Super rich message to America

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

good article. This is just a small snippet from it:

The rich have always needed the middle class to work in their factories and buy their products. With globalization this is no longer true. Their factories can be in China, producing goods for people in India or Europe or anywhere else in the world.

They don't need our infrastructure for their yachts and helicopters and submarines. They pay for private schools for their kids, private security for their homes. They have private emergency rooms to avoid the health care hassle. All they need is an assortment of servants, who might be guest workers coming to America on H2B visas, willing to work for less than a middle-class American can afford.
- See more at: The Contributor | How the Super-Rich Are Abandoning America

If you are talking about the Democrat/commie party, then I'll agree

they see you as their little worker bees nothing more, to pay for them to give out goodies so it keep them IN POWER
...this small group of takers is giving up on the country that made it possible for them to build huge fortunes...
Wondering who they're talking about. Maybe these guys in gov't...

John Kerry --$200M
Diane Feinstein $90M
Jay Rockefeller $80M

or these guys in hollywood--

Jerry Seinfeld $800M
Jack Nicholson $400M

or friends of the admin.--

George Soros $20B
Warren Buffett $60B

---but somehow I can't believe y'all hate every one those guys.

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