Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

As long as the billionaires keep wasting their money you mean? Rubio hasn't won a single state.

I don't want Rubio to win a single state.

Of course you do. He's the great liberal hope.

Rubio? No, Trump has many more liberal positions than Rubio.

He's right on the one position that counts: illegal immigration. Rubio is an open-borders traitor.

Nothing more idiotic than a one issue candidate.

No, not true at all. Often there is a single issue that overshadows all the rest.
I don't want Rubio to win a single state.

Of course you do. He's the great liberal hope.

Rubio? No, Trump has many more liberal positions than Rubio.

He's right on the one position that counts: illegal immigration. Rubio is an open-borders traitor.

Nothing more idiotic than a one issue candidate.

No, not true at all. Often there is a single issue that overshadows all the rest.

What's more important to you, the "holocaust" that is "murdering" millions of "babies" a year or a couple thousand Mexicans crossing the border?
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
I am just wondering if Rubio even has a choice right now. He may be so obligated to the Establishment that he has to keep running whether he realizes he cannot win or not.
What's more important to you, the "holocaust" that is "murdering" millions of "babies" a year or a couple thousand Mexicans crossing the border?
False dichotomy.

Why is that? If having the Mexicans build a wall for you is your one issue over all others then I guess you lose the right to say you are pro life, more like pro life-ish and only when it's convenient.
False dichotomy.

Why is that? If having the Mexicans build a wall for you is your one issue over all others then I guess you lose the right to say you are pro life, more like pro life-ish and only when it's convenient.
Because no pro-life candidates are not also in favor of stopping illegal immigration.

Your question is like asking a person if he loves one son more than another.
Georgia has just been called at Fux Noise........TRUMP.

FOX News: Trump, Clinton projected to win Georgia

Fox is in the bag for longer hiding it. Today they had 3 Rubio rallies listed on their right column and not one of them went to went to Josh Earnest in the WH and another went to a Clinton rally...the third wouldn't play.
The only thing smaller then a Clinton rally is a Rubio rally. Between the two of them filing a phone booth would be tough.
That's too bad. I like Rubio.

Trump not so much.
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”

Good riddance to anyone who thinks Mrs. Tuluza Clinton is superior to ANYONE.
False dichotomy.

Why is that? If having the Mexicans build a wall for you is your one issue over all others then I guess you lose the right to say you are pro life, more like pro life-ish and only when it's convenient.
Because no pro-life candidates are not also in favor of stopping illegal immigration.

Your question is like asking a person if he loves one son more than another.

Abortion has been described as a "holocaust" and Planned Parenthood as something akin to Nazis. I guess we continue to "kill" the "babies" because we have Mexicans to hate on. Social conservatives are frauds.
Georgia has just been called at Fux Noise........TRUMP.

FOX News: Trump, Clinton projected to win Georgia

Fox is in the bag for longer hiding it. Today they had 3 Rubio rallies listed on their right column and not one of them went to went to Josh Earnest in the WH and another went to a Clinton rally...the third wouldn't play.
The only thing smaller then a Clinton rally is a Rubio rally. Between the two of them filing a phone booth would be tough.
That's too bad. I like Rubio.

Trump not so much.
You don't know what Rubio is really like yet.

He's the establishment guy they hope gets amnesty into law. He's two-faced.
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
. How does he bow out gracefully I wonder ? People best get ready to get behind Trump, because they sure don't want that low down polarizing devider Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. That would be a nightmare far more worse than any Trump could ever be. To much water under the bridge with Hillary, and her devider strategy is as sick as it gets. The woman will stoop to the lowest means to win, and I mean worse than Trump could do any day, and that's saying something.. Giving power of this sort to radical reformers just shows how bad off this nation is.
Rubio is a loser. He wears fag boots and acts like he's coked out most of the time. He reminds me of those punks in grade school who make a stupid joke, thinking it's cute, then looks around the room to see who's laughing. He's a petulant child and has no business running for POTUS.

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