Sulfur Dioxide

Have they given up on CO2?

Swapping out the C for the S?

Something like that as once upon a time 99% of the CO2 was created by humans according to the AGW lore. This slowly changed to 60% human activities and 40% natural. However the reality is that humans only create 3% of the CO2. Which means 97% natural and 3% humans. Empirical proof that the AGW cult wants to dispute real science.

The difference is what they are discussing is considered an aerosol which is known for cooling and not warming. Which is why it not very well understood. Most of the trillions of AGW dollars has been focused on CO2.

So this subject will not be truly researched until the AGW cult will allow the monies to discover what actually does control climate, instead of spending trillions on implicating humans via CO2.
This thread has nothing to do with AGW. Go read the OP. Sulfur dioxide is NOT an aerosol, it is a gas. Like several of your friends, your chemistry is weak.
About 99% of the sulfur dioxide in air comes from human sources. The main source of sulfur dioxide in the air is industrial activity that processes materials that contain sulfur, eg the generation of electricity from coal, oil or gas that contains sulfur. Some mineral ores also contain sulfur, and sulfur dioxide is released when they are processed. In addition, industrial activities that burn fossil fuels containing sulfur can be important sources of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is also present in motor vehicle emissions. In the past, motor vehicle exhaust was an important, but not the main source of sulfur dioxide in air. However, this is no longer the case.

I have a feeling this is what we should be talking about instead of global warming/cooling.

I have a feeling this shit causes Alzheimers or Cancer or BOTH! Where are the bees? Could it be this shit?

Well......gotta understand that the whole global warming crap is nothing more than people perpetuating the established narrative at all costs. These AGW climate crusaders don't give a flying fuck about the environment........plainly evident in that they don't contribute to any other environment threads EXCEPT global warming crap. Must perpetuate the ruse..........MUST perpetuate the ruse.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

Most people who get exposed to this >>>>> ......are able to connect the dots and realize the snow job that has been going on for 30 years now.
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This thread has nothing to do with AGW. Go read the OP. Sulfur dioxide is NOT an aerosol, it is a gas. Like several of your friends, your chemistry is weak.

Actually it does as the AGW cult does not understand what they post as you just demonstrated. It has everything to with AGW since they seem to want to control what is and what is not science.

Although NASA disagrees with your comments:

NASA - Atmospheric Aerosols: What Are They, and Why Are They So Important

Are you now claiming that NASA is lying?
Models, models, models. And not an actual measurement anywhere to be found.....

Just have the lie in order to cover your ignorance, don't you. The article gives the referances to the papers with the measurements that the models are based on. And as far as models to, the whole of calculus is nothing but models, mathematical approximations of reality that can be made more accurate by carrying it out to more steps. Fourier series is a prime example of that. But you don't seem to object to that.

However, the primary point here is that you continue to spout misinformation, and then lie to cover yourself. In any of the classes I am taking or have taken, a professor that did that would be called on it by the students. Volcanoes contribute about 25% of the sulphur compounds in the atmosphere, we create the rest.
Sulfur dioxide is toxic, has caused acid rain and is a serious air pollutant (though US emissions have been declining steadily for years). It does not cause Alzheimers or any form of cancer. I suggest you read some reliable information before proceeding. Try

I said I have a feeling. I didn't suggest I have any proof of it. I just wonder why so many more people are coming down with Alzheimers. I didn't see a lot of that when I was a kid but now it seems like everyones getting dementia.

Because [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION] we are living longer and we are eating more processed food, which is really bad to clog up our arties and veins.
I know about it because my Uncle died of it.
List of Processed Foods to Avoid | LIVESTRONG.COM all need to eat more natural foods and stay away from processed foods.

No doubt about it.

I brought up Sulfur dioxide in an attempt to get the conversation off global warming. They love to argue that. Can't argue Sulfur dioxide is bad and where it is coming from. Next I'd like to talk about all the garbage floating around in the oceans. I think there is money to be made cleaning up the oceans. It would even give Haloburton a good image because you know they'd get the contract. LOL.
So, man is the bad guy yet again huh? You guys really are clueless. So, here's the deal for you scientific illiterates... Mankind produces WORLDWIDE, around 100 million tons of SiO2.

There are single volcano's that produce 365 million tons per year. Yes, that's right boys and girls. Volcanic activity is THE dominant producer of SiO2. Best get yourselves back to the school books because this is a FAILING report. And I mean really, really badly. You clowns aren't even on the fucking continent, much less the ballpark.

"The effects of SO2 on people and the environment vary widely depending on (1) the amount of gas a volcano emits into the atmosphere; (2) whether the gas is injected into the troposphere or stratosphere; and (3) the regional or global wind and weather pattern that disperses the gas. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that irritates skin and the tissues and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat. Sulfur dioxide chiefly affects upper respiratory tract and bronchi. The World Health Organization recommends a concentration of no greater than 0.5 ppm over 24 hours for maximum exposure. A concentration of 6-12 ppm can cause immediate irritation of the nose and throat; 20 ppm can cause eye irritation; 10,000 ppm will irritate moist skin within minutes.

"Emission rates of SO2 from an active volcano range from <20 tonnes/day to >10 million tonnes/day according to the style of volcanic activity and type and volume of magma involved. For example, the large explosive eruption of Mount Pinatubo on 15 June 1991 expelled 3-5 km3 of dacite magma and injected about 20 million metric tons of SO2 into the stratosphere. The sulfur aerosols resulted in a 0.5-0.6°C cooling of the Earth's surface in the Northern Hemisphere. The sulfate aerosols also accelerated chemical reactions that, together with the increased stratospheric chlorine levels from human-made chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) pollution, destroyed ozone and led to some of the lowest ozone levels ever observed in the atmosphere.

At Kilauea Volcano, the recent effusive eruption of about 0.0005 km3/day (500,000 m3) of basalt magma releases about 2,000 tonnes of SO2 into the lower troposphere. Downwind from the vent, acid rain and air pollution is a persistent health problem when the volcano is erupting."

Volcanic Gases and Their Effects


Global Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Home Page

We're talking about Sulfur dioxide

About 99% of the sulfur dioxide in air comes from human sources.

Re read my original post.

That's what my post is all about silly person, SO2 is the scientific shorthand method of naming it. Volcanic activity is THE primary source of SiO2 emissions. BY A HUGE MARGIN!

I know but where does most of the Sulfur dioxide come from? Factories and cars. Are you pro Sulfur dioxide?
Sulfur dioxide is toxic, has caused acid rain and is a serious air pollutant (though US emissions have been declining steadily for years). It does not cause Alzheimers or any form of cancer. I suggest you read some reliable information before proceeding. Try

I said I have a feeling. I didn't suggest I have any proof of it. I just wonder why so many more people are coming down with Alzheimers. I didn't see a lot of that when I was a kid but now it seems like everyones getting dementia.

Well, I think that has a few causes: people are living longer, people are talking about it more than they used to and we know a great deal more about the various conditions than we used to. Not long ago, anyone that suffered an age-related cognitive disorder was simply labeled "senile" and that was the end of it. Now there's Alzheimer's, TIA's outright strokes, dementia and who know what all.

The point I wanted to make, though, was that sulfur dioxide is a VERY common and well-known compound. I am quite certain that it was tested as the cause for a wealth of disorders and that if it were the cause of cancer or Alzheimer's, we would have heard about it decades ago.

Also, as to the source of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, that Wikipedia article says:

Sulfur dioxide is primarily produced for sulfuric acid manufacture (see contact process). In the United States in 1979, 23.6 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide was used in this way, compared with 150 thousand tonnes used for other purposes. Most sulfur dioxide is produced by the combustion of elemental sulfur. Some sulfur dioxide is also produced by roasting pyrite and other sulfide ores in air.

and would seem to support your statement. It is very hard for some people to believe that man could produce more of anything than the world's volcanos, but there you go.

BTW, nice to meet you. My apologies if I was harsher than I should have been. This can be a confrontational hangout.

Oh I don't mind the confrontational. LOL. I love it. If we agree you're the best and if not fu. :badgrin: I love to hate this place.

So anyways, I see these PBS specials and it said for the first time our human footprint is bigger than volcanos. So I come to the net and I can't find it. They said sulfur I remembers, so then i found that the number one producer of Sulfur dioxide is humans. Is this stuff good for us? Remember 100 years ago it was half the world had cars and factories. Now add china, india, etc. to the list and we are putting up a lot of pollutants. I can't stand it that it is debatable. I wish we as a society would demand a sunday night debate on it, let the talking heads weigh in and the politicians and lets poll everyone and see if humans are causing what we call "global warming". Wouldn't that debate have high ratings? Why are the politicians scared to debate more often. All we get is Boehner with his right wing sound bite and Reed with ours. Fuck that. Debate every week or once a month. This society is so brainwashed. Most don't even know or care to know. There is so much wrong with this society I don't even know where to start. And not just here, everywhere. But especially here. You go to a rich European country and see who's living the dream. Or Australia where 90% turn out to vote. :eusa_clap:
That's what my post is all about silly person, SO2 is the scientific shorthand method of naming it. Volcanic activity is THE primary source of SiO2 emissions. BY A HUGE MARGIN!

SiO2? SiO2 emissions?!?!? I bet volcanoes probably ARE the primary source of silicon dioxide vapor emissions, but that's not the subject.

As to sulfur dioxide, the largest source is human activity. The data you presented show nothing to refute that point.
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I said I have a feeling. I didn't suggest I have any proof of it. I just wonder why so many more people are coming down with Alzheimers. I didn't see a lot of that when I was a kid but now it seems like everyones getting dementia.

Well, I think that has a few causes: people are living longer, people are talking about it more than they used to and we know a great deal more about the various conditions than we used to. Not long ago, anyone that suffered an age-related cognitive disorder was simply labeled "senile" and that was the end of it. Now there's Alzheimer's, TIA's outright strokes, dementia and who know what all.

The point I wanted to make, though, was that sulfur dioxide is a VERY common and well-known compound. I am quite certain that it was tested as the cause for a wealth of disorders and that if it were the cause of cancer or Alzheimer's, we would have heard about it decades ago.

Also, as to the source of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, that Wikipedia article says:

Sulfur dioxide is primarily produced for sulfuric acid manufacture (see contact process). In the United States in 1979, 23.6 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide was used in this way, compared with 150 thousand tonnes used for other purposes. Most sulfur dioxide is produced by the combustion of elemental sulfur. Some sulfur dioxide is also produced by roasting pyrite and other sulfide ores in air.

and would seem to support your statement. It is very hard for some people to believe that man could produce more of anything than the world's volcanos, but there you go.

BTW, nice to meet you. My apologies if I was harsher than I should have been. This can be a confrontational hangout.

Oh I don't mind the confrontational. LOL. I love it. If we agree you're the best and if not fu. :badgrin: I love to hate this place. :eusa_clap:

I love to pwn this place. And do regularly!!!:2up:
This thread has nothing to do with AGW. Go read the OP. Sulfur dioxide is NOT an aerosol, it is a gas. Like several of your friends, your chemistry is weak.

You mean they are wrong and you know how/where they are wrong? Please share. As I said before, i can't believe this is debatable. Where are they being slick/clever in their spin on man made pollution?

I know methane is a gas, right? And our cow/pig mills are putting up a lot of methane and that's not good either. Anyways, in Switzerland everything has to be free open range. Cows just walking around, chickens. No cramming them together for mass consumption. I would love to go back to every city having huge acreages for wile pig and deer so most of our meet is home grown/shot/processed. It would make a new industry of local hunters and meat processors and buthers. But every city would have to give some back to mother nature so these animals can have room to live. Like in Africa they don't move in to the Lion or Elephants territory.

Right now Detroit is abandoning lots of neighborhoods that are in blight. Tear down those buildings and let nature back. They could give 1/4 of Detroit to a state park/nature preserve and not even miss it. Or farms.
That's what my post is all about silly person, SO2 is the scientific shorthand method of naming it. Volcanic activity is THE primary source of SiO2 emissions. BY A HUGE MARGIN!

SiO2? SiO2 emissions?!?!? I bet volcanoes probably ARE the primary source of silicon dioxide vapor emissions, but that's not the subject.

As to sulfur dioxide, the largest source is human activity.

And when it is all said and done, just remember Newt admitted a long time ago that corporations and lobbyists spend a lot of money and time denying man made "global warming" and notice the media goes along? So don't call it liberal when it keeps going with the GOP talking points on this, right?

Why do they do it? Because it means a cut to profits, and that's all corporations care about. They know they will have to spend money to go green. Newt admitted it. We all know he has a nack for once in awhile breaking away from the GOP party line and saying something refreshingly honest? Same with McCain. They want to appear moderate. Anyways, we all know why the corporations pay so much to deny pollution.
About 99% of the sulfur dioxide in air comes from human sources. The main source of sulfur dioxide in the air is industrial activity that processes materials that contain sulfur, eg the generation of electricity from coal, oil or gas that contains sulfur. Some mineral ores also contain sulfur, and sulfur dioxide is released when they are processed. In addition, industrial activities that burn fossil fuels containing sulfur can be important sources of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is also present in motor vehicle emissions. In the past, motor vehicle exhaust was an important, but not the main source of sulfur dioxide in air. However, this is no longer the case.

I have a feeling this is what we should be talking about instead of global warming/cooling.

I have a feeling this shit causes Alzheimers or Cancer or BOTH! Where are the bees? Could it be this shit?

Well......gotta understand that the whole global warming crap is nothing more than people perpetuating the established narrative at all costs. These AGW climate crusaders don't give a flying fuck about the environment........plainly evident in that they don't contribute to any other environment threads EXCEPT global warming crap. Must perpetuate the ruse..........MUST perpetuate the ruse.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

Most people who get exposed to this >>>>> The Green Agenda ......are able to connect the dots and realize the snow job that has been going on for 30 years now.

Sounds like right wing propoganda. Can I guess you lean right when you vote? What are your feelings on Michael Moore? How about Ann Coulter? :doubt:
This thread has nothing to do with AGW. Go read the OP. Sulfur dioxide is NOT an aerosol, it is a gas. Like several of your friends, your chemistry is weak.

You mean they are wrong and you know how/where they are wrong? Please share. As I said before, i can't believe this is debatable. Where are they being slick/clever in their spin on man made pollution?

I know methane is a gas, right? And our cow/pig mills are putting up a lot of methane and that's not good either. Anyways, in Switzerland everything has to be free open range. Cows just walking around, chickens. No cramming them together for mass consumption. I would love to go back to every city having huge acreages for wile pig and deer so most of our meet is home grown/shot/processed. It would make a new industry of local hunters and meat processors and buthers. But every city would have to give some back to mother nature so these animals can have room to live. Like in Africa they don't move in to the Lion or Elephants territory.

Right now Detroit is abandoning lots of neighborhoods that are in blight. Tear down those buildings and let nature back. They could give 1/4 of Detroit to a state park/nature preserve and not even miss it. Or farms.

That guy.......he thinks everything has to do with global warming. k00k is building an emergency ark in his backyard!!:D:D:D:blowup:
sealybobo said:
Anyways, we all know why the corporations pay so much to deny pollution.

The deniers here give every impression that they do NOT know such a thing. They consistently speak of dishonest scientists lying to get AGW research grants, to giant corporations like GE making a fortune from CFLs, to left-wingers who - for reasons unknown - wish to destroy human civilization and to politicians who see AGW as a means to the end of more government power over the individual; all as the true "cause" of global warming. When you bring up the point that it is the fossil fuel industry that - by an enormous margin - has the most at stake in this issue, you get dead silence or outrageous lies in response.

But, I wander. The topic here is sulfur dioxide. A gas produced by the combustion of sulfur-bearing fuels.
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As for the impact of this report, well, we’ll see. I know there is a section of the population that will deny global warming exists right up until the point when coastal cities are underwater. Unfortunately, many of these people are in Congress, and control what we can and cannot do. I know this report will have little influence on them; they have made their firm denial of reality clear. Not only that, but the usual suspects have already been up to their usual shenanigans about the report.
Remember, 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activities. It's been think tanks funded by fossil fuel interests and Republican politicians that have made climate change a political issue. Scientists typically have neither a liberal nor conservative agenda in their research; they simply try to understand reality as it is. Deniers, on the other hand, reject that, turning their backs on reality if it disagrees with their predisposed ideology.

Climate change denial: After global warming report, deniers deny.

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