Sununu on Trump: what's the point of voting for a fighter if you always lose the fight. didnt drain the swamp, reform health care or secure the border


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
New Hampshire's uber-popular Republican governor Chris Sununu put it plainly : "Donald Trump is a loser."

Before that, Sununu had rightly rebuked all the pundits who say the GOP presidential nomination for 2024 is a done deal. "Most folks don’t decide who they are voting for until about three weeks before the election," he said on Meet The Press.

And he is right.

Trump is a loser.

The sooner Republican voters accept this, the better their chances of kicking Democrats out of the Oval Office in the 2024 election. Otherwise, the extremely liberal Democrats will keep running the country, all because Republican voters chose to stamp their feet and insist on nominating Trump, rather than somebody who can actually win.

Donald Trump is out of his league and doesn't understand DC.

The appointments of Sessions, Wray, and Barr are proof he has no clue.

Indeed, he is still bragging about MFV and takes "credit" for Kevin McCarthy, who, to date, has done precisely nothing... as those opposed to him said would happen...

RFKjr has a clue

RFKjr would not appoint Chris Wray, Garland, and Barr because RFKjr understands...
He's right, but I don't think he's paying very close attention to what the base has been saying.

If you're not considered "a fighter", they won't be interested. This is about rage and retribution for them. That's why they love Trump and MTG. All they do is attack and rage and scare and attack again. Sununu's attempt to apply logic to something that raw and emotional is too early.
Horse shit!
Trump didn't understand how Washington works until he got there. He was used to working with normal, honest and decent people. He didn't have to deal with liberal progressive bastards and traitorous RINOs who were only in it for the money. Then when he tried to clean up the mess and drain the swamp, he was fought tooth and nail for 4 years by that Satanist filth. For the past 2 1/2 years those degenerate scum have ignored the people and the country to devote their energy to keep Trump from coming back. Sunununuu and all the RINO whores have never exerted any energy or lifted a finger to help him. He and the country should bring it up every time they get on Ophrah Winfrey to talk shit about a better man than they will ever be.
Then when he tried to clean up the mess and drain the swamp, he was fought tooth and nail for 4 years by that Satanist filth.

Is that why he replaced almost all the outsiders he put in his Admin with DC swamp critters within a year or two?
Robert F Kennedy Junior is the Democrats best hope to bring back the Democrat party to the party of the workingman. RFK Junior is talking about helping men and women who have no money in this country…..while all the mainstream Democrats are talking about white people this white people that or how evil American history is.

Many people who vote for mainstream Democrats don’t know what they’re doing, they’re on drugs there on the computer or Instagram all the time. They’re not up-to-date with current events they hate Donald Trump because that’s what they’re told to do by Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and the view.

A massive percentage of democrats who vote for Biden simply do so because that’s what they’re told. All their friends tell them how horrible Trump is they simply believe it. I don’t know how Robert F Kennedy Junior can channel into these types of Democrats who are high all the time, who are brainwashed by Instagram pornography. So it’s a challenge but it’s certainly possible to see because miracles happen before.

Remember 2016 Donald Trump was as low as 1% to win the election and he won.
Who is Sununu? Another person related to another politician who is/was questionable in their ways of governing. We are screwed.
New Hampshire's uber-popular Republican governor Chris Sununu put it plainly : "Donald Trump is a loser."

Before that, Sununu had rightly rebuked all the pundits who say the GOP presidential nomination for 2024 is a done deal. "Most folks don’t decide who they are voting for until about three weeks before the election," he said on Meet The Press.

And he is right.

Trump is a loser.

The sooner Republican voters accept this, the better their chances of kicking Democrats out of the Oval Office in the 2024 election. Otherwise, the extremely liberal Democrats will keep running the country, all because Republican voters chose to stamp their feet and insist on nominating Trump, rather than somebody who can actually win.

now trumps a loser...last week he was a hero....i guess the wind must have changed direction....
Trump, Trump, Trump. How is the doddering old fool doing? Polls indicate that Biden has less than 30% in his own party. Both candidates can't lose.
He's right, but I don't think he's paying very close attention to what the base has been saying.

If you're not considered "a fighter", they won't be interested. This is about rage and retribution for them. That's why they love Trump and MTG. All they do is attack and rage and scare and attack again. Sununu's attempt to apply logic to something that raw and emotional is too early.
It needs to be pounded into voter's heads that Trump is an evil deranged psychopath. He's so fucked in the head he actually believes the garbage that he bellows. He's as nuts as they come. Like Hitler was.
It needs to be pounded into voter's heads that Trump is an evil deranged psychopath. He's so fucked in the head he actually believes the garbage that he bellows. He's as nuts as they come. Like Hitler was.
I should have seen the Hitler comparison coming.
It needs to be pounded into voter's heads that Trump is an evil deranged psychopath. He's so fucked in the head he actually believes the garbage that he bellows. He's as nuts as they come. Like Hitler was.
This is a true, literal group pathology now. Its own reality. History has seen this before.
It needs to be pounded into voter's heads that Trump is an evil deranged psychopath. He's so fucked in the head he actually believes the garbage that he bellows. He's as nuts as they come. Like Hitler was.
All lies and desperation!
It needs to be pounded into voter's heads that Trump is an evil deranged psychopath. He's so fucked in the head he actually believes the garbage that he bellows. He's as nuts as they come. Like Hitler was.

Horse shit!
Trump didn't understand how Washington works until he got there. He was used to working with normal, honest and decent people. He didn't have to deal with liberal progressive bastards and traitorous RINOs who were only in it for the money. Then when he tried to clean up the mess and drain the swamp, he was fought tooth and nail for 4 years by that Satanist filth. For the past 2 1/2 years those degenerate scum have ignored the people and the country to devote their energy to keep Trump from coming back. Sunununuu and all the RINO whores have never exerted any energy or lifted a finger to help him. He and the country should bring it up every time they get on Ophrah Winfrey to talk shit about a better man than they will ever be.

This may be the most inaccurate, even delusional thing I’ve read in a long time.

If you want to know what Trump’s real problem was, he is too stubborn to learn. He never understood and would not learn that Lawyers in DC are meant to keep you out of trouble. Trump believes he knows more about the laws and tells lawyers to do what he says. Their job is to fix it later in his view.

That is why every single Executive Order he signed was overturned by the courts. Because he wouldn’t listen when someone told he he couldn’t do that. The Oval is not just the best CEO gig in history. It is limited by coequal branches. The Constitution limits his powers and the Laws on the books are not able to be overturned by a signature on a piece of paper.

Trumps second problem is that he is impatient. He wants it done now. You can order such things when everyone works for you. But the Country doesn’t work for him.

I’ve said many times. Nobody is ready on day one. They need time to learn the job. But they have to be willing to learn. Trump wasn’t. He never learned. Even as he was being voted out he was still making the same mistake he had made four years previously.

You may think he was awesome because he shouted at people. But if that is your standard, then you don’t want a President. You want a barker at the circus telling you about sideshow freaks.

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