... ah yes, bullets kill people, not guns must be next then?
as in defining anything controversial, the definition gets fuzzy being applied to certian situations

for instance, lots of terminals are given massive doses of opiated happy juice

it's really the kindest thing to do for them, and many of them know it's coming.....

That's not suicide. That's euthanasia.

With terminal patients, pain medication is given with the knowledge that it might shorten someone's life and it becomes a tough balance to control the pain without killing the patient. However, it's never right (or legal) to simply euthanize someone.

really? well i guess the whole pharamacabal , as well as their many advocates in the field, are morally insulated from pulling the trigger , eh?

lemme see..... ah yes, bullets kill people, not guns must be next then?

It's not a pharmacological conspiracy. Morphine is cheap and death is bad for sales. It's a ethical and legal issue and probably a whole other topic.

The hospice doctors generally oppose physician assisted suicide. However, the hospice movement creates scenarios like the one you mentioned where you are managing terminal patients in extreme pain and you might inadvertently OD them (without mens rea) while trying to control that.

I see the younger group of physicians supporting PAS and hospice so that if the pain is that unbearable, the patient can choose to humanely end their own life and not put it in the hand of a physician.
Suicide is the act of a coward.

I used to think so too, sir, but have changed my opinion in the past few years.

Suicide is an act of desperation by someone in so much pain of whatever sort - that they'd rather be gone completely than deal with it longer.

Unfortunately, for many it is a temporary pain and the suicide is very permanent, as others have stated in this thread. And many who attempt suicide realize in that last moment that this is not what they really want. They just want an escape. Some survive their attempts and go on to help others. I applaud them.

Personally, at this point in my life I have too much to live for. But there are many people living through lives that I cannot even imagine how they've held on this long.

There's two components.

One is that suicide is unbelievably cruel and selfish because of the unbearable pain to those left behind. Most especially when it is done at home or near where your loved ones are. They will spend years grieving, second guessing themselves, blaming themselves, reliving it and trying to figure out how it could have been prevented, etc. Sometimes that is the intent of the suicide making it even worse. Usually however, the person is so self centered they don't consider what they're doing to others.

The second is what you describe: a person in so much fear, physical pain, or mental torment that death is the only escape or relief that they see. And, as you say, most who fail in the attempt or who are stopped by others are usually later grateful that they still have life. I don't think it is cowardice to choose to kill oneself, however, For me, that would require a lot of courage.

I can't say that I have ever seriously considered suicide. I have had instances in which I was convinced I had some terrible illness and chose to just let nature take its course rather than deal with doctors, hospitals, etc. Is that the same thing? I don't know. (Fortunately, my diagnosis was wrong in those instances.)
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So, can anyone here guess which faction of our society has had the most significant increase of late?
There's two components.

One is that suicide is unbelievably cruel and selfish because of the unbearable pain to those left behind. Most especially when it is done at home or near where your loved ones are. They will spend years grieving, second guessing themselves, blaming themselves, reliving it and trying to figure out how it could have been prevented, etc. Sometimes that is the intent of the suicide making it even worse. Usually however, the person is so self centered they don't consider what they're doing to others.

The second is what you describe: a person in so much fear, physical pain, or mental torment that death is the only escape or relief that they see. And, as you say, most who fail in the attempt or who are stopped by others are usually later grateful that they still have life. I don't think it is cowardice to choose to kill oneself, however, For me, that would require a lot of courage.

I can't say that I have ever seriously considered suicide. I have had instances in which I was convinced I had some terrible illness and chose to just let nature take its course rather than deal with doctors, hospitals, etc. Is that the same thing? I don't know. (Fortunately, my diagnosis was wrong in those instances.)

True - one who commits suicide is focused on oneself. But are we not also, if we're left behind? Asking what WE did wrong, how WE miss them, etc.? Now, I'm not saying you're wrong - merely playing devil's advocate.

As humans, we are selfish, self-centered creatures. Death is just one more example. It is much harder for those left behind to be ok with the death than it is for someone to die.

My friend who attempted suicide would have left behind a young wife and two young children. I begged him to consider what their lives would be like without him. He asserted that they would be better off without him.

It's very difficult to reason with someone in that state of mind. Fortunately, some are able to get through.
You know.........there are several verses in the Bible that deal with suicide.

Incidentally, none of the verses are against it. If you really need to have a mulligan, Father will let you do so, just don't take anyone else out with you.
Have you ever contemplated suicide??
Have you ever tried and someone rescued you??..or maybe you decided against it at the very last moment??
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide??

I've done many things some would call suicidal but it was my job to do it at the time or I just said WTF.

I had friends and one niece who have attempted it or told me they were contemplating it.

Suicide is a big thing on post here. Just about every unit seems to have somebody that has gone through with it because of the constant deployments.
My paternal grandfather committed suicide when he was dying of cancer in the early 50's. I was still a baby.

We think my maternal grand mother committed suicide by OD'ing on pills when she was dying of cancer in her late 80s. She was not depressed, merely sick of being sick, I think.

I treated countless people who'd attempted suicide while a Neuropsychiatric tech in the NAV. A Few of those succeeded after they were discharged from the closed unit.

A fellow corpsman (and a former SEAL) who'd been taking 50mg valium daily, we THINK committed suicide while standing night duty (he'd become an OR tech). He died by nitrous oxide in the OR. Now that might have been accidental, but this guy wasn't exactly the fool he'd have had to have been for it to have been an accidental death. PTSD, I suspect

Two classmates from HS (both returning Vietnam Veterans) killed themselves within a couple years of returning to civilian life (one by heroin OD, one by gunshot). PTSD for sure in both those cases

I had an acquaintance who committed suicide (he got himself shot) by misadventure. I KNOW that was on purpose because he told me he was planning on getting himself killed that way. He was an insurance investigator and a raging alcoholic

A friend of my son's shot himself when he was 15 year old.

About ten years ago, a close friend of mine was murdered by a nutcase who then turned the gun on himself right in front of my friend's 8 year old daugher and my friend's sister.

My sister's later in life significant other had attempted suicide by crashing his VET into a bridge abuttment in the late 70s. He surived that crash and came out of his coma some weeks later, and lived until a few years back, never really understanding why he'd been suicidal to begin with. (I think his attempt was cocaine related)

My friend's ex boyfriend killed himself last fall after having gotten back from Iraq.
Have you ever contemplated suicide??
Have you ever tried and someone rescued you??..or maybe you decided against it at the very last moment??
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide??


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