Sunday Sermon Last of the Series Secreting The Groom Muslim Similarities


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Hebrew G0d referred as Elah in Ezra 5:11
is transliterated as Allah in the Muslim faith.
El means God in Judaism, which explains the creator as a formless Power & Source of Life.
The Semitic language Arabic "ILAH"=God & is the base of the name which became Allah, also refering to the Source of Life which they similarly call it Reality
in the Koran 31:30.
So Both faiths See EL or AL (by Different cultural vowels) for the
same source power of Life which is a reality way of explaining The Creator who's neither man nor form (i.e. an Essence).
Similar Abrahamic prohibitions of Idol worship:
Quran [3:64]
Say, "O followers of the scripture, let us come to a
logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not
worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols
besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside

GOD." If they turn away, say, "Bear witness that we are submitters."
Note it doesn’t say to hate, misstreat, or kill them as in the story of Abraham God told Abraham to have patience as he had with the old man who carried and worshiped his idol and so Abraham still gave the man a warm place to stay and treated the man as a friendeven with the old man’s naive persistsance to carry that idol.

The Moon in the Talmudic tradition represents the Messiah as does the Evening Star (eight ray star) represent the Moshiach as the Arch Malakh
the Night that removes the Day (fallen morning star) says Judaic tradition which is how the city of Shalem becomes known as the city of Shalom.
Similar we find: Koran: Sura:36:37. “And a sign for them is the “Night”(Archangel Michael), which will strip the “Day” (Sun God Baal /Satan or Morning Star known as Lucifer)”.
In the Muslim faith they represent the faith with the crescent Moon which symbol originally had that Eight Ray Evening Star.
In the Islamic Faith the Laylat al-Qadr (the Night Of Power) is what the holy holiday of Rammadan is all about.
Jerusalem (named after The Evening Star) is Known as the Al-Isra' (NIGHT Journey) & Ascension.
"al-Mahdi (Messiah) is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a NIGHT."
(Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269)
We all know the crescent moon and Star as the NIGHT , is the symbol for Islam and Rammadan.

Father Abraham (Ibrahim)was a Jew and father of the three great Religions.
Abraham was shown through the righteous Melchizedek his most finite source and power of life called Shalem.
Shalem meaning completeness and wholeness.
So the Holy city was named after the God of Abraham representing that Essence we call the Power of life. YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,
24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to
YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

BIBLE:Micah [3] “He will stand up and lead with the strength of HASHEM (i.e.the Name but there's more to this word I can't go into), with the majesty of the Name of HASHEM his G-d. They will settle [in peace], for at that time he will be great to the ends of the earth.” (The only one carrying the name of his God Hashem is Archangel Michael who is “at the throne of God.”)
Interestingly the Muslims also believe this; (Tirmidhi) That Imam Mahdi would have the name of their God in him, & Al-Lail or Laila(NIGHT) is the bases and representative of Allah.

In Conclusion: The groom in native American Lore, Celtic lore, Hinduism, Muslim faith, Judaism, Some Christian sects (but actually all Christians if they read their NT PROPERLY) are all one in the same Evening Star=Arch Malakh Michael.
That's why the tradition says the MIKdash is in the name of Moshiach and that it's for all people, serves all cultures.
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Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were hebews from Eber. Not Jews or Israelites. They were night worshippers, star and moon. Then Moses introduced them into sun worship. But they went back to night worship. Us Christians worship the light, the giver of life, the glory of God.
Thank you for admiting you worship Lucifer.
Jews derived from Hebrews some say from Judah,
the 4th son of Jacob.
Abraham is the one who said the sun moon stars wind etc were not gods. Symbolism and borrowed words (now with definitions/new meaning and usage) which where once deities of other cultures does not make them litersl and worshiped especially when the whole premise of beliefs are based in not anthropromorphizing such words. Your confusion admits that you go against said rules and warnings and thus become confused when you break that guidance. In other words you validate the faiths while proving your defiancrs as flawed through ignorance=spiritual darkness.
Thank you for admiting you worship Lucifer.
Jews derived from Hebrews some say from Judah,
the 4th son of Jacob.
Abraham is the one who said the sun moon stars wind etc were not gods. Symbolism and borrowed words (now with definitions/new meaning and usage) which where once deities of other cultures does not make them litersl and worshiped especially when the whole premise of beliefs are based in not anthropromorphizing such words. Your confusion admits that you go against said rules and warnings and thus become confused when you break that guidance. In other words you validate the faiths while proving your defiancrs as flawed through ignorance=spiritual darkness.

We worship the light. Abraham also was going to perform child worship and heard voices, and no, he was an astrologer, wanderers in those days worshipped the dark, stars. Lets not mince words we all worship the creator, can you imagine the night sky and how imp. it was for travel if one was a wanderer or nomad? Also can you understand the importance of the Sun if one was into agriculture? The sun, moon and stars are not inanimate objects, they move. We all worship the creator, just in different ways, and none of us know anymore than that, so we all worship the glory of it all and the unknown power of how and what is responsible for it all. But if the sun does not rise we are all dead (in our sin).
Thank you for admiting you worship Lucifer.
Jews derived from Hebrews some say from Judah,
the 4th son of Jacob.
Abraham is the one who said the sun moon stars wind etc were not gods. Symbolism and borrowed words (now with definitions/new meaning and usage) which where once deities of other cultures does not make them litersl and worshiped especially when the whole premise of beliefs are based in not anthropromorphizing such words. Your confusion admits that you go against said rules and warnings and thus become confused when you break that guidance. In other words you validate the faiths while proving your defiancrs as flawed through ignorance=spiritual darkness.

We worship the light. Abraham also was going to perform child worship and heard voices, and no, he was an astrologer, wanderers in those days worshipped the dark, stars. Lets not mince words we all worship the creator, can you imagine the night sky and how imp. it was for travel if one was a wanderer or nomad? Also can you understand the importance of the Sun if one was into agriculture? The sun, moon and stars are not inanimate objects, they move. We all worship the creator, just in different ways, and none of us know anymore than that, so we all worship the glory of it all and the unknown power of how and what is responsible for it all. But if the sun does not rise we are all dead (in our sin).
Penelope croaks out we worship the light of the sun proving she is into abomination of luceferian worship as per ezekiel 8 where the temple priests were doing such a terrible sin as that further not knowing that light in hebrew understand just means truth and knowledge which she obviously has none because she is too busy croaking out her lies being cloaked in sun/ son worsh of her luceferian idol jesus
Yeah her whole religion is based on all the things she keeps denouncing, then turns around and tells us she's spot on in the middle of those same mythologies she loves to hate. I think she's pulling our leg, her propaganda is out of the pages of radicalism.
If she's not an terrorist then she is a Neo Nazis which explains the lack of accurate info.

Even if she denounced Christianity and just claimed herself a HaNotzrim she still woyld be subject of their Luciferous beliefs as the Cult believed their god was that mystical ray of Light (Penelope talks about) between the sun and earth. She'd still be A Luciferian.
Thank you for admiting you worship Lucifer.
Jews derived from Hebrews some say from Judah,
the 4th son of Jacob.
Abraham is the one who said the sun moon stars wind etc were not gods. Symbolism and borrowed words (now with definitions/new meaning and usage) which where once deities of other cultures does not make them litersl and worshiped especially when the whole premise of beliefs are based in not anthropromorphizing such words. Your confusion admits that you go against said rules and warnings and thus become confused when you break that guidance. In other words you validate the faiths while proving your defiancrs as flawed through ignorance=spiritual darkness.

We worship the light. Abraham also was going to perform child worship and heard voices, and no, he was an astrologer, wanderers in those days worshipped the dark, stars. Lets not mince words we all worship the creator, can you imagine the night sky and how imp. it was for travel if one was a wanderer or nomad? Also can you understand the importance of the Sun if one was into agriculture? The sun, moon and stars are not inanimate objects, they move. We all worship the creator, just in different ways, and none of us know anymore than that, so we all worship the glory of it all and the unknown power of how and what is responsible for it all. But if the sun does not rise we are all dead (in our sin).

got that everyone??? all of the various people of the world who travel around worship the moon------according to penelope
Yeah her whole religion is based on all the things she keeps denouncing, then turns around and tells us she's spot on in the middle of those same mythologies she loves to hate. I think she's pulling our leg, her propaganda is out of the pages of radicalism.
If she's not an terrorist then she is a Neo Nazis which explains the lack of accurate info.

Even if she denounced Christianity and just claimed herself a HaNotzrim she still woyld be subject of their Luciferous beliefs as the Cult believed their god was that mystical ray of Light (Penelope talks about) between the sun and earth. She'd still be A Luciferian.

Call me what you want, I love that the sun rises everyday, thank God he made his sun. I also love the moon and the stars, some people follow the zodiac but I not into it. 12 zodiac signs. I am a sun sign, Leo, August.
Yeah her whole religion is based on all the things she keeps denouncing, then turns around and tells us she's spot on in the middle of those same mythologies she loves to hate. I think she's pulling our leg, her propaganda is out of the pages of radicalism.
If she's not an terrorist then she is a Neo Nazis which explains the lack of accurate info.

Even if she denounced Christianity and just claimed herself a HaNotzrim she still woyld be subject of their Luciferous beliefs as the Cult believed their god was that mystical ray of Light (Penelope talks about) between the sun and earth. She'd still be A Luciferian.

Penelope's religion is "jew hate". She is not alone----the creed
has a HUGE body of literature----but most of the current stuff is
approximate recaps of the writings of Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Syria and Egypt. The Luciferian aspect of her "faith" derives from her tickly misreading of some mystical writings and a slavish admiration for Adolf's very superficial
and childishly vacuous fascination with zoroastrianism
And on the tip of those pyramids covering the capstone, protecting from the decay of the sun they used what?
They used Micah.
Now you know why they symbolised on the dollar the
not yet (Shalem)complete and whole pyramid
just as the colonies were not yet complete and whole. The capstone is radiating as Micah reflects to protect. Inside the Capstone is the Eye of the watcher eye of the Father in Heaven. So even our founding fathers had the same message all these cultures shared.
Even Penelope carries this symbolism around, unless she's not from this country?
Yeah her whole religion is based on all the things she keeps denouncing, then turns around and tells us she's spot on in the middle of those same mythologies she loves to hate. I think she's pulling our leg, her propaganda is out of the pages of radicalism.
If she's not an terrorist then she is a Neo Nazis which explains the lack of accurate info.
And on the tip of those pyramids covering the capstone, protecting from the decay of the sun they used what?
They used Micah.
Now you know why they symbolised on the dollar the
not yet (Shalem)complete and whole pyramid
just as the colonies were not yet complete and whole. The capstone is radiating as Micah reflects to protect. Inside the Capstone is the Eye of the watcher eye of the Father in Heaven. So even our founding fathers had the same message all these cultures shared.
Even Penelope carries this symbolism around, unless she's not from this country?

Even if she denounced Christianity and just claimed herself a HaNotzrim she still woyld be subject of their Luciferous beliefs as the Cult believed their god was that mystical ray of Light (Penelope talks about) between the sun and earth. She'd still be A Luciferian.

It's a bunch of stuff left over from BAAL worship--------eagerly engulfed by the
MASONs. Interestingly----BAAL worship did develope in the LEVANT-----

My impression is that Judaism is a specific repudiation of the cultures of both Mesopotamia --Babylon -----and Canaan.
It is not only different-----it sets up specific ways to AVOID the religions of canaan and Babylon. Somehow Europe got
stuck with the symbolism of both----was that via Christianity?
True, but I already had the discussion with Penelope showing how they used the common recognized terms and names of former cultures, but used them differently by definitions not figures and forms (deities).
Ba'al in Hebrew means Lord but not to be confused with Baal the harvest god deity.
Ra in Hebrew means Father in Heaven andcis the reason why they use the Eye of Ra symbol to mean Father in Heaven. This use of word is of a role and definition not to be confused with the Egyptian deity Ra.
They simply used the familiar and reused reinvented it's usage just as everything in this world progresses and evolves.
I MADE IT CLEAR, Shalem is a word meaning completeness and wholeness, the city was named after the Canaan deity because it was the culture that founded the city before the Hebrews, but was now used by the Hebrews for description of the Essence of life and the secret of reaching that completeness and wholeness (which is what my OP & series revealed in all cultures).
So once again a word with definition not to be confused with the deity as that term was now given to the Evening Star- which reason will make sense and make a fool of Penelope when it's revealed and will add the Canaanites to the list of those having the same vision.

To answer your question at the end: perhaps because Canaan had both the Morning Star and Evening Star vision and the Hebrews coming out of that culture were being shown one from the other but recognized both in the story of the 2 messiahs and important to the process. Seen also in the 2 cherubs (guardians) on the
Ark of the Covenant.
Like one giant good cop bad cop process to help us understand the difference between good path or wrong path so we understand direction and purpose.
And now the final revelation: involving your question.
Here Rome thought it was swallowing up Judaism and it's liberator by stealing and impostering it's authority.
By using a Jewish figure and part of it's religious values and teachings it thought to mask Baal so Jews would be drawn in and Rome could be authority to this converged world religion. However by doing this the Gentile world, pagans and idolizers became half way into the fold, half way to Torah mixing ideology which was good with their archaic age ideas that were bad and evil hence the Genesis warning to the Hebrews not to be partaking of such mixture and warning that the second bride will partake of the false groom leading man to as well.
This Roman scheme however backfires in the end and is the reason why God allows the fallen one to exist as part of the process to bring the 2 sticks into one under the 2nd and rightful Messiah ben David.
THUS why the Bible talks of the 2 messiahs Ben Joseph falls and fails, then Ben David as the Triumphant warrior over turns the Fallen morning star.
2 sticks come into one, the Gentile grabs hold of the garment of a Jew and asks us about our (Essence) God.
Rome is defeated by the Shiloh, Baal worship defeated, the process Rome used eventually caused the opposite action (counter action) then it intended.
Just as when missionaries lie to seek to convert Jews they end up causing more Christians to convert to Judaism instead (counter their intent).
I did discuss this nature in life using theorems as to why this occurs and we see it even in these forums where evil intents and acts end up causing opposite results.
Once the world realizes this essence in life and sees examples of it, they might lose their drive to do such acts especially if we have the ability to bring such justice through our own intervention.
Justices that would make their acts useless and pointless.
Build the Temple and you will find out exactly what those strategies are.
You just made my former post to Hamlet come alive.
It's about how people expect paradise to just always have existed without working to create it, an analogy I created on the fly about building a house. Since it's very fitting
I will repost it here:
Hamlet, I think an analogy might be best to describe this.
Reflection and manifestation of that Essence is how we honor Creator/Creation. So we reflect that nature to be complete and whole=/evolve/progress to what we could and should be. So the analogy I'm gonna use is people standing around a cleared lot new home site.
The home owners waiting for construction guys to come start the home, the construction guys sitting at home waiting for the phone call from their boss to be instructed on which site and structure design plans to build, the blueprint designer waiting for the owners to submit size and structure and design ideas, the bank waiting on final pricing and first inspection.
So the owner sits and waits and nothing gets done, nobody us doing any work, nobody is keading instructions, everybody assumes it will get done like nagically that house will be built this way everyone waiting on someone else to do what their responsible for doing... guess what people, that house never gets built.
It doesn't just plop down from the sky, and it's not been existing for all times....
EVERYTHING HAS A PROCESS, A STARTING POINT, IF YOU EXPECT IT TO JUST BE THERE WITHOUT WORKING TO OBTAIN IT THEN YOU ARE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKWNING.......pssst people we are in that rude awakening, the one where humanity realizes it messed up and created hell instead of what could & should be paradise.
I don't ask much from the "WORLD TO COME"------just a nice warm cloud----floating
in the sky-----with my loved ones in my arms----and now and then the cloud floats near a banana tree. It's all there----it has been made -----ALL READY
Ezekiel warns of that false soul flying life in the clouds, that's what the word Beliel referred to.

Can I interest you in my other religions for sky enthusiasts?
"Estes Rocketeerism"
It's the belief that in death your soul goes up only so far, only to come soaring back down to get stuck on a tree or some neighbors roof. :)
Muslims will have a version of this called Hamas Rocketeerism dubbed Wile E. Coyotism where the soul ends up back down on the same roof it launched from or implodes before launch.
Ezekiel warns of that false soul flying life in the clouds, that's what the word Beliel referred to.

Can I interest you in my other religions for sky enthusiasts?
"Estes Rocketeerism"
It's the belief that in death your soul goes up only so far, only to come soaring back down to get stuck on a tree or some neighbors roof. :)
Muslims will have a version of this called Hamas Rocketeerism dubbed Wile E. Coyotism where the soul ends up back down on the same roof it launched from or implodes before launch.

OK OK----the nice soft cloud need not float ----it can just HANG
You never slept on a feather mattress top cover have you? Well at least one that doesn't have those annoying sharp quils poking out are like laying in a cloud.
Or you can just glue a bunch of cotton balls together and plop on that.
my big giant feather pillow -----split at the seams WATTA MESS
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