Sunday Law & the Vatican Politics Behind it

Do You Oppose the Sunday Law?

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This video is a must see. The Vatican is advertising Sunday Law on the premise that it is good to have a "free day" but listen to the wording of the Senate Appropriations Committee as they discuss HB2320 and the idea that Americans need to be forced to go to church on Sunday - that there needs to be a law passed. If Sunday is about a free day as this Pope claims? Then why does he want the governments of the world to pass a Sunday Law?

In other countries, there are already heavy fines being put upon businesses / employers that work on Sunday - there is a move to enact laws against shopping on Sunday, the ultimate goal is that no person on earth will be able to buy or sell on Sunday because the Vatican and this Pope want a Sunday Law which forbids anyone to do anything on Sunday. It does not matter if you are a Catholic or not. You must observe Sunday Law if it is voted on and passed as Law. This is the first of many laws that will challenge our God given rights according to the Declaration of Independence. And it's coming from Rome.

Are you for the Sunday law - forcing all people - atheist, Christian, agnostic to observe Sunday Law and obey it?


Are you against Sunday law - and believe people should have the liberty to work or shop on Sunday if they want to?

Here is a Senate Appropriations Committee discussing HB2320 and suggesting a law that forces all Americans to attend church on Sunday. They call it the Sunday Law. Are you for it or against it? Please voice your concerns now.
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More information about Sunday Law. Many of you may not have heard about it. So read up!

Sunday Law News Update for 2014 - 2015

On this page you will find the latest news relating to the national and international Sunday law. If you come across any Sunday law news that isn't listed below then please feel free to email us and let us know ... ([email protected]). Thank you.

Scroll down for news updates

Blue laws (national Sunday laws) are already on the law books across America and around the world, they just need to be ENFORCED. And as we know from Revelation 13, it is America (the earth beast) that causes the world to worship the sea beast (bow to the "authority" of the Vatican) and to take her mark.

Daniel 6:5 ...'Then said these men, we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of His God.'

"In the fourth and fifth centuries, Sunday shows and Sunday theaters, it was complained, hindered the "devotion of the faithful," because many of the members attended them in preference to the church services. The church, therefore, demanded that the state interfere, and promote Sunday observance by law. "In this way," Says Neander "the church received help from the state for the furtherence of her ends." This union of church and state served to establish the Papacy in power. A similar course pursued now will produce the same results." (AUGUSTUS NEANDER, General History of the Christian Religion and the Church, Torey translation (3rd American ed.), vol. 2, pp. 300,301)
Sunday Law News Update for 2014 - 2015

SUNDAY LAW News Update


Bill put forward again to Propose making Sunday a day of rest in Israel (September 2015)
"Jewish Home party MK Yinon Magal has tabled a bill that would make Sunday an official day off in Israel, in a move that is likely to reignite debate over the somewhat controversial topic."

We can see how far reaching the Papacy's plans are with regards to the Sunday law, now that lawmakers in Israel are even trying to push for Sunday rest. There might be some opposition to it now. But Satan will find a way to quiet that opposition. The Sunday law is coming friends!

News Article: Link


Italian Bishop urges CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles to shut down on Sundays (August 2015)
"An Italian bishop has written an open letter to the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles calling for the closing of its plant in Melfi from 10:00 PM on Saturdays to 10:00 PM on Sundays."

News Article: Link


Pope Francis pushing the 'importance of Sunday rest' and speaks against being a 'slave to work' (August 2015)
"A day of rest and prayer each week are sacred Pope Francis has said in his weekly meeting at the Vatican noting that Sunday is a day the family can enjoy one another and not be slaves to work ... Moments of rest, especially on Sunday, are sacred because in them we find God, said the Pope, noting that the Sunday Eucharist brings to celebrations Jesus' grace."

And so the push for Sunday observance continues. You will notice that some countries like the UK are trying to push for EXTENDED working hours on Sundays. If this happens, and it is a big IF. Don't be surprised to see Satan causing worse things to happen in these countries to make it appear as if working on Sundays is the cause of the trouble. Then the pope will be able to say 'I told you so', and persuade the governments to enforce a Sunday law ... 'for the better of families and society'.

News Article: Link


Churches, Trade Unions and Retailers unite to OPPOSE extending Sunday trading laws (August 2015)
"Overhauling Sunday trading laws will damage the 'fabric of our society' and threaten family life for no economic gain, churches, trade unions and retailers insist today. The Church of England has joined forces with Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw) and small businesses in a combined attack on ministers' plans to overhaul Sunday trading laws."

Notice how the trade unions unite with the churches concerning the issue of Sunday rest. Remember Ellen White spoke of how the 'labor unions' would be used in bringing about the time of trouble (Sunday law)? It's coming friends.

News Article: Link


Trade Union seeking to end work on Sunday in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (July 2015)
"The new board of the Federation of Workers in Commerce and Mato Grosso do Sul Services - Fetracom / MS, which represents more than 100,000 workers in the state, sworn in on Friday, is proposing to end the work in the trade Sundays in MS."

News Article: Link


A Secular Sabbath rest now being Pushed! (May 2015)
"You need & deserve a secular sabbath - Perhaps it's no surprise that more and more people, whatever their religion, or lack of religion - are turning to the ancient idea of the Sabbath. Even God, after all, rested on the seventh day ... In Silicon Valley, more and more techies observe what they call an 'Internet Sabbath,'' going completely off-line every week from Friday evening to Monday morning."

Do you see how widespread this is becoming friend? Do you think it will be a problem to convince unbelievers to take a day off once a week (Sunday)? I don't think it will, as more and more people are embracing 'some kind' of sabbath rest.

Article: Link
This isn't even the tip of the iceberg but as you can see this is a world wide move to have International Law oversee and force Sunday Law on every man, woman and child on earth.

Cyprus Government approves law to restrict Sunday shopping (May 2015)
"The House of Representatives has approved, by majority vote, legislation restricting opening hours for shops on Sundays. The changes, which have been blasted by pro-business groups, means that shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets will be forbidden from opening on Sundays."

News: Link

UPDATE ON CYPRUS: Sunday shopping ban to be deffered until November due to public outcry. Link


Catholic Bishops in Uraguay push for 'Workers Rights' .... meaning Sunday Rest! (April 2015)
[TRANSLATED] "Protect workers' rights, men and women: this is the call made by the Bishops of Uruguay, in a note, in view of the International Labour Day ... Sunday, day of rest to be dedicated to God and family ... This accelerated time and agitated, that often get room for meeting and deteriorates the quality of our relationships with others, with us, with the creation and with God, emphasising the importance of Sunday rest as time of praise to the creator, family time, encounter and quiet, stress the prelates in the note."

Article: Link


Lord's Day Alliance USA says: Sunday is a 'MARK' of Christian Unity (April 2015)
"By definition, each and every Sunday is a call to Christian unity since it is on this day that we are called to communion with the Lord, by the Lord ... In order to fully appreciate Sunday as a mark of Christian unity we must expand our definition of unity."

What is the one thing that Rome can unite all professed Christians under? SUNDAY! The Sunday law is coming friends.

Article: Link


Protest march Organized by Business and Trade Unions on the Streets of Athens, against Sunday trade (April 2015)
"Protesters gathered at Ermou Street and marched through the streets of Athens passing in front of open shops to condemn Sunday trade ... [TRANSLATED] - With concentration and massive March through the streets of Athens Sunday afternoon completed the demonstration organized by sectoral and business clubs in trade and services, associations of Self-employed and Grassroots Committees of the municipality of Athens, in the framework of the nationwide strike in the Trade, with the demand for enshrining the holiday on Sunday."

News Article: Link and Here


Chile enacts law to ensure Sunday rest for Commerce Workers (April 2015)
[TRANSLATED] "The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet promulgated the law governing working hours of workers trade initiative that establishes Sunday rest, in addition to the two monthly employees have this item seven Sundays a year ... He also said that the new legislation is the result of joint and coordinated between representatives of workers and employers in commerce and supermarkets and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, in order to develop proposals that go in improving the system of work and Sunday rest, as well as productivity and organization of the working day of the sector."

News Article: Link


US Senator asks for a Bill to Mandate SUNDAY Church Attendance! (March 2015)
"Senator Sylvia Allen, while discussing a gun bill, proposed the idea of mandating church attendance on Sundays to 'bring back the soul of the country'."

You will notice in the video that the senator says you can choose your own religion/church, but the church attendance needs to be on Sunday. So could Rome's ploy with regards to the first stage of the Sunday law be to say to true sabbath keepers .... you can keep your sabbath, but you need to go to church on Sunday ... in a bid to deceive and lull sabbath keepers into taking the mark? We know there are already some Seventh-day Adventist churches holding Sunday services now. Please stay alert and stay true to your God!


.Sunday Law News Update for 2014 - 2015
When I was a kid almost everything was closed on Sunday.

We dealt with it. You made sure the tank was full Friday, and grocery shopped on Saturday.

It wasn't a problem.

There is no need for a law.

When the Iranians get enough nukes they're going to vaporize the liberals for us.

Then the world can go back to normal.

Jesus was a jewish rabbi and considered the sabbath day to be Saturday.

It wasn't until after Jesus's death that the Christian's switched the day of worship to Sunday. .... :cool:

Sunni, I am against a Sunday Law being enforced on the American people. Jesus never taught that anyone should be forced to observe Sunday. Jesus never told anyone they were forbidden from work on Sunday, that they should be heavily fined for having a business open on Sunday, that they should be forced to obey no shopping laws on Sunday - this is all legalism and outrageous religious control being wielded over the people! There are no biblical teachings that force Christians to attend church on Sunday much less non Christians! Why would they make a law forcing atheists to attend a church? What church? Will the Government be making the decision about what church you'll have to attend on Sunday to obey their Sunday law? The entire idea is against the very freedom Americans have been given according to our Declaration of Independence. Do you want a law to be passed to force you to observe Sunday law, Sunni man? Yes or no?
When I was a kid almost everything was closed on Sunday.

We dealt with it. You made sure the tank was full Friday, and grocery shopped on Saturday.

It wasn't a problem.

There is no need for a law.

When the Iranians get enough nukes they're going to vaporize the liberals for us.

Then the world can go back to normal.

They want to make it a law so that nothing is open and no one can buy or sell, Pete. I asked my husband about this and he said it is part of the NWO agenda. He said, If society goes cashless? The NWO can fine your account directly and take the money if you don't obey Sunday Law. It can also shut down the internet so no one communicates on Sunday. It can also shut down your account so that you cannot spend money on Sunday. It is a very intricate plan designed to slowly strip the people of their freedoms. It comes across as such a holy, noble reason but there is nothing holy or noble about it. It's all about control and control is the very basis of Witchcraft and the Occult. All the new vehicles are now outfitted with a device that can track the car and shut it down so it won't start. They could implement that as part of "Sunday Law" too if they wanted to.
If someone wants to rest on Sunday? I support their right to do so. If they want to work on Sunday? I support their right to do so. If they want to go to church on Sunday? I support their right to do so. If they do not want to go to church on Sunday? I support their right not to go. I support Free Choice. It is quite clear - the Vatican does not and they are trying to backdoor this law through International Law. This Pope has the spirit of Herod (who sent his men to hunt down and murder all the babies under age 2 in order to murder Jesus). Mark my words. He is an anti-Christ and he is serious trouble for the Christians worldwide. We are headed into perilous times. Brace yourselves.
Cyprus parliament restricts Sunday shopping

Cyprus parliament restricts Sunday shopping

The move has been described as a backward step by supporters of Sunday shopping and could lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs in the retail sector.

Friday, 08 May, 2015

The House of Representatives has approved, by majority vote, legislation restricting opening hours for shops on Sundays.

The changes, which have been blasted by pro-business groups, means that shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets will be forbidden from opening on Sundays.

The move has been described as a backward step by supporters of Sunday shopping and could lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs in the retail sector.

The ban on Sunday opening will not apply to shops during the summer in tourists resorts such as Ayia Napa, Protaras, Polis Chrysochous, Latsi and Coral Bay near Paphos.

Labour Minister Zeta Emilianidou said the government has asked Attorney General Costas Clerides to review the bill passed, adding that this is problematic legally and in practice.

Shops have been allowed to open on Sundays for the past two years in an effort to boost income for businesses, enhance tourism and create more jobs in the retail business.
— (FG/Agencies)
It's happening in Israel too!

New Bill to Make Sunday a Day Off in Israel

New Bill to Make Sunday a Day Off in Israel
Jewish Home MK Yinon Magal suggests making up lost man-hours throughout the week, says extended weekend grants religious equality.
By Ido Ben-Porat

First Publish: 9/9/2015, 12:13 PM

Created by Wibbitz

Jewish Home party MK Yinon Magal has tabled a bill that would make Sunday an official day off in Israel, in a move that is likely to reignite debate over the somewhat controversial topic.

This is not the first time it has been suggested to extend the weekend to Sunday, with previous attempts being shot down by opponents who contend adding to the weekend would seriously harm the Israeli economy.

Currently, weekends in the Jewish state are from Friday-Saturday, the latter of which is the Jewish Sabbath. But while having Fridays off enables religiously-observant Jewish families to adequately prepare for Shabbat, it also means there is no "day off" as there is in other countries, since Shabbat-observant Jews are prohibited from performing many activities such as driving or otherwise traveling long distances, and spend Fridays preparing for Shabbat as opposed to spending time with their families.

Some have also argued that making Sunday a day off would boost the domestic tourism and leisure sector, with Shabbat-observant families freer to enjoy attractions throughout the country. Others have suggested it could even boost Shabbat observance among "traditional" Israelis, who would in theory observe the holy day if they had more time to engage in leisure activities on Sunday.

In a statement, Magal - who is a non-observant Jew - emphasized both the social and economic benefits of his bill, further noting it would provide "equality" between observant and non-observant Jews.

Addressing the question of how the lost working hours to the Israeli economy would be made up - given that observant Jews cannot practically work more than half a day on Fridays - Magal's bill suggests half a days'-worth of hours be made up by extending working hours Monday-Thursday, with the remaining made up by a half-day on Fridays.

"In a state which sanctifies the Sabbath and limits public transportation and sporting events, it is important to advance a day-off on which no citizen feels that their freedom is limited," Magal said.

Jewish Home Anglo Forum Chairman Jeremy Saltan praised the proposed bill.

"Many of us olim miss our Sundays off," he said. "I want to thank Yinon for moving forward with this important issue. I think there is a real chance this time to get it done."
If people want to take a Sunday off why can't it be voluntary? Why do they have to pass the Sunday law in Israel? I'll tell you why. The Sunday law is designed to be an "International Law" - world wide. The American people had better wake up!
Same here, everything was closed on Sunday. They came up with Sat afternoon Mass in case one needed to work. Hey some Jews don't even flip a light switch on their Sabbath or cook. It will never happen and should not.

The Government should not tell people what to do on any day of the week.

Also he mainly said Sun is special for RC and everyone should take a family day, see he is big on the family.
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Same here, everything was closed on Sunday. They came up with Sat afternoon Mass incase one needed to work. Hey some Jews don't even flip a light switch on their Sabbath cook. It will never happen and should not.

The Government should not tell people what to do on any day of the week.

Also he mainly said Sun is special for RC and everyone should take a family day, see he is big on the family.
I agree with you, Penelope, that the government should not tell anyone what they should do on any day of the week. I could not have said it better. You nailed it with that statement. Thank you.
Alright now let's connect the dots here and see what comes up! In this video we see that Pope Francis is using this word "Protect" repeatedly. He must "protect this" and he must "protect that" he must protect Jesus Christ. Who knew? My Bible says Jesus Christ is God! Not Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis! J

Jorge Bergoglio needs to protect God Almighty?


Think about that claim for a minute or two....... Then he talks about Jesus's Mother must be protected! Isn't she in heaven? How much more protection can one get? So with that the video and take note of the word he (Jorge aka Francis) uses again and again............protect!

Now watch this commercial from the Vatican pushing Sunday Law and note how many times they use the word Protect!!! According to Pope Francis Sunday now has to be protected by enacting Sunday Law! Oh! Wake up America! Wake up for heaven's sake!

Coincidence? THINK AGAIN!
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Anchor Sunday as the Weekly day of rest Common in the European Union (March 2015)
"The ongoing public consultation of the European Commission on the Working Time Directive take alliances and initiatives for the free Sunday throughout Europe ... We are all called to commit ourselves as part of the revision of the Working Time Directive for Sunday as the weekly day of rest common in the EU ... The work-free Sunday as a common day of rest is essential manifestation of the European social model and should therefore also be anchored in the Working Time Directive, says Bishop Ludwig Schwarz."

News Article: Link


EU Catholic Bishops meet with EU Commission President and Vice-President to Discuss 'Work Programme' (March 2015)
"During their Spring Plenary Assembly from 18 to 20 March 2015 in Brussels, the bishops of COMECE had the opportunity to meet with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and his First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, and to discuss the work programme of the Commission for the coming years ... this meeting between EU Catholic Bishops and President Juncker and Vice-President Timmermans was a clear signal of a strong interest of the EU Commission to pursue the dialogue with Churches ... the Bishops also met with two high level civil servants of the Commission."

News Article: Link


Declaration Signed in Poland by Catholics, Orthodox and Evangelicals to Protect Sunday (January 2015)
"A significant part of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Churches was a joint appeal for respect for Sunday. Signed up to the present in Poland Churches of all traditions: Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic. Church leaders remind workers and employers that the free Sunday is essential to deepen their faith, family life and human health. Authorities representing the right to call so its protection, noting that forcing believers to work on Sunday violates the right to freedom of religion."

News Article: Link and Here


UNIONS UNITE to prevent opening of Shops in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil on Sundays (December 2014)
"On the afternoon of 16 December, the trade union movement CUT of every state, representatives of the National Confederation of Workers in Commerce and Services - CONTRACS and the Federation of Workers in Commerce and Services of Santa Catarina - FECESC, marched through the city and talked with the population and the commerce asking everyone to press the 11 city councilors, to vote contrary to Bill 174 proposes that free time to the local shops."

We knew that Ellen White would be right when she said the trade unions would be a force in pushing the Sunday law. But it's nice also to see it confirmed. The trade unions are uniting all over the world in support of the Sunday law.

News Article: Link


Hungarian Government passes the Sunday Closure bill, Initiated by CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS (December 2014)
"On Tuesday, representatives in Hungary passed a controversial Sunday shopping ban affecting large-sized retailers, initiated by Christian Democrats KDNP, the junior partner in the governing coalition and later endorsed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban."

News Article: Link


Government enforces Sunday rest law for Businesses in Santa Fe, Argentina (December 2014)
"On Tuesday santafe government enacted the law that restores the mandatory Sunday rest for clerks. You must have the support of municipal councils ... In article 1 states that 'commercial and / or services in the province of Santa Fe establishments must remain closed on Sundays.'"

News Article: Link


Archbishop of Milan Pushes Sunday law with TRADE UNIONS in Italy (December 2014)
"The archbishop of Milan visiting traders Union launches into an impassioned defense of Sunday at home for the workers. 'The rest is a crucial element for our existence'."

News Article: Link
Sunday Law News Update for 2014 - 2015

The Sunday Law is a crucial element for our existence? Who knew? The Vatican apparently. Wow.

Notice how they refer to it as a "free Sunday"? If it is free? Why are they trying to impose a law forcing everyone to obey the Vatican's Sunday Law? What is so free about a law that forces you to do something one day a week?
German unions and churches win Sunday shopping fight to tighten rules (December 2014)
"While neighbouring France rolled out plans this week to loosen restrictions on Sunday work hours, Germany is tightening rules on the few businesses that had been allowed to open. The country's ban on stores trading on Sundays, which stretches back to 1919, was enshrined in the West German constitution after World War 2. Unions and churches oppose any effort to relax regulations ... Last month, Germany's top court ordered the state of Hesse to stop letting libraries, video stores and lottery sellers operate on Sundays."

News Article: Link


Hungary Christian Democrats submit bill on mandatory Sunday rest day (November 2014)
"Hungarian lawmakers to vote on Sunday shopping ban as gov't backs bill ... If the bill submitted by the ruling Fidesz party's minor ally is passed by Hungarian lawmakers, the general rule for businesses from 15 March 2015 will be the following:
- opening hours on working days are from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.
- on Sundays and holidays businesses must be closed
- stores may be open on five Sundays a year between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M.
- stores may be open between 6 A.M. and noon on 24 December and on 31 December

News Article: Link


Israel Stock Exchange Plan to Close on Sunday and work on Friday (September 2014)
"The Monday through Friday work week is coming to Israel - at least at the stock market. In the coming days, the management of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange will present a plan to members that would have the exchange close on Sunday, and the current Friday day off would become a regular work day ... The directors of the TASE support the plan, and reports in the media quote stock exchange officials as saying that the idea has strong support among members."

Not in Israel surely? Yes, in Israel too!

News Article: Link


'The Lord's Day Alliance' in America is Pushing for People to Lobby for a Sunday Rest Law (September 2014)
"Second, we can lobby for and practice in our lives and even corporate life the maintenance of a Lord’s Day asking, what would Jesus do on this day? As the LDA finds its voice in a society that is hungry for its message it can best do this in alliance with others ... Such could lead to work with the United Nations Advisory Committee on Environmental Sabbath/World Day of Rest. And, there are almost endless possibilities of engagement with the Labor Sabbath movement and Marketplace Ministries ... In other words, if we look around we might find many who would rally to an alliance of the Lord’s Day and its integration of spirituality with social justice, as we find our voice and our place in challenging times."

With all the troubles in the world now, and with the world looking to Pope Francis for a 'solution', we could soon see the Sunday issue being pushed in the spotlight a lot more as a 'solution' to the world's woes.

Article: Link


What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers Unionize (September 2014)
"On March 27 of this year, Pope Francis and President Barack Obama met to discuss, among other topics, their shared concern about the moral and economic crisis of growing income inequality ... And more recently, Pope Francis called on the faithful to fight for social benefits, a dignified retirement, holidays, rest and freedom for trade unions. All of these issues create social justice ... I hope the president will now go further and allow these federal contract workers the freedom to form a union and bargain collectively with their employers."

Remember the link that Ellen White made between trade unions and the time of trouble (Sunday law)? Friends, prophecy is being fulfilled to the letter. The Roman Catholic Church is rising to power again, especially with pope Francis, the Jesuit! It's time to BE READY. Give your all each day to Christ Jesus.

News Article: Link


Ikea France convicted for Violation of the Sunday Rest Law (July 2014)
"A court has convicted Ikea's French branch for violations of the Sunday rest. It has been fined 120,000 euro in damages which it has to pay 8 employees, but the cost could surge to 30 million euro ... Eight employees, from its Paris Nord 2 store, finally took the company to court and got FO's support, a socialist labour union. The judge has now agreed with the plaintiffs and awarded them 3,500 to 34,000 euro each, depending on the number of Sundays they had to work."

News: Link


Pope Francis says No-Work Sundays are Good for all People, not just Christians (July 2014)
"Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships."

You will see this argument all the time now. God is pushed in the background and the focus is becoming all about SOCIETY. It's difficult I suppose to push the obedience angle, because keeping Sunday isn't being obedient anyway. But more and more we are seeing this great push for families and society from a humanistic approach.

News: Link

.Sunday Law News Update for 2014 - 2015
Ikea France convicted for illegal Sunday openings - RetailDetail EU
In Europe it is called the Sunday Rest law and the fines for violating it are real.

Ikea France convicted for illegal Sunday openings

A court has convicted Ikea's French branch for violations of the Sunday rest. It has been fined 120,000 euro in damages which it has to pay 8 employees, but the cost could surge to 30 million euro.

Sunday openings were illegal until 2008
Montmorency's labour court has convicted Ikea France to 120,000 euro in damages destined for 8 employees as the company did not follow the Sunday rest laws. It has only been since 2008 that France has had a rule that allows furniture stores to open on Sunday, but Ikea had been doing it since 2003.

Eight employees, from its Paris Nord 2 store, finally took the company to court and got FO's support, a socialist labour union. The judge has now agreed with the plaintiffs and awarded them 3,500 to 34,000 euro each, "depending on the number of Sundays they had to work".

"Ikea has breached the Sunday rest law up until 2007. Depending on the number of employees involved, the court's decision could cost the Swedish chain more than 30 million euro", the labour union stated in a press release. According to the organization, even more people have now taken Ikea to court with "rulings to be expected in the upcoming weeks".

Only "on a voluntary basis"
Ikea has always said the "Sunday work was only on a voluntary basis" and that there was an internal agreement about Sunday openings. "Ikea employees who voluntarily worked on Sunday, were paid an additional 125 % for each hour, even more than the 100 % that the labour laws prescribe."

The Sunday rest laws became a hot topic in France at the end of 2013, beginning of 2014 when French DIY stores complained that they were not allowed to open on Sunday, while furniture stores and garden centers were. Eventually, a transitional measure allowed Sunday openings while all-encompassing legislation will come into effect on 1 July 2015.
Ikea had to pay 120,000 euro to eight employees ( guess that is making this law more attractive to the masses who have no idea what it is about) could be 30 million euro fine in the future? How much is 30 million euro? Does anyone here know?
I'd like to see the text of the bill you claim was being discussed in the senate appropriations committee - or at least the name of the senator?
Ikea had to pay 120,000 euro to eight employees ( guess that is making this law more attractive to the masses who have no idea what it is about) could be 30 million euro fine in the future? How much is 30 million euro? Does anyone here know?

I used to follow the exchange rate----but its more than 30 million dollars (I followed it
because I have in my possession a 10 euro note I AM RICH!!!!! -----it was a bit over a dollar for a euro-----or something like that. I grew up with "blue laws"------
some things could not be sold on sundays and some things could. Some department stores blocked of PARTS of the store on Sunday-----but it was all a
protestant thing-----had nothing to do with the POPE-------no alcohol on sunday

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